Only those who tread the party line are allowed in the elite media club. WikiLeaks, a news outlet that breaks into private/government Internet accounts and posts what it finds on line, was a darling of the left, loved respected and celebrated by the media, until they posted documents taken from Secretary HillaryClinton’s campaign, oops bad form.
Now the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) legal team is stating that WikiLeaks is in collusion with the Russians and the Trump camp to destroy our democracy. Internet raiders and thieves are heroic figures protecting our Constitution and free speech, until they cross the line and expose left wing faults, then they are “colluding with the Russians to destroy our democracy.” Got to love the hypocrisy.
Leakers, hackers and bandits are the darlings of the media but travel outside of the reservation and fail the test of loyalty, not to truth, but to the socialist system, and stand by for a crap storm of epic proportions. A very few old-style journalists dedicated to truth and not a political party still admire Julian Assange, who is currently living under asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The old school journalists like the editor of this paper, folks dedicated to the truth, are few and far between and still defending WikiLeaks.
The DNC lawsuit argues at length that the massive amount of internal DNC emails released by WikiLeaks during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election was WikiLeaks, the Trump campaign and the Russians working in collusion to steal the election.
Most of the documents were ones written by former Secretary of State Clinton’s campaign and her chairman John Podesta, who used “password” as his password was part of a conspiracy to damage Clinton’s presidential run.
WikiLeaks and the Russians “destabilize the U.S. political environment” according to the suit. I would argue that the Republican National Committee (RNC) was also attacked; however, the RNC, as the target of most media outlets and a favorite target of hackers, was more careful with passwords and aware of online security and whose firewalls held.
A heroic whistle blower admired by most in the media to the point of worship is now enemy number one in collusion with the Russkies and the President to destroy our sacred democracy? It is getting hard to keep track of the players in the media drama that passes for news today. The hype and hyperbole are way out of control with a true dearth of reliable unbiased news outlets.
Fair and balanced, the FOX news slogan stands for fair and balanced in the eyes of right wing folks. All the news that’s fit to print is the slogan of the New York Times meaning all the left wing spun news they can find to print along with ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC and more.
It has been bad before when the media went after President Ronald Reagan; Sam Donaldson admitted it when he said, stating his frustration, that President Regan’s popularity was so high even after “we go after him as hard as we can his numbers go up, I do not know what more we can do?”
Perhaps in six years, when President Trump leaves office, things will be more civil, but I would not wager much on it. The days of designer fully biased news are here to stay. When we lose the currently few old news dogs who believe in unbiased news, they will not be replaced. Our colleges and universities are teaching the next generation of journalists to believe in correct speech, not free speech. The problem with biased news is folks will just disregard the true news, entering an echo chamber of designer news spun right or left.


August 18, 2018
Looks like Army Bob has hit every talking point that President Donald Trump, his personal legal team, including Rudy Guiliani and Jay Sekulow. his Trump 2020 campaign spokespeople, FoxNews and FoxRadio along with radio hosts Sean Hannity, Levin and Rush Limbaugh have been repeating ad infinitum been for the better part of four months. Then attempting to demonize anyone who doesn’t agree with the current POTUS and GOP politicians who refuse to question The White House by referring to them as The Left or leftists as if they are some how less than patriotic Americans. When did it become a requirement to bury one’s head in the sand and accept a current POTUS’s statements as fact, given his propensity to make statements/tweets that are less than factual? All the News That’s Fit to Print has appeared on the New York Times masthead for one hundred and twenty one years (121 years). Then owner Adolph Ochs made the statement the newspaper's covenant in 1901, the newspaper’s 50th anniversary. Radio didn't start broadcasts until November 1920 and commercial television broadcasts began in all major markets by 1946. I don't think the All The News That's Fit to Print ever was and still doesn't have the anti-American connotations you are trying to imply. Speaking from experience of a Big Ten education, having two children with Big Ten educations and a son-in-law with an SEC undergrad along with several cousins who went to Grand Valley, Notre Dame, Calvin, Hope, I believe your dire warnings of professors poisoning young minds is poppycock (speaking for polite company). For a person who seems to be a champion of free thought, I find your concerns contradictory to the freedom to make up one's mind you claim to espouse. I believe we have unbiased news media and if you choose to read, listen to or watch a news source that never has anything bad to say about one portion of the political spectrum you are only cheating yourself. I am more concerned about freedom of the press when we have a POTUS addressing the VFW and stating “Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening”. If you like authoritarian government keep casting dispersions on any media or any persons who report facts and express views that you don't like and trust our current POTUS who claims only he knows the real truth. And so it goes.
Robert M Traxler
August 18, 2018
Mr. Couchman, Sir, thank you for the comment. As before you missed the point, WikiLeaks and its condemnation are the point. Thank you for listing the various colleges and universities your relatives attended. Next column perhaps a listing of sports trophies your family members have? Also, I did not maintain professors are poisoning students minds, please read the column before you comment, thank you. Mr. Couchman please see Mr. Gless’s comment concerning Ranger Rick's use of a pen name in Ricks last column. Thanks again.
August 20, 2018
I never saw the rule that any comments had to be limited to an opinion column's headline. I made a decision not to go down the "But Hillary...wikileaks" rabbit hole you wanted to debate. I listed the colleges my family and extended family has received degrees as a personal/real world examples that your premise that colleges are creating journalists unable to tell the truth or at least the truth you accept is a false premise As a group we have differences of opinion and voting histories. I cannot understand why you'd see that as offensive unless you really buy into the college elitist ideas espoused by some "conservative" pundits. According to this website's publisher, there are no requirements to post using one's name. You and others have made that decision for yourselves for whatever reasons and your approval is not a requirement. I didn't comment on Mr. Gless's remarks about Ranger Rick. For all I care you and Ranger Rick can start writing joint opinion pieces, be Townsquare's new 21st Century Evans and Novak and call yourselves Barnum and Bailey. If you are unhappy with the publisher's policy, there is nothing to stop you from creating a competing website with your own set of rules. And so it goes
robert beck
August 21, 2018
Let's face it. If you don't agree with every premise advanced by Army Bob you are an uneducated leftist or communist. According to him, reporters are trained to advance anything but honest news. Garbage, garbage, garbage from Army Bob.
Robert M Traxler
August 21, 2018
Mr. Beck, Sir, Never, ever called anyone a "communist"? Never, ever called anyone an "uneducated leftest". Thank you for making my larger point, Mr. Beck.

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