One of my favorite statements is, “Beware of what you wish for, you may get it.”

The folks who opened this Pandora’s box are mostly (but not exclusively) liberal, on the side of legalization of drugs and supporting illegal immigration. The states are primarily Democratic that are for states’ rights over federal drug laws and immigration laws.

The folks in the state of Missouri introduced a bill in the legislature to disregard federal gun laws. House Bill 1760 would make Missouri a sanctuary state concerning federal gun laws, the way other states are sanctuary states against federal immigration and drug laws. So, I will wager that most on the left will scream to high heaven, saying that Missouri must obey federal firearms laws, and that federal law trumps states’ rights.

Or will they? Unless they are total hypocrites, the left must join those who introduced this bill and advocate its passage. If they don’t, their totally hypocritical position on the issue of states’ rights will be rationalized by the left by saying that drugs and illegal immigrants do not kill people, firearms do.

Well, in reality, both do kill people — just ask the Angel parents, whose children were murdered by illegals or killed by illegal drugs, but the media has and will continue to down play that fact.

HB1760 includes a detailed definition of gun control actions that qualify as infringement, including taxes and fees that would have a chilling effect on firearms own

ership; registration and tracking laws that would have a discouraging effect; gun bans; and gun confiscation. The interesting thing is that the folks in the “show me state” have a constitutional argument to make — the pro-drug, pro-illegal immigration folks do not.

Go ask yourselves if the media will pick up on this and draw a comparison? My money is that they will not because it degrades the argument for the open borders and mostly unfettered marijuana use they have been making for decades.

The federal gun laws are enforced using the interstate commerce statute; the argument for controlling drugs and illegal immigration could be likewise controlled by the federal government. So, what is a true believer in states’ rights to do when it comes to drug laws and immigration laws? Especially now that they have taken a firm stand that if a state believes a federal law unjust they can ignore it? Indeed, some states even have prison time for law enforcement officers who follow federal laws.

Governor George Wallace, at the time a Democratic Governor of Alabama, refused to follow federal laws, and President Eisenhower dropped the 101st Airborne Division on top of them to enforce federal law.

The main concern here is that if states can pick and choose which federal laws they wish to follow, a degradation of federal authority will follow. This movement is a two-edged sword cutting left and right; to my left-wing friends, beware of what you wish for, for you may get it.

The scofflaws in the states you applaud today could just be the death of federal laws like the gun laws and social engineering laws that you so wholehearedly approve of. The road to hell is paved with good intentions; this just could be a super highway to hell paved by the myopic tunnel vision of life by many on the left.

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