“Only Neanderthals question science.” — CNN. 

by Robert M. Traxler

A Christian ethic and one found in most religions and in law is that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son. Well, the sins of a Dutch Colony in what would become the United States today, 13 to 20 generations later, are visited on our nation.

The 1619 Project, along with critical race theory paint generations yet born with the sins of a few Dutch folks in 1619. On the face of it, it is so incredibly asinine that facts and truth have nothing to do with it; it is a belief system that is not allowed to be questioned.

Questioning any crackpot dumb theory will get you canceled and called anti-intellectual, anti-science, and a denier or worse, a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, white nationalist, and white supremacist. It is destroying free speech in the name of “social justice,” whatever in the heck that even is, All much to the delight of the new Socialist Democratic Party.

Is it fair to stereotype millions of people because of the actions of a few Dutch citizens in New Amsterdam (New York City of today) in 1619, a colony in what would become the United States 86 years later? Apparently, it is fair and is taught in our schools as social justice; folks, you can’t make this stuff up. Are you of Dutch ancestry? Even have a Dutch name? Hide your wooden shoes — who knows if or when they are coming for you?

The social justice folks are treading on a slippery slope with this one.  One of my ancestors was a Loyalist, loyal to the English crown during the Revolutionary War. He fled to Canada along with over 2% (6,400,000 normed for today’s population) of the nation. Should our extended family be charged with treason? Jailed? Property confiscated?

My Grandfather moved to Sparta and became an American citizen. His son and grandson served for 47 years in the American Army through four wars. Should we all be judged by the actions of our ancestors in 1776? Or 1610? Apparently, so it is wrong, but politically correct.

Why are unborn people of a given race painted as racists even before birth? Damned if I know, but who cares? It is taught as social justice and critical race theory in many schools, elite colleges, and universities.  This has gotten out of hand and the bigotry and stupidity of the anti-American “social justice” movement needs to be called out and seen in the light of common sense, not in the shuttered darkness and closed minds of the politically correct, social justice, cancel culture, academic elite, socialist, movement.

Calls have gone out from the social justice movement to cancel and censor anyone who worked in President Donald Trump’s administration; fair? No, it is not, but it is politically correct; it is discrimination based on previous condition of servitude, a practice that is illegal in this nation, but who cares?

What’s next, tar and feathers, summary executions? Branding? For God’s sake, those in the socialist movement need to stop and listen to themselves and stand up to the out of control, unfettered and unquestioned teachings of the wackos. Will they?  Probably not, until people say enough is enough, something that may never happen with our highly controlled, censored media and tech giants.

The calls for the elimination of Fox News and NewsMax from privately owned cable and Internet servers may bury free speech even deeper, to the delight of the social justice movement. Where are the liberals of old who protected the First Amendment? They are terrified and blinded by fear of the wonks, social justice warriors, and the cancel culture; cross the socialists, and find yourself canceled, unemployed, shunned, and punished in more ways than one.

We all witnessed what happened to Ranger Rick, an example of the power of the new left, the anti-free speech left, the “social justice” left, the closed minded, blind and deaf left, intimidated and silenced by the increasingly radical militants in the socialist movement. Who will be next?

I guess we should be elated that the free speech socialists have temporarily suspended calls for concentration, internment, and re-education camps for President Trump supporters and our children.

My opinion.


John Wilkens
July 1, 2021
AB, Be very careful presenting those pesky facts, you just might be silenced next......... Cheers!!
Robert M Traxler
July 2, 2021
Mr. Wilkens, John, That thought has crossed my mind, the socialist movement has to punish dissent as socialism never works for long. Socialism needs to destroy dissent and dissenters to hold onto power, oddly causing even more dissent and dissenters. Thanks for the comment.
Harry Smit
July 2, 2021
Army Bob I agree with JW (John Wilkens) facts are a dangerous thing in today's society. The new Left (Socialist Democratic Party) has no need for concentration, internment or re-education camps. They exist today under the the "new and improved" education system we experience in the United States. Yes, there are a few educators opposing the socialistic movement. They are losing. When things are "canceled," be it history, the arts, the sciences, etc., our educators accept it as progress toward being "politically correct." I'm sure many educators will gladly "tar and feather" me for the above statement. The truth does hurt.
Robert M Traxler
July 3, 2021
Mr. Smit, Harry, Good point. Thanks for the comment.
John Jones
July 4, 2021
More crap. Only your kind judge people, not us.
Harry Smit
July 5, 2021
Mr Jones Are you really a live, breathing human? Or just a "fake troll" penned by someone who only knows how to respond with their favorite word "Crap"??
Robert M Traxler
July 5, 2021
Mr. Jones, Sir, "your kind judge people" you have called me a Nazi, Fascist and a raciest along with crap, non-judgemental? Thanks for the comment.
Ed Bergeron
July 7, 2021
Mr. Traxler, thanks for sharing your always-interesting perspectives. Your opening point makes sense to me, and I'd like to think that it's true: "A Christian ethic and one found in most religions and in law is that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son." But I've also heard that Christians believe in a concept called "Original Sin," which supposedly transmits guilt, suffering, tendencies for sinful behavior, and eventual death, to all of Adam's descendants (I guess that means us...), as penalties because forefather Adam ate the Garden of Eden's "forbidden fruit." And don't many Christians also believe that a completely innocent newborn baby has no chance to pass through the Pearly Gates upon death, unless that baby is first properly baptized, again because of Adam's Original Sin? Do Christian ethics allow only sons a pass for their immediate fathers' sins, but then those ethics assign guilt and penalties to the progeny in subsequent generations? I've read that in the 17th and 18th centuries, Christian witch hunters in our country and Europe automatically assumed that children of the accused were also witchcraft practitioners, so they too were penalized. In World War II, over 100,000 people including 30,000 children, the majority American citizens, were forced into concentration camp incarceration simply because they had Japanese ancestry. In recent years, innocent infants and young children brought into our country by parents or other adults in alleged violation of immigration laws were incarcerated, separated and deported as if they too were guilty of the same crimes. Despite your opening statement, our country and its laws appear to have a long and at times popular bipartisan history of applied generational guilt and victimization. Asinine? Of course. But the conflicting Christian "ethics," the resultant conventional wisdom and laws were in place prior to and may have influenced the 20th century's social justice movement, the critical race theories of the 1970s, and the two-year-old 1619 Project. Your points of concern and questions are certainly worthy of examination and debate, right along with the associated decades of careful scholastic research, documentation, and critical scrutiny. It's curious to me that until last fall, Critical Race Theories, the social justice movement, and the 1619 Project were seldom considered column-worthy issues. But in the months since Trump issued his related September 2020 executive order, many columnists suddenly noticed and became experts on these topics, then dutifully issued a united chorus of pejorative talking points assigning blame to "the left," the "cancel culture," the Marxists, "antifa," environmentalists, BLM, and/or other bogeyman groups-du-jour as assigned by their favored propaganda networks. Coincidence? Fortunately, students and players of the political ball game know that pundit pitchers' deliveries are repetitive and predictable. They realize that curveballs can be thrown from either the left or the right sides of the mound. But a careful and critical eye will reveal which pitches are in the strike zone, which ones deserve a pass, and which ones to duck.

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