by Robert M. Traxler

Is any thought not approved by government or social media influencers a “conspiracy theory”? If we take a few moments and think about it, we are not allowed to formulate an opinion other than those with the spin the corporate, media, government cabal allows.
A good way to limit free speech is to attack the messenger. If you think the Covid-19 virus did not happen naturally in a wet market a few miles from a laboratory doing research into that virus, you are a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. With tens of thousands of wet markets in Asia and on the Asian sub-content, we must believe it all started in the one a few miles from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Deny it and you are a “loser, sitting in your mother’s basement in your underwear wearing a tinfoil hat.”
If you do not believe former President Donald Trump was a paid Russian agent, you are a truth denier; after all, the “Steele Dossier” was verified by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency, until it wasn’t. President Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on him while in Russia, and he colluded with the Russians to fix the election, denying former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the office she won.
However, we are not allowed to call her and the media who screamed about her loss election deniers. That moniker is reserved for the politically incorrect, Nazis, terrorists and fascists, or anyone not a progressive/socialist.
If you believe the Chinese weather balloon was anything other than a weather balloon you were a conspiracy theorist, until it was so overwhelmingly obvious that it was not; then it was the same type of balloon that went unreported during President Trump’s administration at least four times, a “media fact” that was proven false only after it was reported as a fact for days by the mainstream media.
The government colluded with social media to ban free speech that was deemed incorrect or hate speech. Another tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, until it was proven by Twitter, now X, releasing documents proving they were pressured to censor free speech. The Department of Justice and the White House pressured the social media outlets to ban President Trump, and to use algorithms to restrict free speech.
The Robert Hunter Biden laptop was also a Russian plant, and some still believe it was or is to this day. The President’s son admitting it was his, then denying it, then admitting it again is fine in the eyes of the social media influencers, as Robert Hunter Biden Esquire is above criticism as a reformed addict.
Anyone who stated that the laptop was Mr. Biden’s was a Russian stooge, and the media went after Mr. John Paul Mac Isaac, the repair shop owner, as a Russian agent or a Trump campaign operative planting evidence. Can they admit it was not a conspiracy theory, and that it was real? Never happen.

The world will not end in X years due to global cooling, the hole in the Ozone layer, acid rain, global warming, or global climate change. Over the last 54 years we have been treated to a massive misinformation campaign, vilifying anyone who questions the undeniable truth per the experts. The east and west coast would have been under water by now, the polar bears would be extinct, and the snow would have been gone on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro by now, but it is not. We are vilified if we question the facts and the experts, the undeniable truth.
Socialists/progressives feel the government is in loco parentis or in place of our parents. A good example is the public schools that want to decide if life-altering sex change is appropriate for a student, without parental consent. A progressive/socialist nation cannot be possible with the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights in effect. The progressive movement wants to simply ignore the Constitution.
A good example is abortion. The Democrats could easily get an amendment passed that made abortion legal in our nation. They may say, why should they? Well, because that is what we do in a Constitutional Republic. Let’s hope and pray we as a nation wake up and embrace the limited government the founders designed.
Funny, no mention again of whether or not you believe trump’s lies about our elections. It’s almost as if this entire column is whataboutism ad absurdum salad.
Mr. Gless,
Perhaps you should pen a weekly column so you can say what you wish. I also didn’t comment on the great economy, low illegal immigration, low crime, and general well being of our nation under President Trump. Thanks for the comment.
Trump did win that election, in 2016, thanks to the antiquated Electoral College. But most Americans, those that that bothered to vote, voted for Hilary Clinton.
Mr. Basura,
How’s my favorite Marine? Thanks for your comment.
The Electoral College is a brilliant design by our founders to ensure all the power does not reside in what today would be the 10 most populated states. The Electoral College keeps the big ten States from dictating to the other 40 a bit of fairness in our Republic. We see Presidential candidates traveling to most States during an election, not just the most populated. The electoral College is an example of equity, inclusion, and diversity in action. Thanks again stay warm.
