Robert M. Traxler, perhaps best known to readers of this on-line publication as “Army Bob,” Tuesday evening resigned his posts as vice chairman of the Dorr Township Planning Commission and chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Traxler, who has served on the Planning Commission for the past 11 years, has been battling prostate cancer for the last four years. He acknowledged to his colleagues that he has suffered a setback recently.

“It’s been fun and I’ve appreciated it,” he said at his last meeting. ”I love you guys.”

Chairman Bob Wagner told him, “I’m shocked (at the news) and I am going to miss you.”

Traxler came to Dorr more than a decade ago from Illinois, where he also was a member of the Planning Commission. He is retired from the Army after serving there for 20 years.

With his “Amy Bob” handle, he has written a weekly column for Townbroadcast now for almost eight years. He and Ranger Rick have anchored the conservative slant for political opinions on the on-line publication.

Township Supervisor Jeff Miling will have to appoint a successor to serve out the remaining two years Traxler’s three-year term.

Townbroadcast Editor David T. Young has pledged that Army Bob may continue writing his column as long as he wishes.

COVER PHOTO: “Army Bob” Traxler has been a strong proponent of people “masking up” during the Coronavirus crisis.


July 22, 2020
The shoes will be hard to fill. Thanks Mr. Traxler for your service to our community.
July 22, 2020
Thank you for your service, both to our country and our small town, "Army Bob".
July 25, 2020
Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel, for your honorable service to our country. Putting on the uniform of the United States is not always the easy way to go. I wish you well in the future.
Robert Traxler
July 27, 2020
Thanks for the promotion I was a Major, thanks for the good wishes.

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