by Robert M. Traxler

It is a new year and we all must ask what we will see in the year to come. Some things are a slam dunk; styles will change, the young will protest something, with the help of old 1960/70s activists wishing to reconnect with their youth. Prices and taxes will go up; the government will stray further from the Constitution in its rush to socialism or “social justice;” individual rights will be decreased in pursuit of equity, inclusion and diversity.

More of the same; we have yet to get our fill of the progressive movement. We are beginning some movement to the center after years of the progressive/socialists dictating our culture, but slowly.

We are told gender/sex is a state of mind not a matter of biology. Folks will rationalize the crap out of that concept, and tens of millions truly believe, as do the folks who testified under oath before Congress, that biological men could give birth. The new year will see the gender designations being even more clouded. 

Migrants will continue to assault our borders; 300,000 known just in the month of December, and 2024 is on track for an increase. At the current rate, every year we will see more “immigrants” per year than we have Americans in 21 states. Why we do not stop this is a curiosity, but it will not be controlled in 2024. An election year conversion will trumpet greater controls by our current government, but it will be all sound and fury, accomplishing nothing all by design.  

The environmental corporations will get richer, being paid off by the corporations that will move offshore to increase profit and then tithe to the green movement, paying for silence and blindness to their massive worldwide pollution in China, India, Vietnam, and growing in Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina.   

The wars in Ukraine and Israel will continue even if there is a peace treaty. Low intensity combat/terrorism will continue. Anti Semitism will grow, along with the political correctness of white guilt.   

Government and social media will continue to own us in the unholy and clandestine coalition of corporate profit, government control and political correctness/social justice. The good of the many will continue to outweigh the good of the few. The traditional American liberal movement will continue to be diminished in power and number as socialism and progressives grow with the help of corporate billions.

Army Bob Traxler

Of course, all bets are off if former President Donald Trump is re-elected. This column continues to believe neither Presidents Joe Biden nor Trump should even run; both are too old, but it appears those will be our choices. A preview of things to come are the state governments in Colorado and Maine banning President Trump from the ballot; after all, government knows better than the people. Before the Civil War many Democratic states banned Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, from the ballot. That did not work out very well for our Constitutional Republic.

The leftist media, the vast majority of broadcast and social media, will lose their minds if President Trump is nominated by the Republicans and will go into revolution mode if elected. The “summer of love” with its “peaceful demonstrations” that witnessed hundreds of deaths and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage facts social/broadcast media ignore or downplay, will be a preview of hits to come with a change of government. The fire will be fanned by a media filled with righteous indignation and a religious fervor, socialism being the religion. 

The one given is that things will not be dull in 2024 no matter the outcome of the election. We will have an unhinged progressive movement, complete with violence, death and destruction, or a full-blown governmental assault on our Constitutional Republic.

A matter for all of us to consider is that the sainted uber liberal (not Progressive) Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, before her sad death, that Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional. My opinion.  


Walt Tarrow
January 4, 2024
I’ve often repeated a traditional Chinese CURSE “May you live in interesting times.”
Robert Traxler
January 4, 2024
Mr. Tarrow Indeed. Thanks for the comment.
Jim Martin
January 4, 2024
Not to mention the coming conflict in South America as Venezuela tries to annex Guyana (they only want about 3/4) for the oil in the Essequibo region. Secretary of State Blinken was pledging US support for Guyana in December.
Robert Traxler
January 4, 2024
Jim, Thanks for the comment. We gave Venezuela tens of millions to get their oil production going, can President Biden keep gas prices down if we cross Venezuela? We will see.
January 4, 2024
Oh they are still at it. They now have Bill Ackman labeled as a "bully", "racist", and most laughable of all, a "right-winger". He is none of those things but he is certainly a hero for taking on mealy-mouthed college presidents that say the abhorrent utterances and anti-semitism of the left "depend on context". His opinions on DEI are also correct. Hatred is being bred by the left, dividing the world into "oppressors" and the "oppressed" based on race and skin color. Let's ask this instead. If someone says something on a college campus about Jews that would have been embraced by Nazis, then shouldn't that equal anti-Semitic speech? It seems like it should. 2024 certainly stands out as the most ominous election year of my lifetime. Like you, I expect nothing less than a fully open/unhinged leftist terror on display, "The Summer of Love" on steroids.
Jim T
January 5, 2024
What does “leftist terror” on display even mean? 2016 saw major protests to the election of Trump, and 2020 saw major protests to the election of Biden- so obviously something is bound to repeat. Now, you’re saying the “leftists” bring more terror?? My friend, what world are you living in? You’re comparing people standing up for human rights to sore losers, and Google image those events if you need a side by side reminder of what the women’s march looked like compared to January 6. We must have a very different definition of “terror”.
Robert M Traxler
January 5, 2024
MacDougal, "Ominous", is a good choice of words. Thanks for the comment.
Edward Bergeron
January 5, 2024
Well... a very Happy New Year to you and yours too, Mr. Traxler.
Robert Moras
January 5, 2024
I began to wonder how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion differs from Racial Quotas (that were found Unconstitutional). Looks like an attempt to give a new name to an old unconstitutional social program. Have you ever wondered why progressives are not interested in our current system of law and order? Allowing mass looting and defunding the police departments will only result in the expansion of a Federal Police force. Then watch out Brother, as your prior right to freedom of speech will result in a Gestapo/KGB knock on your front door. Some would call me looney, but ask Catholic Church members or parents that attended school board meetings what they think about our Federal Law Enforcement. Looks like just the beginning to me. A little further down the road than 2024, thank goodness.

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