“We were told by “experts” on MSNBC that President Donald Trump would be impeached, charged, removed from office any day now, he can’t last the week.” I wrote this three weeks before the Mueller Report was submitted to the Attorney General, March 22.

After the Mueller Report was submitted, I tuned into the various channels; CNN actually said that the report was done and did not find collusion with the Russians to steal the election and destroy our democracy — for a few minutes anyway. After they got over the shock, they went on to say this is just one investigation and a back-bench effort at that.

The pundits are now positive that the investigations in the House of Representatives and the attorney General of New York are the real deal, and the Mueller Report was never an in-depth effort. 19 lawyers, 40 FBI Special Agents, 2800 subpoenas, 500 witnesses, Grand Jury powers, 675 days, 25.2 million dollars, zero indictments for collusion or working with the Ruskies to destroy our nation.

Statements were used before the Mueller Report was released (before Mueller, or BM)  like “the Mueller Investigation will undoubtedly show, prove beyond any doubt…”,  “see the President and his crime family perp walked,”  “be the end of his tyranny,” “prove Trump is a Russian agent.” The movement appears to have dismissed the Special Counsel’s Report and went seamlessly into, “the truth will be found at the hearings in the House.” Robert Mueller needs to be called before the House and questioned as to why he failed to find the evidence that they all convinced is there. Mueller: hero to goat overnight.

What we have is an investigation looking for a crime. A media who have bought into their own prejudgments will not change. BM the watch words were just wait, bombshells, revelations are coming, when the facts will come out they will prove beyond a doubt, Trump will be in prison, the President is a traitor a Russian sleeper agent.

Representative Adam Schiff stated that two years ago in the Washington Post, he had seen irrefutable proof that Trump colluded with the Russians. Irrefutable proof, it was a fact, and the Mueller Report will prove it. OK, oops, not a problem. Now he has launched an investigation in the House Intelligence Committee, plowing the same ground to keep the charge alive and the believers opening their wallets.

This kind of crap is normal in politics on both sides; however, this collusion charge is held as a fact and no amount of evidence will prove a negative. They believe that President Trump did it, they just need to find the evidence. If you are a news junkie you have seen the words: bombshell, revelation, turning point, absolute proof, traitor, Russian agent, all over-used. We were promised as a fact that the Mueller Report would prove collusion, treason and/or several other crimes; what happened?

The Justice Department will not release the full Mueller Report; by law they cannot, to protect innocent folks named in the report and to follow the Secrets Act. However, it will be called a coverup and a fix. Just wait, the House will launch at least two investigations and even investigate Mr. Mueller, a man who was a hero and now a goat because he failed to find the facts the left is positive are there.

The obsession with the crimes committed by President Clinton caught me up in the frenzy; President Clinton was impeached, but never convicted. Day after day, year after year I hung on the words in the media predicting his removal, but it never happened. Beware my liberal friends, it has been well over two years of “any day now,” and President Trump is still in office — time to move on.

Many pundits on MSNBC are convinced that the Russians are blackmailing the President; why else would he try to get along with them? The left denouncing peaceful coexistence with the Russians is a first. Remember Hillary and her lame “reset button?” The socialist, progressive left wanting a new cold war? Could that be true?

Life after Mueller should to go back to governing, but that will never happen.


1 Comment

Lee Greenawalt
March 28, 2019
Surprised that Mueller found no collusion. The media seemed to report many meetings but perhaps they failed to affect the election. As a Michigan Republican whose 4 years in Washington and 20 year in California converted to Democrat, I still think the full report may show much more than Barr's summary.

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