by Robert M. Traxler

It is clear that folks are lining up into camps filled with hate and vitriol, both the progressives and the conservatives. Try as one may, the other side will not allow the other to be civil. Now this on a national level is one thing, but calling people Nazis and saying I am spreading Nazi lies in this publication is uncalled for and it goes to an extreme level of incivility.
That said, we have free speech in our nation, and it is our constitutional right; every time we see statements like “we have free speech but,” then it is not free speech. As we near the election it will get downright discourteous and rude. Both sides of the national argument have gone over the top in incivility, but they have that right under our Constitution.
I do not care for a commentator calling me a Nazi and lecturing me on our nation fighting Nazis in WWII; my mother, father, mother-in-law and father-in-law fought in WWII. As a child I lived in post-war Germany for three years and witnessed first hand the damages that were done by the Nazis. I visited the massive military cemeteries in Europe; they made an impression on a young child who went on to serve in the Army for twenty-plus years. And a politically correct person calls me a Nazi. Again, he has that right under our Constitution, rude, crude and uncalled for, but it is his right.
The first election of President Trump gave the progressives an open door to limit our free speech; the mantra was that we have free speech, BUT you cannot use hate or incorrect speech. The progressives called any questioning of Covid policy hate/incorrect speech, and any disagreement with social engineering as hate/ incorrect speech that needed to be canceled.
The social media outlets, in response to pressure from the politically correct progressives in and out of our government, cancelled/censored/limited free speech. Folks who said the Covid vaccine did not stop the spread of the virus were called anti-vaxxers and science deniers and told their words were incorrect, so they had no right to say them (history proved them correct). Well, in our nation under our Constitution they do have the right.
The race to socialism in our nation needs to attack dissenting views and those who state them. Socialism has always been the most brutal form of government in history, a government cannot allow dissent and be all-powerful. A government cannot control our lives from before the cradle to after our deaths (death taxes) unless citizens are not allowed to dissent.
The anger we see nationally and even in this esteemed publication goes to the desire on the part of the progressive movement to disregard the Constitution. The Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, Venezuela, and Cuba all have a constitution-type document with the right to free speech. They simply ignore it, in the same manner our current leadership does and as progressives advocate.

The abortion issue is a clear example of the progressives’ attitude towards our Constitution. 71% of Americans support some form of legal abortion, a Constitutional amendment would be a fait accompli and end the argument. The progressive mantra is, why do we need to do that? Well, because it is in the Constitution; that is how our nation works. But if you believe the Constitution is a ceremonial document, not a legal one, then why should you amend it?
The pro-Hamas/progressive protesters in our nation have the right of freedom of speech and assembly. It is wrong for conservatives to limit their hateful speech. The “From the river to the sea” chant calls for the end of Israel and by extension the death of millions of Jews; a hateful thing to say, but they have the right to say it. Ironically, many of the protesters have signs with support for Hamas and gay rights on the same sign. Hamas and other radical Islamic groups have murdered gay folks just for being gay. Protesters also have the constitutional right to be stupid.
Let’s try to keep it civil. We cannot control to any extent what happens on a national level. However, what we call each other in this esteemed publication we can control by being civil. My opinion.
The thing is Sir,
You are not the sole authority on what is fact or fiction. This is especially true with political matters, and which “side” is or is not aligned with, or practitioners of -hatred, violence and exclusion or extermination. You sir have made your bias very clear many times. You have also chosen time and again to initiate inflammatory topics while omitting easily research-able facts and realities.
I have truly enjoyed many of your columns that are not based around a Limbaugh-esqe agenda or method of cheap political blame. I believe you are fully aware that you continue to inflame issues, and that you are in control of the direction and atmosphere of any discussions that follow.
It is ironic that you have defended free speech. It seems as though anything from your chosen team is acceptable, but if anyone challenges the sacred beliefs and ideals of the right, it is termed un-civil.
You can choose any topic as I understand it Sir, this is on you first and foremost.
