by Robert M. Traxler

Poland is offering to pay $2 billion to establish a permanent U.S. military presence in its country, according to a recently revealed proposal.

“This proposal outlines the clear and present need for a permanent U.S. armored division deployed in Poland. Poland’s commitment is to provide significant support that may reach $1.5-2 billion by establishing joint military installations, and provide for more flexible movement of U.S. forces, according to the defense ministry document, which was obtained by the Polish news portal Onet.” — American Military News.

My guess is that if we establish a permanent home away from home for the proposed Armored Division in Poland, it will require some 15,000 to 27,000 troops and civilian support personnel/family members. The Polish government has stated it will pay the cost of establishing a Post, Camp or Station to house the Division.

Poland is a NATO member and spends in excess of the required 2% of GDP on defense. If we are serious abought blunting Russian aggression, and that Russia under President Putin is the vilest aggressive threat we face, then this proposal is an easy choice.

We need to support the Polish people, but they need to be aware of the costs. To establish an Army installation is no small feat. The soldiers deserve to be properly supported, with housing, messing, religious, recreational, educational, medical, laundry, maintenance and other services, available. Training areas for an Armored Division must be measured in the hundreds of acres or square miles; to deploy a full division from the forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) to the division rear takes an enormous amount of land.

Poland has been a traditional invasion route to Europe throughout history; it is no surprise the German National Socialists started WWII in Poland. Muslim armies attacking Europe had to first deal with Poland, and history has proven that the Polish Armies in defeat handed the Muslim armies a Pyrrhic victory that ended in the defeat of invading forces, in two of the instances at the gates of Vienna.

The logical move will be to relocate an Armored Division (the first, second or third) from Germany to Poland. The upside is that the cost of maintaining a Division will be less in Poland than Germany, because the cost of living in Germany is a good bit more than Poland. If the Polish people are serious, they will need to ensure that a facility with adequate maintaince, training, medical and housing facilities is available. The $1.5 to $2 billion being mentioned is a good start toward establishing a permanent facility, but only a start.

Armored units are the largest Army units and the most expensive to purchase, operate and maintain. Most highway bridges will not support the 72 uploaded tons of even one M1A1 vehicle, and they will do a job on existing roads. The fuel storage necessary to support an Armored Division is enormous; each M1A1 has a 500-gallon fuel capacity and gets 1 mile to every three gallons of aviation fuel.

Speaking as an old soldier and former military family member who loves history, the thought of a posting in Poland is inviting, and the history and beauty of Poland will attract many soldiers.

Forward deployment of 15 to 23 thousand Americans will chill the aggressive nature of the Russian Federation and support the NATO alliance. At the time NATO was developed, Germany was the front line against the Warsaw Pact; today it is Poland aginst the Russian Federation.

Properly done, an Army Post, Camp or Station I would suggest naming after Polish General Casimir Pulaski, General Washington’s cavalry commander, killed fighting for our freedom in the American Revolution; it would be strategically and politically a wise move. Poland paying the costs of establishing a modern facility and relocating troops from Germany to Poland makes sense tactically, and in the long run financially.

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