To my Republican friends: Beware what you wish for, it may come true. The conservative media is wall-to-wall covering President Joe Biden’s electability and calling for the Democrats to dump our President.
The special counsel who investigated the classified document case against the President wrote in the official report that his mental status would not be helpful in a court, as a jury would have sympathy for his lack of cognitive ability. Not capable of standing trial, but he is cognitive capable of controlling the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with a through weight of 820 million tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT)?
What is wrong with this concept?
In my opinion, President Biden would be a better candidate to run against than other Democrats, to include Vice President Kamala Harris because she is a triple minority the media would go wall to wall to support her. Electronic media would cancel all of President Donald Trump’s messages and all communications against her as hate and dishonest speech.
The race would be all one-sided. The full weight of the federal government would be marshaled again to attack not only President Trump but all Republicans. A politically correct message would be a holy grail, never to be questioned and shouted repeatedly by the media; dissent would be canceled as hate speech or incorrect speech, as history teaches us.
Vice President Harris has not been to the border, even though she has been given the job of border czar; that is not an error on her part. Vice President Harris is keeping her powder dry and keeping faith with the most progressive of the socialist party. She has successfully transferred the heat for the millions of migrants, illegals, aliens from her to her boss, a very intelligent but disloyal tactic.
If President Biden is the nominee, the media is split over his support for an old white guy who supports Israel, Ukraine and illegal immigrants. Even many of the politically correct gods will not line up behind him, but will for Vice President Harris or any other progressive Democrat.
The next few months will tell; the coup may be orchestrated at the Democratic National convention in Chicago, or the behind-the-scenes leaders, the big corporate donors, may step in sooner. In my opinion conservatives should hope not; just read the polls, President Biden has a good bit of negatives with the media not unquestionably behind him. Vice President Harris has more negatives, but the electronic media will be solidly behind her as a triple minority.

President Biden just stated that the nation of Israel needs to stop its attack on Hamas and concentrate on killing leaders, not the Hamas army. History teaches us that to destroy an enemy, the people’s support for the enemy’s army needs to be undermined. We can find hundreds of examples, from the Carthaginians in 146 BC to the “Werewolves” a guerilla army made up of former Waffen Schutzstaffel and Hitler Youth in Germany post WWII, active until the German people stopped their support.
Our American forces killed hundreds of insurgent leaders during our ongoing war with Islamic terror groups, and they are still active and supported by the people. President Biden is courting the young anti-Israel, pro Hamas movement to shore up his socialist base, by denouncing Israel and doing nothing, other than lip service, to stop or reduce unfettered entry.
Readers may have noticed this column calling President Biden the President, and our President for two reasons, the first attempting to be civil and second a respect for the office. I also refer to others by their title, even belligerent foreign leaders, and never just by their last names.
In the editing process the civility may have been edited out, a process that is of course our esteemed editor’s prerogative but, in my opinion, we need more civility. Referring to a progressive as Dr. Smith and a conservative as Smith is a subtle way of incivility. My opinion.
Yes, and J6 was a subtle act of incivility too. Good grief. Showing respect for trump is a character flaw.
I’ve thought for a while now that Whitmer has positioned herself as next in line for president, and in recent months that thought has picked up some steam nation-wide. She is an exponentially better candidate than Harris.
You are correct. A typical Democrat, never saw a dollar she couldn’t spend.
The phrase regarding history rhyming rather than repeating is often applicable. This demonstrates that even just two years after the end of WWII, a need for education regarding the reality of things existed. To be clear, this was created by the US war department right after we gave em everything we could. Fascism is seductive and subversive.
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If you are able, could you help me and possibly other folks understand what you mean by triple minority. I have not had much luck in searching for the definition.
It would be very helpful if you could elaborate on this and even explain why or why not it is a positive or negative characteristic in your view.
Thank you for your nod too and efforts at civility.
Bob is counting Harris’s maternal Indian and paternal African heritage twice and calling her gender a third layer of minority identity. There’s obviously no such thing, but when dotard just got hit with $500B in damages and Fani ready to deliver the triple whammy, it only makes sense for Bob to stretch for any distraction he can muster.
Mr. Baloney,
Our Vice-President is a female, minority one, her father is an African American, minority two, her mother is Asian American of Indian birth, minority three. Her triple minority status is a plus to most of us, a negative to a small few.
You forgot to mention she is a Marxist and probably the least intelligent VP ever. She speaks down to the American public and much of the time speaks nonsense, in a tone and level one speaks to third graders.
I much prefer a dementia patient to a dunce ( and that is describing her in glowing terms).
Thanks for the response Mr RMT.
I am having further trouble understanding this label reference and viewpoint. Specifically why it is focused on so much by yourself and others. It is in the headline and then used a couple more times, so it must be important and worthy of further explanation and thorough understanding.
Are women considered a “minority” by you due to their percentage of the population? As I understand there may be more women than men in the US. Or is it due to the obvious history that women have not been able to share the same power, privilege, or opportunities as men?
This “minority” label is often conflated and grouped into an all encompassing outlet of blame. I have heard allusions of lesser than and similar forms of othering often from right wing folks, more so with DJT fans.
To me, there seems to be a focus and assumption that if someone is a “minority” they must not be as capable or able to perform to or meet the same capacity as a “non-minority”.
I honestly do not understand why someone would not want to allow the opportunity for people from under represented identity groups to show that they are just as and often even more capable than those from over represented identity groups.
I have found that those that are over represented are often “coasting” on their perceived or feigned superiority. It is often the case that people with the “deck stacked” against them have had to work harder and become more capable than those who do not experience the same head winds. I am at a loss as to why this extra capability is not taken advantage of.
I was able to find a legal definition from the department of the treasury regarding minority- and/or women-owned businesses and entities owned by minorities and women. Women are specifically indicated as a separate party or identity, so this may indicate they are not actually a minority, even though they are of course under represented, lumped in with, and treated similar to minorities. There could be other examples that do not coincide with this so I could be incorrect here.
Perhaps it is thought of in the spirit of the root word minor as in less significant or less important, as it is often used to devalue.
I can’t help but wonder if this is one of those “dog whistle” situations. I’m concerned that you do not want to elaborate due to how it would reflect. I would like to be wrong on this. However I also wonder how those with hatred blinding them view these labels and what I perceive to be a form of scapegoating.
Thanks again!