by Robert M. Traxler

“The emperor has no clothes.” We are all familiar with the parable of the “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

Two con artists came into town, telling everyone they were master weavers with the world’s finest cloth, and they made clothing so magnificent the emperor must have them. However, they had no cloth, it was just a con. One drawback, they said, was that the most stupid people, those who were unusually stupid and unfit for office, could not see them.

All the people in court and the town raved about how beautiful the emperor’s new clothes were, until one young child said, “But he hasn’t got anything on.” The emperor’s court walked behind him, still carrying the emperor’s train that of course, was not there. The people must believe the clothes are not only there but beautiful; groupthink and fear of being called stupid dictated nothing less.

Sound familiar? Are you a damned science denier? 

The current global climate change and the past Covid-19 rulings, along with “a person is biologically whatever sex they wish to be,” are examples of the emperor’s clothes. We had to believe in global climate change destroying all life on earth by 2030, or be a damned science denier. We had to believe the Covid-19 vaccine would protect us from ever getting Covid, or deny science.

indeed, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci said that anyone who disagrees with him is a science denier, not disagreeing with him but science itself. Just how outstandingly ignorant is it to say a biological man can give birth? Our Surgeon General testified before congress that this was her/his (both pronouns are used in the media),belief. Indeed, a popular belief is gender is akin to clothing, easily changed.  

“Trump is a paid Russian agent, the proof will come out any day now, that he and the Russians stole the election, trust me I have seen it and it is 100% proof,” said Representative Adam Bennet Schiff and Senate Majority Leader Charles Ellis Schumer, among hundreds of others. The “emperor’s clothes”?

The Inflation Reduction Act will reduce inflation, you are not allowed to deny it. The 87,000 new IRS enforcement personnel will only investigate billionaires; in the United States, that’s 141 investigative and investigative support IRS employees per each of the 620 billionaires. 

We must accept that electric vehicles are practical today to immediately replace internal combustion engines. We have 6,000 “fast charging stations,” 42,000 total plugs for 276 million (total gas, diesel and electric) vehicles, assuming all became electric, taking 20 to 54 minutes to charge, not counting the time spent in the queue. If the charger is not a “fast charger” it can take over six hours.

The average electric vehicle has a range of slightly more than 250 miles when new and fully charged; battery efficiency degrades over time. The 250-mile range is acceptable for suburbanites but not for the unwashed masses, who are not close to relatives, work and play; it is a real problem.

China has 52% of the world’s vehicle battery production and growing rapidly. They also have control over most of the rare earth elements necessary to produce batteries. We have seen what world dependency on Russian oil and natural gas meant to Ukraine and now Europe. Ponder what power China could gain over our nation with electric vehicle mandates. 

Nuclear power and hydroelectric are dangerous for the natural environment and wind farms, and solar farms are not? The emperor’s new clothes are magnificent.  

Organic farming is as productive as using chemicals (herbicides and nitrate fertilizer). In fact they are better for yield? Or at best, organic farming is only 8% to 9% less efficient, according to a University of California Berkley study. A sharp looking cloak there, emperor. 

Army Bob Traxler

Millions of electric vehicles would not affect our overtaxed electrical grid? Break out the new clothes.

Increasingly outsourcing our manufacturing and the resulting greenhouse gases to China will save the world. How could we not believe this one? The politicians, the green groups/corporations, and the traditional corporations all get paid by outsourcing our production/pollution to China.

The corporations pay the green groups, who donate to the politicians, who want to move production to China to maximize profits. China pollutes more, a lot more, per energy unit than the United States and that is a good thing? Apparently, it is in the land of no clothes.

Think of this one for a second: without Chinese-made components our electrical grid would collapse, our medical supply system would fail, our auto industry would implode, the electric vehicle industry would soon be nonexistent, and our information services would disintegrate. The socialists/progressives, green groups and corporations have no clothes.

My opinion.     


September 1, 2022
Continue to bang on the drum of deflection. If any potentially effective solutions in development are not instantly superior and free of any tradeoff, along with a lower price at the cusp of implementation -they must be disregarded, in your opinion? The old song of attempting to selectively define, obscure, and limit the opposing objectives and scope of effectiveness. While continuously failing to provide any alternative other than stagnation is frankly transparent. The only thing constant in this world is change. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it only changes form. Money, on the other hand is an invented concept that appears to have no long-standing limits. The durability, quantity, and survivability of our natural resources and in effect humanity, has obvious limits, regardless of how these actual limits are defined, established, or obfuscated . The cold truth of these facts care nothing of our opinions, perceptions, or realities. The giant elephant in the room continues on its path of petulant self righteous destruction. Regardless of it's lack of acknowledgement or defense in this apparently blind political column. My understanding of the emperor's clothes was that it is about an oblivious failure or even deliberate attempt at ignoring what is blatantly obvious. I get that you imply that everything the left has put forth as a path forward has no effectiveness, or may even be detrimental. I fail to understand what any alternative you desire may be. Other than sitting on a dead horse following a dying elephant further into a stagnant swamp, continuing to beat the tar out of it while complaining about any possible clear path forward. I am open to having my perception of your perspective changed, however unlikely I believe it possible.
September 2, 2022
Wow TB please tell us which dispensary you use.
September 3, 2022
Buzz I believe it's called congnative distortion.If you spend too much time following politics, watching the news, and obsessing over social media, you’ll distort your view of reality. Seriously I believe visiting a dispensary would do him great and maybe he can enjoy the rest of his life.

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