Resist, fight, occupy, eliminate, seize, destroy, kill, obstruct; words used by the good folks on the left side of the political divide, much more since the last election.

A non-Socialist says he wants to improve life for the American middle class; the statement is a “dog whistle” for destroying the middle class, according to the left. We need to have equal opportunity for all is a “code word” for oppressing the proletariat. If a conservative greets a liberal saying good morning, it is a not-so-thinly veiled threat.

The liberal side lost the election and they are angry; it could never be that their ideas are outside of the American mainstream. Americans just do not wish to be a Socialist nation; it could not be that, it is that they think most Americans are old-fashioned stupid.

Demeaning the other side will never go away; attacking political adversaries is as old as the human race, nothing new here. The parties need to “fire up the base” and provide “red meat for the masses.” It is understandable for folks who wish to win an election. We have gone overboard this cycle; the media has mostly divested itself of impartiality. The New York Times published on its front page above the fold that they “cannot allow a Donald Trump Presidency.” The media that usually made an attempt to be fair have abandoned fairness in the pursuit of invalidating an election, annulling the will of the people and our constitutional process.

The left will tell us that President Donald Trump did not win the popular vote, so he is not legitimately our President. President Clinton never received a majority of the popular vote, 43% and 49%, but they loved President Clinton; go figure.

The Russian investigations and the Special Prosecutor are designed to prove the Trump administration colluded with the Russians to filch the election and destroy our democracy. My liberal friends, you do not believe that; it fails to pass the common-sense test. No evidence exists that even one vote was hacked or changed. No Russian forced me to vote for President Trump. No Russian forced Mrs. Clinton to concentrate on states that were a lock for her and stay out of toss-up states like Michigan and Wisconsin. For her to win the popular vote, she wasted time in the larger states.

Senator Sanders is calling for a revolution, a Socialist revolution, and is rapidly becoming the darling of the media. Senator Sanders always qualifies his revolutionary zeal by saying it “a political revolution.” Senator Sanders, sir, all revolutions are political, even the most violent ones.

*Hillary Clinton’s former running mate Tim Kaine called for Democrats to “fight in the streets against Trump.”

*Former CNN host Kathy Griffin’s infamous ISIS-inspired photo holding Trump’s decapitated head.

*Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch posting a video urging people to march, bleed and die in the streets.

*DNC Speaker Sarah Silverman calling for a military coup against President Trump. “Once the military is with us, Fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye-bye.”

*Mr. Phil Montag, a DNC official, commenting on Representative Steve Scalise being shot along with four others by a Senator Sanders disciple, stating he hopes Scalise dies.

The list goes on and on; my favorite is Ms. Silverman’s call for the military to overthrow the government. Ms. Silverman, the military tends to be a group of conservatives; advocating for the military to “overthrow” the duly elected government may not work out well for you. Our professional military, thank God, will never be part of any coup, even if the media/Socialist/Democrat cabal demands it.


