Army Bob: The left goes ballistic over Kanye West

Army Bob: The left goes ballistic over Kanye West

An American citizen meets with the President and the media left are going nuts, why? An African American entertainer, rapper, media star is not allowed to leave the plantation. We have freedom of speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, but many Americans are considered boxed into a group, stereotyped into a category, expected to mouth the politically correct line and are not allowed to express an independent opinion without being attacked.
Kanye West and Jim Brown meet with President Trump and the folks who make a living being “race baiters” went ballistic. Both Americans, but mostly Mr. West, were called “House Ni**ers”, a disgrace, a ventriloquist dummy, mentally ill, and that was just warming up.
The media and the talking heads who make a good living opining are fighting for ratings; right and left are trying to be more outrageous than the competition. Networks and pundits are trying to be more outrageous than the competition because ratings equals cash, even as some denounce capitalism. Folks left and right want “red meat;” truly dumb statements that are so idiotic only the true devotees would approve of them.
Mr. West and his spouse are advocates for prison reform, an issue the left has traditionally championed. Are the progressives ecstatic the issue is being discussed in the oval office? No, very little reference is made, and no credit is given to Mr. West for bringing “awareness” to the subject.
I firmly believe that if President Trump would find a cure for all cancers, the pundits on most of the media would say outrageous things like, the President only did it to make more customers for goods and services to make the capitalist right richer. The party line would be, think of the damage the people living longer would do to the environment; or older folks vote Republican more often, so a cancer cure was a black operation to steal the elections and subjugate women, minorities and the poor.
One pundit on a liberal network dug up Mr. West’s dead mother, stating that she is turning over in her grave; most pundits know more about your mom and dad than you do, really?
On Instagram Rapper T.I. wrote “This is the most repulsive, disgraceful, embarrassing act of desperation and auctioning off of one’s soul to gain power I’ve ever seen.” Does Mr. T.I. have the right to say it? Yes, he does, in the same way Mr. West has a right of free speech even if not approved speech.
OK, Mr. West is flamboyant and outspoken, but both traits normally have a place in the hearts of the progressive left, unless the speaker is politically incorrect and flamboyant. African Americans are not allowed free speech if it strays from the approved, certified, endorsed progressive party line. This is not new; politically incorrect minorities have been excoriated my entire lifetime, attacked and vilified as not true (fill in the blank) women, African Americans, Hispanics or homo sapiens.
The right side of the political argument have been compared to Nazis, an incorrect comparison, as the National Socialists in Germany were anti-Capitalist Socialists with free health care, a guaranteed income for all, even government subsidized vacations. Fascism was socialism that allowed religion and nationalism, but the truth is not acceptable to the progressive extremist left, so they misuse the designation.
The extremist right should counter with the charge that progressive left wishes to install a socialist government, and cite the failure over time of all socialist states and the butchers bill associated with socialist governments, over 40 million dead in the Soviet Socialist Republics, The Peoples Republic of China and Vietnam.
Socialism is normally found more in cities than in the small communities and rural areas, so the dead in socialist power realignments were mostly found in areas like ours and not in the megalopolises.
The call for the popular vote to be the deciding factor in elections is a call for power to be centered in the cities. 146 of the 3007 American counties, just  4.9%,  contain 50% of the population, or just nine states. Please be careful of what you wish for, my progressive friends, as you may get it.


  1. Lynn Mandavillle

    Mr. West is just another ring in the Trump administration’s circus. Let’s focus on more important things, like the actual prison reform issue in America rather than its unmedicated spokesman.

    • dennis longstreet

      Why was West in the White House to start with? All the cameras and silence by Trumpy? Another chip in the game.

  2. Robert M Traxler

    Mr. Mandaville,
    Thank you for the comment.
    President Trump can not do anything many on the left would ever give him credit for or approve of.
    Thanks again for the comment.

    • dennis longstreet

      You are right Trumpy cant do any thing but promote anger and hate , Thats nothing to approve of’

      • Robert M Traxler

        Mr. Longstreet.
        Thank you for the comment.
        I am sure you disdain folks who close their minds to facts. Being blinded by hate is not a good thing but it is a politically correct progressive thing. Winter is coming at least all your hatred will keep you folks warm.
        Thanks for the comment.

        • dennis longstreet

          I have never attacked your character. But being blind and disdain, maybe I should. I have no hatred, just disapproval and that brings sadness. I think you need to apologize. I will never comment on your material again or even read your stuff.

  3. Basura

    I have to wonder, Bob, if you saw Kanye, or read a transcript of his remarks. A man with a decent level of compassion would have tried to help him.

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