by Robert M. Traxler

Let’s talk a bit of what iArmy Bob Salutesfs. Reuters reported that Donald Trump is ahead of Hillary Clinton in the electoral college; who knows if it is true, we have more polls than flies in an outhouse.

The what if: what if Mr. Trump wins? I am not talking about what he will do as president, but what will the good folks in the media say just after the election? ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, NPR and most of the print media are solidly on the side of Mrs. Clinton and very much invested in her becoming president. The media are solidly on her side (with the exception of the Townbroadcast editor who rejects both Clinton and Trump), as are the people in the elite on Wall Street, academia and in the Washington bureaucracy.

Our masters in the media, the smart elite folks who tell the public what to think and how to think, will call the American people dumb, stupid rubes who have been brainwashed by the celebrity of Mr. Trump. After all Mr. Trump is a racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, clown whom no foreign leader will take seriously. The same vilification was used on President Ronald Reagan, by the way.

The media will tell us that we have tossed a temper tantrum, and like petulant children, do not know what is good for us. It was Secretary Clinton’s turn; she was owed the presidency after President Barack Obama beat her in the primary, it is her turn after all. Mrs. Clinton is an Ivy League graduate who is on the politically correct side of every issue; she has paid her dues to the liberal hierarchy and deserves to be president. Secretary Clinton has raised more money, spent more money, paid the proper consultants and media moguls millions, doing all the things required of her to win; the problem is not with her, it is with the stupid, backwoods, a**hole American voters. The Americans who count voted for Mrs. Clinton, the smart people in academia, the east and west coast folks along with the Hollywood glamorous and famous. The idiots who live in the South and Middle AmericBob Traxler_0a, places like Dorr, Wayland, Martin, Hopkins and Moline, the unsophisticated unwashed, toothless, low skill, low-wage blue collar, mindless, mouth breathers voted for Trump. Always loved the way liberals are non-judgmental.

We can hope that if Mr. Trump wins, he will go to Washington and change the group thinking of the bureaucrats who put process before results. If a program is broken and wasteful, no one cares as long as the bureaucratic process was followed during the wasteful or failed execution of the program. We do need a change, a non-professional politician, someone who is not wed to the failed process of government and the status quo. The process is broken; the Veterans’ Administration has large problems, so what does the political class do? Change the top leader, but leave the old process in place. The process is the problem with government and it needs to change. A stone-cold government insider like Mrs. Clinton will not affect systemic change; she, along with the bureaucrats, the media and academia are comfortable with the system, love the system, wallow in the system and will never challenge the effectiveness of the current system.

If Mr. Trump wins and becomes president, the left and the good folks in our media will parrot the same old mantra: he is not my president, I did not vote for him, tens of millions of fools, mentally ill, idiotic dolts voted for him. I will bet a month’s parachute pay that the liberal self-proclaimed elite are reading this saying OK, and what is wrong with that statement? Isn’t it true? We need to love all the open minded, non-judgmental, kind, loving, liberal people.

Time for a change, time for a President Trump.


Bob Moras
September 23, 2016
The really sad thing is that many will spend hours pillorying whomever becomes the next president, rather than hoping they succeed in bringing prosperity and respect back to our country. And that includes the media. It is my opinion that our country has become so partisan that we have forgotten to recognize the negativity and grid lock of politics has as much to do with our current situation as the people we elect. The success of our Democracy has always been dependent on compromise. Our most productive eras were politicians like Lyndon Johnson (Senate Majority leader) and Tip O'Neill (Speaker of the House) could create compromise to achieve results. I am no fan of Obama, nor am I a fan of Hillary, but should Hillary become president, I would hope she is given a chance to get something done for our well being. And, I assume, that will mean that there will have to be a great deal of compromise to do that. And the same holds true for Donald Trump. The stagnation from zealous partisanship, by both our politicians and media, must come to an end if we are going to survive as a nation. Just one example of the hypocrisy of our politicians is the Infrastructure dilemma. Obama wanted to create jobs via work on our infrastructure. For political reasons, programs to repair our roads and bridges were never put in place. However, now that the election is near, we are hearing from those very same politicians, the need to repair our roads and bridges and the intent to get it done if Donald is elected. What we really need in our government are some real "Horse Traders' willing to accept compromise. And we need the media to bring us together, not fan the flames of destructive partisanship.
Robert M Traxler
September 23, 2016
Mr. Moras, Thank you for the comment. Agree, as the late Shelby Foote said, America has a real genius for compromise, our whole government is based on it. The give and take our system requires has worked in the past and it can again.
Free Market Man
September 28, 2016
Mr. Moras, To Democrats, the only compromise is their way or the highway. Obama has a phone and a pen, as he so famously proclaimed, and he has used it for everything. If he and the Democrats truly wanted to create infrastructure jobs, all he had to do is use his pen - the Establishment Republicans would never, ever, get in his way. They would rather spend money to great ideas such as Solyndra (bankrupt solar panel maker) and such type clean energy projects that go kaput and lose huge amounts of taxpayer cash. Roads and bridges are old technology to a Democrat, nothing sexy like throwing money at solar panel companies. Besides, they know what is best for you because you are an idiot and they have a Harvard or Yale degree - they are more intelligent and smarter than you could ever be. Just don't give them a sharp stick, they'd poke their eyes out!

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