Equity, really? Some might cite the concept of “one man one vote”. Or one woman, one vote, of course. I’m not a fan of the electoral college.
Mr. Basura,
We have one person one vote, we also have the electoral college that has been the law for hundreds of years. The founders were brilliant, the system insures a few Stated do not dominate the nation, you may disagree but I call it equity. Thanks for the comment.
Which is exactly why it is needed.. to keep the Marxists among us in check.
“Bass man” an individual vote for president from a Michigander currently has only 85% the value of what an equal distribution would empower. A person in Wyoming’s individual vote has four times the power as an individual vote from Michigan. That’s garbage just like gerrymandering, and there’s no honest defense for it.
Mr. Gless,
A educated educater such as yourself knows the purpose of the electoral college. Don’t be obtuse. Our forefathers devised a brilliant system to make all states equal. Majority of popular votes, wins the electoral votes for the state. Not rocket science.
The reason you don’t like it is because of Hillary’s loss in 2016, caused by her inability to successfully campaign in swing states. She never set foot in Wisconsin during the race. Bill warned her but she knew best. She was and is a terrible person and lousy leader.
You wanted change in the last election, how did that feel? Invasion of the border, cancelling the pipeline, inflation higher than ever costing all of us $11,200 extra per year, the debacle in Afganistan leaving $86 billion in war materials to our enemies, allowing the China surveillance balloon to go across the country, more wars and allowing more of our tax dollars to Ukraine, Biden weakness against aggression and our service people. Yeah, a great change for the worse.
Hillary didn’t have the mail-in ballot system to rig like Joey. Remember late Tuesday night when Joe told everyone to not fret, be calm, and wait for all ballots (as in mail-in ballots) to be counted. He knew the fix was in with ballot stuffing. Just like President Carter said was a disaster waiting to happen and rife with fraud. Hillary would have won if it was allowed in 2016. She has no conscience when it comes to lying and cheating, just like her hound dog husband Willie.
Perfect way to start 2024! Yet another perfect opinion piece and history lesson. It’s a great day when the progressive liberals cannot refute the facts you present. Nothing new however when the progressive liberals are unable to discredit the facts they attack the author, classic!
John, you may want to let Mr. Young know that you’ve posted your comment under the wrong article here. I see three comments to Army Bob before yours, and none of them are attacking Bob. My comment is specifically addressing the content of Bob’s opinion piece in that it is a hodgepodge of red herrings and nonsense when everyone knows the biggest elephant currently in the room of American politics is the possibility of trump being held accountable for his crimes against America while the lowest 30% of our country is siding their allegiance to a cult demagogue dotard over America itself. Further, let the record show that my comment last week toward Bob expressed my desire to avoid personal attacks toward him because I’d rather not be perceived as a bully.
Mr. Gless,
Thanks for the comment. Glad you are civil when saying “while the lowest 30% of our country is siding their allegiance to a cult demagogue dotard over America itself” Lowest 30%? nothing harsh about that, or is it? I always thought equity was a watch word for Progressives, lowest 30% assumes some are better than others.
Thanks again.
Army Bob, in which percentile would you place the folks who support the cult demagogue dotard over America itself?
As I recall, you never could answer with which political party in Germany 100 years ago you would most closely align either.
Mr. Gless,
May be a good idea to stop calling folks you disagree with Nazis, it is implied in your child like question above. The Nazis were socialists don’t forget.
It is sad that in our nation folks like you want to put us in social classes, we fought two wars to end that, our revolution and the Civil War. To quote an old saying stick your noise any higher in the air and if it rains you will drown.
Crimes, what crimes? Accusations and two impeachments and still standing!
Where are these crimes you speak of?
Oh, you must be speaking of the Biden Crime Syndicate? Can you say impeachment and traitor? Millions for graft and payoff for access to the presidency. You Democrats always accuse others for what you have done or are doing. Shame on you. We need Trump more that ever. The option is the dementia patient for 4 more years of destruction of the United States.