Army Bob SalutesThere is a disease spreading through our nation called Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

This mental disease has spread among the good folks who are members of the media and they are transmitting it to rest of the nation. The syndrome is spread through the left wing, socialist outlets, which means 90% of the Fourth Estate. We have seen outbreaks of very similar diseases before, most notably Bush Derangement Syndrome; that outbreak lasted from 2001 to 2009. It was a virulent disease that infected millions, causing grave psychological problems.

This disease occurs when a Republican or anyone not properly socialist is elected to the presidency of the United States. The election of President Reagan saw the first outbreak, and it gets more pervasive and resistant to common sense as the disease progresses. The disease attacks the brain of the infected in an insidious manner, robbing them of free will and destroying the portion of the human brain the allows independent thought and actions.

Paranoia and irrational actions are believed to be logical thinking and enlightened arguments in those with the most advanced disorder. Hate, distrust and involuntary obscene and crude utterances are markers of the disease. Those most infected develop a messiah complex and see themselves as incapable of irrational thought, especially as TDS advances into its late stages.

No known treatment exists other than being forced to deal with reality and practice common sense exists. The disease is antibiotics resistant and rumors to the effective use of medical cannabis as a cure are not proven, but use of large amounts may relive some symptoms.

Bob Traxler_0Trump Derangement Syndrome is not currently covered by the Affordable Care Act nor any government medical programs. Plans and programs are being drafted to mandate colleges and universities to cancel classes and testing to prevent students from concentrating on learning anything that may be confusing to those suffering from the infection. Caution must be taken when dealing with those infected as violence and an irresistible urge to strike out is common. Destruction, looting and arson are perceived as peaceful protest by those who are even mildly affected with the disorder.

The illness has caused some to see people who believe in the American Constitution as members of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, the NAZIS of the 1920-1940s. TDS causes those sickened by the malady to dismiss the fact the NAZIs were like themselves, die-hard believers in socialism as a political and social system.

TDS sufferers have sent paid agents to attack others and transfer guilt to the Trump campaign. TDS sufferers see paying others to commit violence and shift the blame to the victim as rational and even legal protest. Triggers that cause TDS infected to become irrational and lose touch with reality are mentioning lower taxes, stronger national defense, the Constitution, our flag, or President-elect Donald Trump.

Concerned family members can test for TDS by casually inserting Mr. Trump’s name in any portion of a normal conversation. Diseased family members will become agitated and lose the ability for rational thought. If a loved one is affected, immediately phone in and request professional help; do not attempt to speak or deal with them. Showing reruns of Mrs. Hillary Clinton’s “Basket of deplorables and unredeemables” speech has been used to temporarily relieve symptoms. Any encounter with a person suffering with TDS needs to be avoided as they are potentially dangerous; do not contradict them, avoid eye contact and depart as quickly as possible.

A not so humorous account of the anger we see in the media; unhinged is a fair depiction. Is it any wonder the great holocausts of humanity in the last 100 years were at the hands of socialist governments?

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