Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

Well here we go again. The only way President-elect Donald Trump won was with the help of the “Red Menace;” Trump was in cahoots with Vladimir Putin. The Russians interfered with our electoral process and but for that we would have a President-elect Clinton.

I am sure that President Putin forced Hillary Clinton to almost totally ignore the Midwest and plains states, and that the Russians wrote the “deplorables and unredeemables” speech for her, one that she gave three times by the way.

Proof positive that the Russians were an arm of the Trump campaign is the undeniable fact that they hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) but not the Republican National Committee (RNC). Well my friends, let’s take a look at that.

Remembering back to the opening days of the leaks, the Democrats maintained that they were untrue, phonies and planted by the Russians. Oops, that was too easy to disprove and they then moved to blame Mr. Trump. Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks and an icon of the left, said before the DNC e-mail leaks that the Russians were not the source of the leaks, that they were provided by an insider in the DNC. We should not forget that many prominent Republicans’ private accounts were hacked, to include General Colin Powell, who made comments unflattering about Mr. Trump.

The news reports of the Russian government being behind the hacks are from unnamed people who are “senior government officials.” The reports maintain that the hacks were one step removed from the Kremlin, whatever that means. The reports from unnamed sources say that all 17 American intelligence agencies agree with the findings; an exceptionally unique event for all to agree on anything. The only way that would actually happen is in an alternate universe. A good question for our friends in the media to ask is why do we have 17 intelligence agencies?       Bob Traxler_0

This election and world events have caused a strange reversal of roles. The left hates the Russians; during my entire life, the left loved the Soviets and condemned free market democracy. The left is becoming unhinged and a fertile ground for conspiracy theories, a stand before Trump that was taken more by the right than left.

Before Mr. Trump was the Republican nominee, the left condemned Wall Street and big everything: oil, pharmaceuticals, banks, farms, business, everything but big government. Mrs. Clinton spent at least $1.3 billion and many say $2 billion on her campaign, nearly three to five times what Mr. Trump spent, and most of it was given by big business and Wall Street.

The seeds of Mrs. Clinton’s defeat were sown in the primary when Senator Sanders painted her as the agent of the capitalist system and himself as the champion of the American Bolsheviks and the National Socialist movement. Senator Clinton never recovered from that charge, probably because it was true.

The DNC is part of a neo-McCarthyistic movement seeing a Russian spy behind every Starbucks. Just why the left hates the Russian Federation can be attributed to the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR). The USSR was the great hope of the socialist world; dropping the socialist system in favor of a market economy is an unforgiveable sin. So, our friends on the left blame the Russians for Mrs. Clinton’s defeat and everything else wrong with the world. Except for global climate change, which is the fault of the good folks in Martin, Hopkins, Moline, Wayland and Dorr, among others.

Please do not misunderstand: after every election, the loser gets to float theories regarding why they lost and blame whatever or whomever. This election, Putin and the Russian Federation are convent culprits, along with the media.

Given the positive media coverage Mrs. Clinton received, that is as unbelievable as Putin working for the RNC. If nothing else, four years of an unhinged, irrational, unbalanced left will give my friend Ranger Rick and I volumes of material to work with. Stand by for a hurricane of left wing craziness.


December 23, 2016
When one candidate wins 2.9 million votes more than the one, whom is declared the "winner" by the electoral college, it is unsurprising that feathers get ruffled. Our system may or may not be flawed in this regard, but Sec. Clinton won a lot more of the votes cast by the American people. It is the system in place. We will have a President Trump. There were problems with the process, to be sure (voter suppression, FBI Director Comey's very unprofessional letter, Russian interference to put what Putin calls the "useful idiot"in power). Trump's behavior as President Elect is odd and frightening. I'm thinking Ivanka shouldn't be first daughter; but instead running the show rather than Donald.
Bob Moras
December 24, 2016
" Trump’s behavior as President Elect is odd and frightening. I’m thinking Ivanka shouldn’t be first daughter; but instead running the show rather than Donald." LOL!!! It is only frightening, my friend, because it is different from the political behavior that has brought us to this point. I'm sure that Teddy Roosevelt was frightening to some. But what a President for the Common Man he will be remembered as. I, by no means, am calling Mr. Trump the next Teddy Roosevelt. However, there are some economic parallels to that time in our economic history. American Corporations were certainly doing the working man dirt in those days and the economic parity was similar. The true fact(s) of the matter are that, economically, America is worse than when Obama took office. And, although a certain segment of our society has recovered and prospered over the last 8 years, the common working man has suffered. Especially those in the ethnic minorities. Reasons may abound, but the relevant fact is, it has happened on Obama's Watch. Along with rising crime (Chicago a prime example), greater racial division (because of such happenings in Ferguson Missouri & a rush to judgment by the media and political left) and other occurrences in San Bernardino, Orlando and the Kate Stienle episode in San Francisco. People, either correctly or incorrectly, blame Obama and the Liberal Democratic Party for these things. And finally, if the Russians did in fact alter the perspective of our electorate, that is troubling for more than just the foreign interference. The facts revealed (and never refuted) were horrific. The disdain for the supporters of the Liberal Left by the Party, the backroom interference to the Sanders campaign, the collusion with the press to manage information to the electorate, the violence perpetrated to portray Trump supporters as violent and the suppression of information and collusion from our own Justice Department, with regard to Hillary's travails, are very troubling. And we found this out how? I don't know whether to Thank the Russians or be pissed about them providing it to us. As to Comey, I still can't figure out if he was "Jekylle or Hyde". One week he was a hero to either party and the next a villain. And my final thought. What is even more bizarre is the continuous name calling by the losers of the winners. The very same people (especially those in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania) that have supported the Democratic Party for over 20 years are now anarchists, fascists, misogynists and racially bigoted. And I am beginning to think that no matter how well Trump does (if he does), that those very same people will carry venom in their hearts. I have gotten the impression that there are fools out there that hope for the demise of their own country, just so they can say "I Told You So". But my Hope is, Mr. Trump will be so successful (for which we all will benefit) that we can again become Americans instead of "of the Right" or "of the Left". Should be interesting in any event.
Robert M Traxler
December 25, 2016
Mr. Moras, Bob, thanks for the comment, you my friend are good very good at rebutting comments. Love to see you and Mr. Basura go at it, two very smart folks who believe in their stand on the issues.
Robert M Traxler
December 23, 2016
Mr. Basura, Sir, thank you for the comment. Got to ask: if Mrs. Clinton had won with fewer popular votes as it appeared four weeks out that she would, would you feel the same way? Mr. Trump changed his strategy to focus on the electoral college when it looked like that might happen. He pulled all the folks off everything else and concentrated them all on the electoral college. We could say that Mrs. Clinton tried to purchase the election; we could say she was the candidate of Wall Street, we could say she was out of touch with Main Street, and she energized the white middle class voters to vote for Mr. Trump with her "basket full of deplorables and irredeemables" speech. Had Mrs. Clinton won, FBI Director Comey would be the hero, as he cleared Mrs. Clinton days before the election; please remember that part of the history. The Democrats tried to cover up the problems in the leaked emails, stating that they were false and planted as misinformation; that lie did not help the Democrats. WikiLeaks said they came from someone within the DNC. We can both agree that Ivanka is a very intelligent lady. Thanks again, I enjoy our debates.

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