by Robert M. Traxler

For every cause there is anArmy Bob Salutes effect, a simple statement but true.

The cause our President pursued was slowing the development of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, winning the release of American hostages, and gaining the approval and undying love of the Shia Muslim world. The effect of his bowing to the Islamic Republic of Iran is that they now have sufficient funds, one hundred plus billion dollars, to strengthen their weapons programs and genuinely deliver hell on earth to the non-Islamic world.

Also worth mentioning is the billions of barrels of crude oil Iran has sitting in tankers and storage tanks waiting for the sanctions to be lifted, worth many billions. Iran is not merely a state sponsor of terrorism, but also a nation whose constitution compels them to support Islamic-based revolutions and terrorism everywhere in the world.

In the same way our Constitution provides for freedom of speech, Iran’s requires the Iranian government (mostly the Republican Guard, Iran’s political army developed along the same lines as the NAZI Waffen Schutzstaffel (SS)) to support Shia Islamic terrorism worldwide. Paying for the release of hostages was denied by Secretary of State Kerry, who maintains it is just a coincidence that the weapons deal and hostage release were done at the same time.

Just how naive the Democratic Ivy league elite think you and I are never fails to astonish me. The cause was the release of the hostages, the effect of paying for the hostages is three Americans kidnapped in Iraq almost the very next day, and an American kidnapped for ransom in North Korea a few days later. Those of us who lived through the 1970s and 1980s remember the plague of kidnapping of Americans that spread through the world in those decades.

The case of Marine Colonel William Higgins in 1988, a United Nations Peace keeper kidnapped while part of the Sinai Peace Keeping Force, ripped out thBob Traxler_0e hearts of all of us who were serving at the time. The United States refused to negotiate with Hezbollah, so they killed him, froze his body, and every few months thawed him out and photographed his body being mutilated.

As hard as it was to witness, we all agreed that not negotiating with terrorists was the proper course of action and the kidnapping of Americans was drastically reduced.

The cause is the raising of oil prices to foster the use of alternative energy sources. The effect will be to damage the American economy. President Obama and our nation have benefited greatly from the lowering of fuel costs, thanks mostly to the dreaded process of fracking, increasing the availability of cheap American energy. The OPEC countries are currently selling oil at a cut-rate cost, even at a loss, to make American companies in the fracking industry lose money and go belly up, and then OPEC can drastically increase prices.

The billions of barrels of crude Iran has ready to ship will aid OPEC in destroying American production and eventually cause gasoline to go well over six dollars per gallon, a situation that will thrill the radical environmentalist left, but damage our economy and hurt every American family.

The media is celebrating the release of the American hostages and if we take the short view of the Iran nuclear/oil/hostage deal, it looks great; the problem will be the long-term effect of paying ransom. The families of the hostages are, of course, happy and grateful as anyone would be, but we have a government charged to protect all Americans. The Iran deal just made the world an even more dangerous place for us all.

The effect of the Iran deal is that terrorists and hostage takers worldwide are out for a big payday now that they know we will pay for hostages. Our economy is a step closer to disastrously high fuel prices and Iran will have a nuclear weapon in a few years or less.

Never forget, my friends, that during President Clinton’s administration we paid North Korea two billion dollars in fuel and food to end its nuclear weapons program; they promptly used the money they saved on purchasing fuel and food to build a number of atomic bombs.

The Islamic Republic of Iran feels an agreement with an infidel need not be honored; Islamic law trumps any and all agreements with an unclean, unholy, Infidel, especially an agreement with the Great Satan. The Iranian Supreme Leader, or Ali Khamenei, answers only to Allah and can simply reject any Iranian government agreements that he feels God no longer approves of.

The ability to fully understand why two of the last two American Democratic Presidents funded our enemy’s nuclear weapons programs must be above my pay grade.

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