June 30, 2017
Hillary Clinton got almost three million more votes that Donald. Don't act as if the American people preferred Trump. The Electoral College put Trump in the White House, not the American people. That's the way our system is set up. He is the president. Unfortunately, he's having trouble handling the job. The guy is not fit to lead the nation.
Robert M Traxler
June 30, 2017
Mr. Basura, Thank you for the comment. You and I will differ on this, If you take the attacks out of the mix he has accomplished a good bit, Jobs, trade, taxes. You will never agree I know your disdain runs to deep.
Tom Andrews
June 30, 2017
Oh Bob – in your futile attempt to disparage Democrats, you have fallen in to a pit of lies and distortions. The Lie: Hillary Clinton’s former running mate Tim Kaine called for Democrats to “fight in the streets against Trump.” Merriam Webster: definition of FIGHT (1) : to attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of: i.e. the company fought the takeover attempt, (2) : to oppose the passage or development of: i.e. fight a bill in Congress. The Truth: Sen. Tim Kaine said Democrats must take advantage of "public outcry against the [Trump] administration; "What we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there's the momentum to be able to do this." The Lie: Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch posting a video urging people to march, bleed and die in the streets. The Truth: She is expressing concern for people who see their civil rights being assailed, being trampled on, and even being rolled back. Alluding to the Civil Rights marches of the 1960’s, she reminds them of what it took in the past to secure those rights. “It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals – who have made the difference. They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. The Distortion: Mr. Phil Montag, a DNC official, stating he hopes Scalise dies. DNC? Really? Montag must be the least important Democrat in the nation. He is a volunteer co-chairman of the Nebraska Democratic party's technology committee; in a state where there are no Democrats holding any state wide elected positions. Just a dumb bloke blowing off steam in a private meeting with a couple people, unaware that he was being secretly taped. Bob – I challenge you to write an intellectual piece espousing conservative values, without resorting to name calling, lying, and distorting facts. Be Wayland’s version of George Will.
Robert M Traxler
June 30, 2017
Mr. Andrews, Sir, Thank you for the comment. Google Loretta lynch calling for blood and death you will find a U-Tub video of her saying it on a DNC cut spot. Mr. Tom Kaine stated “fight in the streets” on the morning Joe program on MSNBC. Google Tom Kaine and fight in the streets for a video. So by downplaying Mr. Montag’s importance you did not say he never said it? So saying you wish folks who disagree with you would die is fine if you’re only a State DNC official? Mr. Andrews, sir, I do my homework, please do the same. Plus your assumption that I am a Wayland resident goes to your not understanding the Town Broadcast is a Martin, Hopkins, Moline, Dorr and Wayland newspaper. Thanks again.
Free Market Man
June 30, 2017
Army Bob, The deplorables have spoken, Trump is President, and democrats and remocrats can't stand it. You know why - the real reason - he challenges their established power positions. TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has taken over the deranged Democrats - a political party espousing a president getting oral sex in the White House, and a Marxist that was never vetted before he was elected, tried hard to destroy America and has successfully put us in a financial debt we'll never crawl out of, so he effectually has destroyed the U.S. without firing a shot. And the bowing and scraping in front of other leaders! He is the leader of the Free World and acts like he was subserviant to every other leader - including dictators! A deplorable President indeed. Keep it up President Trump - you're winning the good fight.
July 1, 2017
I would have thought that from the name you use - Free Market Man - you had an interest in economics. But yet you neglect to mention President Obama inherited the worst American economy since the Great Depression. Compare the Dow Jones Industrial Average when he took over from W, and what it was when he left. He played a major role in saving the American auto industry. The Democratic Party never "espoused" oral sex in the White House. Even Newt Gingrich, who, as a married man, received such favors from his paramour* in a parked car outside the home where his wife and children lived, kept quiet. Now he and Calista are the Republican models of propriety. Free Market Man, you've yet to comment on Trump's proposal to put tariff's on Canadian lumber. Maybe you need to change your blind support as a Trumpkin. *Newt's paramour was Calista, now wife #3, and a writer of children's books
Robert M Traxler
July 1, 2017
Mr Basura, I would differ; President Obama saved the United Auto Workers, not Ford or GM. The Auto industries tried the same thing with President Regan and he refused to help and they helped themselves without spending billions of government money. I am confused? If a Republican and Democrats do a wrong thing, it is only the Republican who is wrong? Your statement was that Newt was outside his home with his Gal Pal; President Clinton was inside his home, the White House, with his wife and daughter at home. I would try a different argument. Justifying bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior is not a good way to make a point.
Robert M Traxler
July 1, 2017
Free Market Man, My friend, if you look up the history of the handshake VS bowing, bowing even goes against the movement to equality. Not bowing and shaking-hands is a statement that all are equal in the eyes of God. The anti bowing movement goes back to the Protestant Reformation and the anti monarchy movement stating all people are equal. A good socialist should be anti bowing in the name of equality for all. Thanks for the comment.
Jake Gless
June 30, 2017
Derangement is calling Obama a Marxist when Goldman Sachs spent more than any other entity to make him our president. I'd consider myself pretty dang liberal, and neither me nor any of the multitude of like-minded people I know have ever given any of these DNC party peoples' statements listed here even a passing thought. "The liberal media" is a red herring attempt to distract from Trump's limitless abundance of shortcomings, and it's getting tiresome. Obama and the Clintons are no longer relevant--there no reason to live in the past. Instead it would be more productive to focus upon issues such as Trump's laughably duplicitous pledges to drain the swamp and improve upon the Affordable Care Act, or better yet, to take a long look at how gerrymandering and Citizens United have completely undermined our democracy. As long as Trump is president, those of us with a stake in the future have an obligation to resist this unfortunate chapter of American oligarchy until it too is a historical footnote. The trumpees still willing to voice public support are only deluding themselves from their cognitive dissonance with an alternate reality, tilting at strawmen. Their shadows are only long because their sun is setting, and not soon enough.
Free Market Man
July 5, 2017
On the "pretty dang liberal" comment, I agree wholeheartedly indeed. Keep up the TDS and you'll be a bitter, unhappy person. Live life, don't worry about the future - the adults are now in charge.

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