by Robert M. Traxler

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on — A saying attributed to Winston Churchill or Mark Twain, among others.

Robert Hunter Biden, according to CBS News, is suing the owner of the electronics repair shop who owned Mr. Biden’s infamous laptop after it was abandoned by him, which was a Russian conspiracy and not his or may not have been his; Mr. Biden was not sure if it was his or not.

Fifty former American intelligence officers signed a letter to the media, testifying that the laptop has all the hallmarks of a Russian plant, and our President stated it was indeed a Russian plant. Our President said that the laptop was a plant, not real, not his son’s. The laptop destroyed former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani over his saying it was real.

Ask yourself,  if it is not his, how is Robert Hunter Biden suing for invasion of privacy and theft of personal data?

The American Constitution is drowning in the cesspool of censorship. The cancel culture is an open sewer of anti-constitutional actions, applauded by the socialist movement as necessary to cancel the Constitution of the United States of America. That pesky Bill of Rights needs to be treated like similar documents are treated in the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, Cuba, Venezuela and others. It’s like just a piece of paper, not standards to live by or legal standards. 

The vast majority of our woke media stated that Mr. Biden the younger was being framed by the Trump administration in coordination with the Russians. Remember that fact is conveniently forgotten by the folks in the mass media, who said it was true. Media leaders, who maintain they are careful to always report the facts and truth, reported the laptop as disinformation and a lie; the interesting part is that they believe their own propaganda.

\The Washington Post referenced the laptop hoax hundreds of times, but put in the correction, the fact that it was indeed Mr. Biden’s laptop in the back pages once, two years after they knew the truth. The woke movement still follow the Washington Post as a religious teaching, a sacred document.  

The Federal Bureau of Investigation had the laptop since 2019 and kept it hidden, never admitting it was genuine, even after it was verified in four different and separate investigations. Even after the laptop verification was public knowledge, the progressive/woke media kept the lie going — not unusual for the media in a socialist system who are a willing arm of the government.

History shows us that the media censors itself in a socialist society, for the good of the many over the good of the few, and collectivism is always the goal above the truth. Individual rights are not important, the good of the many outweigh the good of the few.

Socialism always ends with a dictator and central government having extreme powers, and the chosen elite living a luxurious life, while the common person suffers. As the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stated, the problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.

Army Bob Traxler

The recent rebirth or rediscovery of the Branch Davidian’s fiasco, April 19, 1993, shows how socialism evolves; a benign religious commune that had been operating for nearly half of a century evolved into a dictatorship and violent cult.

Socialism always fails, always, tried hundreds of thousands of times, it always fails over time, ending in a dictatorship and in many cases violence. We need to thank all things we hold sacred for our Bill of Rights. Our friends on the progressive, socialist side need to discover this fact, but they are blind to the historical facts in the name of equity, whatever in the world that is.

The Robert Hunter Biden laptop is an example of a socialist media managing the facts to fit a government scenario, an approved story, as is the FBI and White House working with social media to control the facts on social media in the name of stopping “disinformation” or “bullying” on the Hunter Biden laptop, Chinese expansionism, and Covid-19 to name a few.

That’s my opinion, yours may differ and that is how free speech works. Let’s hope free speech survives the current woke movement and massive, politically correct censorship.


April 30, 2023
Sir, Nice article. Sadly with the deficit of morals, drug addled minds and socialist educators the freedom train has largely departed this nation. My opinion.
April 30, 2023
Where’s the giant “EDITORIAL: this is not fair and balanced” banner on this tin foil hat of column? My dog has a better grip on reality.
Robert M Traxler
May 1, 2023
Local, Thank you for the comment. “The giant EDITORIAL: this is not fair and balanced” is not included as this is not an editorial but an opinion column as stated in the column. An old saying is, if you cannot argue the facts, you insult the speaker. Say hi to your dog for me.

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