by Robert M. Traxler

White House spokesperson Sara Huckabee Sanders and six family members have been tossed out of a restaurant in Lexington, Va., because her presence was a “trigger” for the gay employees of the Red Hen Restaurant.

Just what a trigger is, is anyone’s guess, but who cares?  Denying someone’s family service is wrong unless the person being denied service is a politically incorrect person as defined by the radical left. An African American who is a conservative is a “House Nigger” or an “Uncle Tom;” a woman who is conservative is not a “real woman;” a conservative Hispanic is a sellout and a turncoat. Universities just do not hire many non-liberals, as diversity rules unless it is diversity of thought.

Indeed, anyone who disagrees with a radical leftist is a moron, 

an idiot, a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. A friend who is a proud Socialist and maintains Democrats are too radically right-wing for him,  speaks of non-Socialists using a bad southern accent and very poor grammar to mock most Americans as stupid.   

Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security, was heckled a few weeks ago while dining at a Mexican restaurant. “If kids don’t eat in peace, you don’t eat in peace,” demonstrators shouted, along with repeating shame over and over, according to a video on social media.

A favorite title for folks on the left to use for an conservative American is a Nazi; why? Because Nazis are not to be talked to, they are to be eliminated, erased from the Earth. We have all viewed movies in which destroying Nazis is a lofty goal. The left forgets that the National Socialist Party (Nazi) members were socialists. To become a member of the Waffen Schutzstaffel (SS), the Socialist Party’s private army, you had to be a loyal socialist first and foremost.

The Waffen Schutzstaffel (SS) had units comprised of non-Germans who were loyal to the concept of National Socialism first, and the German nation second.

I have always wondered what “trigger” or the term “code word for” truly mean? Both are regularly used by our friends on the left but they are in reality whatever folks want them to be. I love my country is “code” for wanting racial superiority for white men. Waving the American flag is code for oppression of the poor, women and the downtrodden; advocating that immigration laws be followed is code for starving children and murdering the poor.

Last week I wrote of the danger of using the government investigative and intelligence agencies to destroy political opposition. The left wing contributors to this esteemed publication all missed the point and went on a rant about how the President is a liar. None saw the danger of the FISA or Patriot Act being used against domestic political opponents. Blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome, they must feel that the end justifies the means —  a very dangerous stand to take in a Democracy.

The good folks on the left were unglued when discussing President Reagan, but are unhinged when talking about President Trump.

Representative Maxine Waters (D-California) openly called for the aggressive public harassment of all members of the current administration regardless of when, where or if children are present, and by the way, their families as well.

Lets play the “what if” game. What if U.S. Representative Waters made a reservation for a family dinner, the reservation was accepted, but when she arrived she was refused service because of her stand on a political issue? The explosion and outrage in the media would be in the range of a few millions tons of TNT.

The sad part is that the far left sees this act as noble. “The ends justify the means.” Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527, an author and political leader who advocated for the use of any means necessary to gain absolute political power, would be proud of our media and the progressive movement.


Lynn Mandaville
June 29, 2018
Mr. Traxler, I guess you didn't read my response to your last column. This left-wing "socialist" agreed with you about the misuse of government intelligence to forward political agendas. And again I agree with you that the treatment of Ms. Neilsen and Ms. Sanders and family were not just uncalled for, but were also unwise tactics to be used by those who disagree with them. And I am not alone among left-leaners about this latter issue. I have heard and read several liberal pundits criticize the actions of protesters toward these women. It is abhorrent to me that anyone would behave so badly toward another human being, regardless of their political views. I didn't rant about the president being a liar (although he is, in spades). The poor moral behavior of the president does not excuse the same in other people. It might serve you well to speak with more liberal people to find out what their definitions are of real women, black conservatives, or sellout Hispanics. The examples you use in this piece assume another form of racism and sexism on the part of liberals that seems to exist in your misinformed opinion. We agree a lot more than you are willing to admit.
Robert M Traxler
June 30, 2018
Ms. Mandaville, Thank you for the comment. You wrote, "I didn’t rant about the president being a liar (although he is, in spades)). Thank you for making my point. You also stated "It might serve you well to speak with more liberal people to find out what their definitions are of real women, black conservatives, or sellout Hispanics." , Thanks again for the comment.
Lynn Mandaville
June 30, 2018
I didn't rant about the president's difficulty with the truth. I stated a fact.
July 1, 2018
I agree with you, Bob, about the incivility of my proposed response. Better to refuse the tip and say "no thank you."
June 29, 2018
amen that is the truth !
Robert M Traxler
June 30, 2018
Jim, Thanks for the comment.
June 29, 2018
No, Bob, I don't think it was right to refuse Sarah Sanders service in a public restaurant. I said so at the time. Maxine Waters was wrong, too. I'd like to think we on the left, as I most decidedly am, are better than that, but it didn't happen that way. What I would have suggested, had I been there, would have been to have served Sarah and her dinner companions their (unadulterated) meal, accepted the payment for the meal, and refused the tip. Perhaps saying, "Pay for you meal, of course, but I'll accept no tip from a lying lackey in service to a president for whom I have no respect." By the way, the transmission shop in Jenison and the baker in Colorado, and others that refuse service to some segments of society in businesses open to the public, are wrong too.
Robert M Traxler
June 30, 2018
Mr. Basura, Sir, Thanks for the comment. You stated "Perhaps saying, “Pay for you meal, of course, but I’ll accept no tip from a lying lackey in service to a president for whom I have no respect.” Glad to see you taking the high ground. Perhaps you need to re think your definition civility? Thanks for the comment.
Harry Smit
June 29, 2018
Army Bob .Another column I must agree with you on. Can't wait to read what those who disagree have to say. I may not be around when it happens ...but this Nation is headed down the path to Socialism. Of course, the "catalyst " group of this movement will will be those who were blindly led down this path that will "wail the cries of torment "..
Robert M Traxler
June 30, 2018
Mr. Smit, Thanks for the comment. Well Stated.

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