by Robert M. Traxler

In this column I will correctly quote the plan using full sentences and then comment.
The opening paragraph says “The Green New Deal will convert the decaying fossil fuel economy into a new, green economy that is environmentally sustainable, economically secure and socially just. The Green New Deal starts with transitioning to 100% green renewable energy (no nukes or natural gas) by 2030. It would immediately halt any investment in fossil fuels (including natural gas) and related infrastructure. The Green New Deal will guarantee full employment and generate up to 20 million new, living-wage jobs, as well as make the government the employer of last resort with a much-needed major public jobs program.”
Aren’t we at statistical full employment today? Yes we are. How do we pay for this? Who cares?
100% renewable energy by 2030? Eleven years to do away with fossil fuels such as gasoline or propane and natural gas? That, my friends, is your car/truck/van/SUV if not 100% electric. That is your natural gas, oil or propane gas furnace. That is the dryers fueled by gas that dry cereal grains to store for food for winter.
Eighty-one percent of our fuel use is fossil fuels; coal provides arguably 50% of the electricity in the United States, but in 11 years we are supposed to replace it all. “The Green New Deal starts with transitioning to 100% green renewable energy (no nukes or natural gas) by 2030. It would immediately halt any investment in fossil fuels (including natural gas) and related infrastructure.” Immediately halt building new power plants, auto plants that build/use fossil fuel vehicles: tractors, combines, ambulances, autos, aircraft, school buses, trash trucks, motorcycles. “Immediately halt.”

“We propose an ambitious yet secure economic and environmental program that will revive the economy, turn the tide on climate change, and make wars for oil obsolete – allowing us to cut our bloated, dangerous military budget in half.”
Can you build a solar powered 76-ton M1A1 tank? Cost? We are nearly self-supporting in oil; add in oil from Canada and Mexico and we can exceed our needs. More wars have been fought for food in history than oil.
“End unemployment in America once and for all by guaranteeing a job at a living wage for every American willing and able to work.” If you are not “willing” to work, not a problem, just sit home and collect a check. A job? We don’t need no stinking job, the government will pay us to do nothing, is this a great deal or what?
“The government will be the employer of last resort, offering jobs meeting community-identified needs in the public and non-profit sectors to take up any slack in private for-profit sector employment. These will include jobs in sustainable energy and energy efficiency retrofitting, mass transit and ‘complete streets’ that promote safe bike and pedestrian traffic, regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture, clean manufacturing, infrastructure, and public services (education, youth programs, child care, senior care, etc).”
Read they have no idea how to accomplish this lofty goal. Can you walk or bike everyplace you must go? Not in SW Michigan. Just what is clean manufacturing?
“On top of that, the Green New Deal largely pays for itself in health care savings from the prevention of fossil fuel-related diseases, including asthma, heart attacks, strokes and cancer.” The Green folks have apparently found the way to prevent heart disease and cancer, just go green.
“Provide green jobs by enacting the Full-Employment Program, which will directly provide 16 million jobs in sustainable energy and energy-efficiency retrofitting, mass transit and “complete streets” that promote safe bike and pedestrian traffic, regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture and clean manufacturing.”
The world is not able to feed its population now; with 82 million folks being added worldwide per year we can’t feed the people without petrochemicals. “Complete streets” need asphalt, made from oil, by the way.
Army Bob,
Great analysis and questions of the extreme radicals on the Left. They call themselves “Progressives”, however, there is nothing progressive about relagating the United States to Third World status because of fuel policy.
Let’s brand this type of rhetoric for what it is. Bowing to the altar of environmentalism if one of the precepts of Alinsky and his ilk (Obama, H. Clinton, and all the new wierdos in Congress). We are now fighting our enemies, both foreign and domestic and they are the new wacko Democrats. It is Facism.
Don’t Tread on Me.
Thanks for the comment, Most of us have ancestors who worshiped the environment, Druids and the like, sun, moon, trees and rocks were worshiped.
Thanks again.
I always have to chuckle when people start complaining about the military and their budget.
Do they know the United States Defense Department is the world’s largest employer. The last I found was 3.2 million employees gainfully employed.
They have no idea the worlds second largest employer happens to be the Chinese Army at 2.1 million…
Inquiring minds really want to know….if the United States is conquered by the Chinese because we have no operable military…will our carbon emissions really matter???
Just asking for a friend.
Mr. Smit,
Thanks for the comment.