by Robert M. Traxler

So what is up with the rogue aircraft all over the northeast? Indeed, over the entire nation and in Western Europe, drones, rotary wing, fixed wing, no wings, are they all Santa Claus?
Since our military has 100% coverage over the entire Earth and all the United States, do we think that they do not know what many unidentified aircraft are? To quote our President (the current one, not President Donald Trump), “Come on man!”
The space above sensitive military facilities is monitored and the unexplained aerial vehicles are flying over them on a regular basis. They can’t look up from the land or down from space and identify these things; it does not look good for our government and may embolden our enemies. The problem is that when you leave it up to good folks’ imagination, they have a tendency to go nuts. A reasonable and prudent person would think, indeed must think, that NASA, FAA, USAF, CIA, NORAD, to name a few, up to a dozen others, must know what they are.
The talking heads for DOD, the FAA, Coast Guard, the White House all say that they don’t know what they are. That is just plain strange. We can read an open book from space with a satellite, but we can’t identify an aerial vehicle said to be the size of an SUV? They tell us they do not know what they are, but that they are no threat, and they know that exactly how? Trust them, they are from the government.
In the case of the Chinese “weather balloon” (in reality a spy aircraft) that was finally shot down after traveling the entire nation to include Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, we were told we did not know what it was then and that it is was weather balloon; don’t worry, it was not a problem. After it was shot down, we were promised it would be analyzed and we would be told just what it was, and what it was spying on.
Never fully happened; sure, it was evaluated, but we were not told what exactly it was. Heck, reports were that we apologized to the Chinese for shooting it down?! Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.
The new definition of a conspiracy theorist is a person who is six months ahead of the news. We need to remember that the UFO sightings in the 1950s to the 1970s were government projects in the past. The most famous were the sightings by airline pilots of UFO’s that were flying higher and faster than any known aircraft, which turned out to be the SR 71 Black Bird and the U-2 Dragon Lady, unknown to all but a few Americans. The pilots who reported it were treated as if they had a mental problem, some even grounded.
Area 51, ground zero for conspiracy theories and UFO sightings, was a test site for the U-2, the F-1117 Nighthawk, F-22 Raptor and the SR71. Most were developed at the “Skunk Works” in Palmdale Calif., but flew test flights out of Area 51.

The dozen government agencies monitoring our airspace could just say the “drones” are ours and not to worry, they are safe. The government does not need to tell us what they are, just that they are ours and not to worry.
If left open to our imagination people will go nuts, always have, always will. If they are not ours (in my opinion not possible), we need to push the panic button and take defensive actions. If they belong to a belligerent nation, we need to take servere and swift action. My opinion.