Army Bob, you have been repeatedly claiming that Nazis were a leftist organization and ideology. It’s here in print. That is an astoundingly bold-faced lie about Nazis. You are continuing to spread that lie about Nazis in my community’s local rag.
Please do not mischaracterize my words or my own character. I wrote what I wrote in good faith. I’ve been perceptive of the cultural dynamics at play in our country. There is a collective sulk on the right that they’re losing their grasp upon their cultural hegemony, and populist demagogues do nothing but foment this grievance and resentment against inner-city Blacks, and feminists, and queers, and Arabs, and the globalist elites, and the Hispanics, and the socialists, and the teachers. And anyone paying attention has seen this Volksgemeinshaft played out before.
You are not a victim, Army Bob. I am holding you accountable for the words you typed. I am as civil about it as can be. No one has called you a Nazi.
“You need to stop spreading Nazi lies in my community.” “You are continuing to spread that lie about Nazis in my community’s local rag.” Your words, a word for word quote, let the readers decide if this is calling someone a Nazi.
Just remember, only the detractors of your factual statements are piping in here. You gracefully never mentioned any persons name or username. You are exactly what this “esteemed” news outlet requires. Don’t be swayed by the noisy few who wish to silence the facts you continue to write about. Those individuals offer very little in the way of substance for a debate. Some things you write about I do agree with, other things I don’t agree with. Nonetheless, I’m always open to a different perspective that takes a logical path to a solution and not an emotional path to a solution via our “feelings”. That’s the way critical thinking works. Thankfully I have enough restraint and respect for myself and those reading this to not argue with you on every topic I may not agree on and instead digest it and research further if it so interests me.
Bob, you have more supporters than detracters, I’m sure.
Yep you’re right about that mike and I’m sure their all members of the MAGA cult!
“Mike,” it sounds like you know quite a bit about this logic vs. emotion dichotomy regarding how critical thinking works. Would you care to speak more about this area of expertise so that I may digest it and research further? Thx in advance.
I think you would need all the relevant fact and details in order to critically think. I completely agree with your premise, however it appears that you are oblivious as to the details of RMT’s feigned victim-hood and his emotional overreaction.
This has nothing to do with him, or anyone personally, let alone if anyone “likes” any other person. It has everything to do with the false representation of the truth of historical events, and how they relate to our current situation.
The details are available in the responses following his last “article”, It is only a few days old. I believe he created this new one so quickly as a way of “running away” from the reality of the situation. This “name calling” assertion is a complete fabrication. It is an attempt at curating an alternate reality. Go and look for yourself and decide.
Thank you.
Gee Army Bob, I get the feeling Jakey and Mr. Baloney don’t like you.. how sad for them as you’re a wonderful guy. I think Liberals (Progressives is not an apt word to describe Marxist Libs) such as them are disturbed by your knowledge and logic. They are befuddled because they didn’t join in when the riots happened in 2020 in Portland, Seattle, LA, NY, and even GR!
A true “progressive” understands that when the cart is put in front of the horse it just doesn’t work. Like EV’s in colder climates and too few charging stations. But such is Biden’s folly! He wanted to be seen as the big Green Kahuna instead of the bumbling dementia patient that he is. And taxpayers bend over and take it in the shorts.
Guys like your main detractors are angry about the status quo and want to dismantle society to make it into the utopia the globalist want. This means no freedom or liberty, march in lockstep with their ideology or be arrested and reprogrammed until you get your mind right. It is evil and against human rights. But who cares as long as the racist Democrats and globalists are in power.
Army Bob, what we have here is failure to communicate! Submit and change your ways or 7 days in the box!
Pole to Pole is a great story about a Nissan EV going from north pole to south pole, through the Americas. AB could write about that, but no, not his agenda.
He could write about his former guy getting Saudi Arabia to cut oil production by 10 million barrels a day in April 2020, to help the poor oil companies, then the massive profits oil companies made the last 2 years, far from his agenda.
