President Donald Trump did not cause the trust issue with the media, he highlighted it.

The American media, the self-proclaimed royalty of our nation, wined and dined and bribed by the political class, were exposed by WikiLeaks. The Democratic National Committee was laid bare in WikiLeaks; true to form, the media downplayed its bias and failed to self-regulate. They changed the story line by attacking WikiLeaks and the Russians. WikiLeaks, formerly a source that was beloved by the media class before they removed the curtain of secret alliances, is now a villain of the worst kind, in bed with the Russians.

After the media bias was exposed, the attacks on then-candidate Trump increased exponentially, to move the focus away from a media jammed packed full of bias to anything else. That can be done when a special interest group such as the media sets the national narrative.

We are bombarded with reports on how racist, sexist and homophobic President Trump is. My favorite is the left-wing reporters who call him anti-Semitic; the problem with that is that his beloved daughter Ivanka, son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner and their children are Jewish.

The media, to include folks who scribble in the pages of this newspaper, have diagnosed President Trump as being mentally ill. The new medical license in psychology is a byline in any publication. The media will tell us they are professors in all subjects, the experts, the oracles, the folks who have complete comprehension of all issues. Albert Einstein did not have a press card; thus, he was not very intelligent.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we are getting a bit fatigued with the media saying asinine things like “let me tell you what the American people want, need, desire.” Who died and left them in charge of what you and I need, want or desire? The left will denounce advertising that sells us things they say we do not need, but they have no problem telling us to purchase their product, which is the current politically correct ideas or products.

Is it that the media hates the competition? Could it be that not genuflecting five times a day in the direction of the New York Times is a sacrilege? President Trump and WikiLeaks did not cause the trust issue with the media, they removed the facade of media impartiality.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has taken to referring to WikiLeaks as “Russian WikiLeaks;” few in the media correct her, and indeed they embrace the concept. WikiLeaks, once the darling of the left, is now a propaganda arm of the Russians? Got to wonder how that works.  Please note the e-mails of the Democratic Party are genuine, but they have changed the debate to how the information was received, not whether they are true or not.

Not all media types are biased left, only some 80 percent; fairness and balance is in the eyes of the automatons in the media, who are legends in their own minds. Sir Winston Churchill said it best when he said, “The essence of American journalism is vulgarity divested of truth.” The two organizations in our nation that practice the art of “I love me and we love us” the best are the media and Hollywood’s self-proclaimed deities.

MSNBS reported that President Trump moving the White House Press corps out of the White House would be a direct violation of the First Amendment to the American Constitution. I have read the Constitution, and I missed the part where the media is guaranteed the right to a daily briefing in the White House. The media elite stated that they could not allow Mr. Trump to become President; “not allow?” Who is more powerful, the king or the kingmaker?

The media anointed the wrong king and they are just old-fashioned pissed off about it.

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