by Robert M. Traxler

If he becomes president, Joe Biden has a real problem: the far left, the Alexandria Ocasio Cortezes (AOCs) of the world are going to be able to dictate to President Joe Biden exactly what they would like him to do, exactly what he must do.

If President Biden doesn’t live up to the 5% on the far left, they will go to their willing accomplices in the media and resurrect the Robert Hunter Biden investigation.

The American media disregarded and completely ignored the Hunter Biden investigations; the numbers are just too staggering for any reasonable and prudent person not to question. We’re not talking merely millions, but we’re talking billions of dollars in loans, grants and out-and-out payments to President-elect Biden’s brother, James Brian Biden, his son Robert Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden inner circle.

Should President Biden not live up to the standards of the American left, “The Squad” and the Senator Bernie Sanders branch of the Democrat tree (also known as the socialist branch) will merely contact their willing accomplices in the media and a real public investigation will occur. It matters not whether there is proof; what matters is the perception and what the media will mold people into thinking.

Disregard the socialists in the party and the defend the police, and the socialist branch of the Democrat Party will turn on President Biden. The Green New Deal  (whatever in the hell that really is) must be given priority in a President Biden administration.

American socialists are not beholden to the Democrat Party; being a Democrat is only a means to an end. Ask the members of the Squad and Senator Sanders along with those others on the extreme left, and they will tell you that the Democrat Party is a useful tool in developing a Democratic Socialist Party and/or a Green Party in the United States of America.

The squad has come out against former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s appointment to the Secretary of Transportation post, or any other position for that matter, and the far-left wing media is following their orders, ripping the former mayor to bits.

CNBC referred to Mr. Emanuel as an investment banker, a vile name to the left; Newsweek barbecued him for his role in the “police coverup” of the Laquan McDonald case; The Intercept blamed Mr. Emanuel for the crime bill in 1994; AOC called him a racist; In These Times wrote “keep Rahm Emanuel as far away as possible from the Biden Administration;” NBC blasted him for his banking contacts; Slate and Axios stated that he had nothing to add to the President Biden administration.

The list of leftist publications is long, long indeed. AOC dictates the news, and the politically correct position the news must take.

We should not forget that in socialist revolutions, violent and non-violent, the media censors itself. The National Socialists in 1933 and the Fascists in Italy in 1919 enjoyed a 93%-plus favorable media rating as the far left does today in this nation. If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you it should.

President-elect Biden will be tolerated by the radical 5% of the socialist movement as long as he dances to their tune; if he or his close advisers cross swords with the “Posse,” the social media corporate machines reinforced by the liberal media will declare him unfit  and replace him with Vice President Kamala Harris.

The unrealistic few in the socialist camp have stated that implementing the defund even eliminate the police (God help us) movement and the Green New Deal are demands, not suggestions or goals, but non-negotiable conditions for their supporting President Biden.

The next four months will be a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. The fight would be fun to watch if the outcome were not so critical to our constitutional republic.


Harry Smit
December 11, 2020
Army Bob Once socialism or communism gets a foothold (no matter how small) into government, one gets what we are about to see what may happen. A large percentage of voters for Biden truly believe in him (they really had no thoughts of Harris). We may soon witness the destruction of the Democratic Party. It will be a while before the true Democrats realize a form of communistic socialism is taking their party. Once President-elect Biden becomes a true "puppet " to Harris it will be to late to save the Democratic Party.
Robert M Traxler
December 11, 2020
Mr. Smit, I agree, well stated. Thank you for the comment.
December 12, 2020
The far left's vision to print money to "transform" the economy into a "green new deal" is a fantasy. The nation is broke and can't afford to print more money for this fantasy thanks to the trillions that were spent to deal with Covid-19 caused by the negligence of the Chinese Communist Government. The only course of action that will not create financial disaster is to continue to grow the economy. Higher taxes, forced conversion to alternative energy and other nonsense simply aren't affordable without continued economic growth. People love the idea of solar panels, windmills and electric vehicles until they start looking at the price tag. They won't support making $2 gas into $7 gas, doubling the cost of natural gas and tripling the cost of propane in rural areas on top of massive unemployment in manufacturing and construction. Most of the "green" stuff for generating, storing, and using green energy and building green cars will need to be cheap and carry the label "Made in China", which is exactly what the CCP wants. People will buy "green stuff" if it "feels good" and it is affordable. This means that low or reasonably priced/access to oil and gas, fossil fuel based energy for domestic manufacturing and construction will need to continue to have a place in this country. An alternative route forced in short order by Government in line with the GND fantasy is guaranteed disaster. Unless it is the intent of the left to deliberately smash what is left after covid, to destroy Wall Street and make the poor infinitely poorer; they have no choice but to continue on the path opened up by the Trump Administration after the flaccid Obama economy. I could be wrong, the with the media and academia spinning new "truths" about how we arrived at economic devastation, I suppose anything is possible. As for defunding the police, the Obama administration dealt with Occupy Wall Street the same way the Biden one will deal with BLM and Defund the Police...They won't. Defunding the police is more narrative for appeasement of the far left for votes. Delivery on those ideas will mean increased crime and poverty that the left would logically be totally responsible for. Expect our parasitic relationship with cheap Chinese-made goods to continue pretty much where it was going when Obama left office along with a lapdog mainstream press and a foreign policy that has us playing "world cops" again. We will see continued treasonous erosion of our strategic advantages, our liberties will continue to evaporate in favor of conforming in our public behavior to a "woke" agenda at the peril of being doxxed, beaten up or murdered without any consequences for the actors. For historical reference here, go to google and search "Nazi brownshirts". The parallels between the behavior of the far left groups and this historical reference are truly the most frightening aspect of our new direction. Seeing people labeled "bigots" on Facebook and Twitter for advocating notions of a "colorblind society" in line with the ideas of Martin Luther King Jr is all the warning you need. Or maybe continued economic growth is my fantasy and we are actually a failed state whose Republic is a distant memory, headed for our own version of Stalin's economic policy visited on America.
Robert M Traxler
December 13, 2020
MacDougal, Extremely well said, thanks for the comment. Shouting down decent in the public square is what the socialists in Italy, Germany, Spain and a dozen other nations did in the first half of the 1900's and it is what the corporate media is doing today in social media, along with the 5% radical socialists in the leftest media. The "politically correct" stand on issues allows no decent, or variations from leftest orthodoxies. Thanks again.

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