The Wall! Not one cent for the wall, or as Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced, not more than one dollar for the immoral wall. Walls are immoral according to Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Wait, didn’t they both vote funds for a wall on the border with Mexico in the past? Yes, yes they did; are they immoral because of it? Or is it just “The Wall” that is immoral because President Trump wants to expand the very wall both Democrats voted for in the past?
In his speech in El Paso, Texas May 10, 2011, President Barack Obama celebrated the extension of the dreaded Wall. President Obama also announced with pride that the number of illegals crossing into our nation was down due to enforcement. The left cheered, the media cooed, and all was right with the world.
Fast forward to today, and the very folks who were supporters of President Obama’s expanded wall and increased enforcement are now calling the efforts of President Trump immoral and racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, and, wait for it, “not properly educated.”
The border barriers are not totally effective, no barrier is or ever will be, but a barrier is an economy of force tool. A wall reduces the number of enforcement personnel needed to guard the border. The number one cost in most operations in most any undertaking is personnel costs. A wall, a barrier, limits the number of federal employees needed and is cost effective in the long run. Sacrilege to point out the truth, but if you are a left wing socialist the important thing is not truth or being in the opposition party, but the resistance.
People who voted funds for a wall under President Obama, politicians who saw no immorality in a wall in the past, are now against one penny for a wall, why? Is a wall more immoral today than it was in 2011? Is border enforcement evil all of a sudden? Are illegal activities suddenly noble in the eyes of the “Resistance?”
The mantra that “no human being is illegal” misses a few points of the law; being in our nation and not a citizen requires you register, like we all are registered at birth with a certificate of birth. To work in our nation, illegal, undocumented, uninvited guests (whatever term we use),  people need identification. A Social Security number and other identification most used by illegals are false, which is a crime, or the second crime after illegal entry. False work documents involving taxes, Medicaid, address, and other items are federal offenses, felony offenses. The left will say we forced them to commit crimes; not true, no one forced them to enter our nation illegally, the first of many crimes.
Will a border wall stop all illegal entry? No, it will not. Will it reduce the number? Yes, it will it be an economy of force, saving money in the long run. Is a wall more immoral today than it was on Nov. 1, 2016? No it is not, so why do folks object to “The Wall” today and not when President Obama was building the wall? The question is a good one, but one that can be answered in a word: “resistance,” not governing but resisting.
Expanding the existing wall? Yes we have a wall today, nothing new in President Trump’s wall, but you would think we do not currently have a wall, but we do. When President Obama builds a wall with Senator Chuck Schumer and Majority Leader Pelosi’s vote, it is moral, legal and compassionate; President Trump building the same type of wall is racist, sexist, homophobic and immoral.
Folks, you cannot make this stuff up. The unquestionable double standard could not be ignored without the help of the majority of the media, and the media proudly being part of the “Resistance.”

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