And what I remember about Trump’s 1st day in office when he made a big deal about the crowd size, put out a fake photo, the press called him out on it. It was the beginning of “The Press is the enemy of the people,” repeated many many times. Where else have we seen uncivil folks? At school board meetings, library meetings, on airlines, and who were those folks? I believe they may be the horse paste eating folk, maga folks, some people say that… AB likes to say that, “Some people say…..fill in the blank — some liberals say…. fill in the blank, some scientists say…. fill in the blank. It’s a fox news thing. AB does this often. How can we fact check? That’s been his agenda, we see it, it’s clear.
Thank you for the comment.
Your words “AB likes to say that, “Some people say…..fill in the blank — some liberals say…. fill in the blank, some scientists say…. fill in the blank. It’s a fox news thing. AB does this often…” To my knowledge I have not used that term “some people say” you may have confused me with another contributor to this esteemed publication another is fond of this saying but not I. Thanks again.
Great points regarding bias.
I think the pilfered catch phrase that RMT uses often is “folks you can’t make this stuff up”(or something similar).
I believe it was a preferred trope of R Limbaugh. He would use it when he would tell a half truth or with wild speculation.
Either way, they are both an effort at distraction, deception and misdirection. The intent is to get people fired up, and mad because when people are angry they do not think clearly. This is a well known “hack” or “short circuit” that has been used for millennia in order to control ignorant masses.
Nice try, Jake. AB is 100% MAGA. He and his idol love chaos. Anything to divert the truth. I always read AB articles before his idol came along. Now, like his idol, he is stuck on one subject. Only he and his idol can be right. Too bad, what a waste of a talent. At least AB is not a convicted sex offender!
Mr. Longstreet,
Thank you for the comment.
Who are you referencing to as a convicted sex offender? it can not be President Trump who is not a convicted sex offender, libel in a civil suit yes, but not convicted of a sex offense.
You wrote “Now, like his idol, he is stuck on one subject.” This column has covered dozens of topics other than politics, from weather to cancer in the last number of years.
Dennis, know he’s even responding more like the Donald with his insecurities and always has to do a follow-up comment. I don’t ever see Mr Young doing the same when someone disagrees with his viewpoint.
By the way, why didn’t he comment on Mr Jim Barber’s comment?
Well said JG,
In this time of ultrafast communication, overwhelming sums of information, and corrupt, emotionally targeted, manipulation. We owe it to ourselves and each other, to take a step back, breathe deeply, and consider if we could be wrong on something. Consider if we have been mislead, or that something has been intentionally left out by a source on a topic.
Likewise, when we know we have more information than has been put forth, or we have the rest of the story on a situation it is essentially our duty to speak up. I believe you have done that, and I thank you for it.
The anger lately is palpable, there are many causes for this no doubt. I would like to think that a good deal of it is the stress that comes from cognitive dissonance. The internal conflict of realizing you may be wrong, and have even been mislead or manipulated can be significant. We humans tend to avoid discomfort, sometimes it is inevitable and one has to press on to “higher ground”.
Army Bob, you seem to want an echo chamber filled with others who have bought into Trump’s lies. If you continue to post ridiculous stuff, expect to get feedback in the comments. If you can’t handle it then maybe get some thicker skin.
Don’t you write these columns to stir up trouble? You never write anything that hasn’t been said on Fox entertainment, nor will your words change minds. You sir are the problem.
Oh, the irony of this latest jabbering.
My my, so much consternation over Army Bob, Trump, Trump, and more Trump. Guess the Marxists are worried the leader of the Biden Crime Syndicate, dementia Joey, is in tough shape. His physical and mental condition is deteriorating more each day. Will he be the nominee for the Marxist Democrats? Will there be a huge upheaval and Joey will step down from the Democrat ticket? They don’t want vapid Kamala. What will happen? Only Carnac the Magnificent knows and he ain’t talking!
But I’m sure the nattering nabobs of TB will let us know.