by Robert M. Traxler

The normally conservative folks who work in the intelligence agencies or who make a good living as pundits commenting on intelligence matters are currently allied with the left wing.

This is a marriage of very different people with different goals and values, so what brings them together? The need for relevance; the left in the minority in elected government across the nation, and an intelligence community stuck without a clear enemy to analyze have joined forces.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics fell apart in 1992 as socialist governments always do over time, leaving the intelligence folks without their main target. In 2001, the attack by Islamic terrorists gave them a new enemy to focus on, but the Islamic threat is starting to diminish. So now we see the rebirth of the Russian threat.

The Democrat Party, normally folks who hold the intelligence cabal in disdain, have found a confederate, an ally. The common foe is the President, and some conservative Republicans; the hawks in the Senate mostly have joined the Democrats and the Intelligence folks to advance the Russian threat.

The new twist to the story is the left, the far right and the media coming together with the covert agencies in a coordinated effort to remove the legally elected President. Just how many times have we read or seen political types or commentators say things like, there is no direct evidence but, I can’t prove it but, this appears to suggest that… or how do we know this or that did not happen or is not true? The same argument could be made that we do not know for sure space aliens have not landed in Hopkins so the people in Hopkins should be on the lookout until it can be proven ET did not land.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is pervasive in the media class and the intelligence services. Candidate Trump severely criticized both self-proclaimed groups of deities during the campaign, an unpardonable sin in the minds of the elite.

Exaggeration and over-the-top rhetoric have become the norm, as opposed to the exception, in covering the Russians “stealing the election from the American people.”  The intelligence folks wanted a President Clinton II they signed open letters condemning Mr. Trump and extoling the virtues of Mrs. Clinton, and they made no secret of whom they supported during the campaign.

The leaders of the establishment right, the War Hawks, also wanted a President Clinton II and they campaigned against Mr. Trump; they lost and they are infuriated that most of the Republicans went against them. In years past the news agencies would say if the far right and far left are against it, it must be the best course of action. The media is in a strange place, supporting the extreme ends of both parties. President Trump has shaken up the media deities and shown them as common mortals, warts and all, and they hate him for it.

The over-the-top hyperbole should be seen for what it is, the pure anger found in a lover scorned. The darlings in the media are out of control with hate; they have referred to most of us in Moline, Wayland, Dorr, Martin and Hopkins as ignorant, mouth breathing, traitorous, idiots and that is just for starters. The “new media” the online sources for news have rendered the network TV and print sources, those that are legends in their own minds, as obsolete as the manual typewriter.

The time has passed to calm down and stop making much to do about nothing. No one who is not unhinged with hate will believe President Trump is colluding with the Russians to steal an election and destroy our nation. The Washington/ New York/Wall-Street/Ivy League privileged few can’t accept that they lost to an outsider who is not an established member of the club.

The far left and the far right have made the policy of detente with the Russians a treasonable offense; speaking to a Russian, being in the same room with a Russian or suggesting cooperation with a Russian will put you in the cross hairs of the media and intelligence class. Joe McCarthy would be proud of them all.





R. Davenport
August 4, 2017
Does the author live in alternative universe where people who don't agree with his political leanings are "left wing" and therefore somehow less than Americans? Does that alternative universe media overlook the fact that many of President Trump's inner circle, cabinet and new additions to his legal team all are part of the "Washington/New York/ Wall Street/Ivy League privleged" Mr. Traxler is attempting to besmirch? Respectfully Mr. Traxler, I will never agree with your attempts to label anyone who disagrees with your politics leftists or left wing or far right wing. I will question your willingness to trust a despot like Putin simply because our current President wants to and overlook everything Putin has done from swaying elections in other countries to invading neighboring independent countries like The Crimea or he has effectively eliminated a free press in Russia. However, I refuse to sit by silently while you imply there are a group of people you refer to as "privileged" as if the current President is some how a victim of this group when in fact the current President has many of his newest lawyers, his inner circle and many in his cabinet advising him have Ivy League degrees, Wall Street experience and/or experience in NYC real estate or Wall as investors or are long time Washington insiders. All of the President's children and son-in-law /advisor Jared Kushner have Ivy League degrees. Advisor Steve Bannon has a masters from Georgetown and a Harvard MBA. You are welcome to have opinions but they should be based in fact rather than innuendo of some shadow cabal.
Robert M Traxler
August 4, 2017
Mr. Davenport, Thank you for the comment. I do live in Dorr, I am pleased to say, not an alternate universe. President Trumps children did not all attend Ive League schools, please be factual if you accuse others of not. The column is an opinion column, it is my opinion, yours is different, it is great we both have a voice in the Townbroadcast. Thanks again for the comment.
R. Davenport
August 5, 2017
Mr. Traxler, I stand corrected. Not all of the Trump children who are active in in buinesses and played important roles in his election were Ivy League grads. Donald Jr. along with daughters Ivanka and Tiffany are University of Pennsylvania grads. The University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school. Eric Trump is a Georgetown grad. Georgetown is located in Washington DC and is known for its graduate's government connections. Jared Kushner , Presidential advisor and Ivanka's husband is a Harvard grad Steve Bannon has a grad degree from Georgetown and a Harvard MBA Ty Cobb, the President's newest lawyer is a Harvard grad with a Georgetown Law degree. Cabinet members who are those with Ivy league educations, Wall Street connections and Washington insiders include: Sec of Treasury Mnuchin - Yale grad former Goldman Sachs partner Sec of Labor Alex Acosta - Harvard undergrad and Harvard Law Sec of HUD Dr Ben Carson - Yale under grad Sec of Transportation - Harvard MBA Sec of Commerce Wilbur Ross - Yale undergrad, Harvard MBA CIA Director Michael Pompeo - Harvard Law Then consider Trump has named former Generals McManus, Mattis and Kelly. You can't too much more DC insider than military people who have risen to the level of O-7 and above. Please don't write that this President is a victim. If members of that group you specified were truly out to get this President he wouldn't have so many in his cabinet and inner circle. You are free to defend President Trump. I would like to see your justifications for closer relationship with Russia in view of the actions Putin has taken since becoming that country's President.
Robert M Traxler
August 5, 2017
Mr. Davenport, Sir, thanks for the comment, I worked for a Major General (0-8) in Washington who was not an insider. I worked for a number of Generals (0-7/8/9s) world wide who were not insiders. Did you perhaps not see President Trump signing sanctions against Russia last week? I commend you for your research, but please remember the column was on the Intelligence Agencies and liberals working with the hard right against President Trump. Thanks for the comment; again, good work on the research.

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