by Robert M. Traxler

“On Jan. 20, 2023, the FBI executed a planned, consensual search of the President’s residence in Wilmington, Delaware,” said Joseph D. Fitzpatrick, an assistant U.S. attorney to the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch.
The story here is that the FBI found classified documents after two searches by the Biden family’s platoon of lawyers had searched it twice. Why did the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) allow President Joe Biden’s lawyers in private practice, lawyers over whom they have very limited to no control, to become an arm of the United States Department of Justice? As Mr. Robert Moras wrote concerning private lawyers, they are “hidden in the attorney/client privilege cocoon,” so they are not the friends of the DOJ or the truth.
After two searches of one of President Biden’s homes by his personnel lawyers and the White House legal team who stated they found everything, even more classified documents were found by the FBI. Where were the documents hidden? I say hidden, because the two searches involving teams of lawyers did not find them.
An FBI search, the third, found classified documents; if they were in plain sight or in a normal area one would find documents, a team of White House lawyers and President Biden’s personal attorneys would have found them. Who hid the documents, and why were they hidden? President Biden had visited the crime scene after the first two searches but before the FBI search; if he had used them, he would have known the location and told his legal team.
The questions continue to go unanswered; is the focus on crime or the coverup? The media normally concerns themselves with the coverup, so why not now?
Robert Hunter Biden had control of the crime scene for years; he was paid nearly $11 million by questionable corporations in the Ukraine to consult, and the documents in evidence are allegedly concerning the Ukraine. China also had Robert Hunter and brother/Uncle James Brian Biden involved, who were in and out of the Wilmington residence many times during the period in question.
Both Robert Hunter and James Brian Biden were in business dealings paying tens of millions of dollars, dealings that are questionable at best. Were the classified documents used by Robert Hunter Biden, a person not cleared to have access? A good question that the media needs to drill down on, but will they? Do you know what fat chance means?
According to NBC news, Robert Hunter Biden was paid $11 million from 2013 to 2018 by Burisma, a questionable international fossil fuel corporation headquartered in the Ukraine. President Biden bullied Ukraine, threatening to cancel more than a billion dollars in military and economic aid, unless they fired a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. Questionable yes, questions the media should ask. Will they? Only if they feel they need to, to keep President Biden from running for a second term.

The puppet masters in the progressive media and the Silicon Valley billionaires want a more electable leftist candidate. The objective is to tarnish President Biden, not to destroy him unless necessary, to protect the continuing progressive subversion of our Constitution.
The Special Prosecutor’s office in the classified documents case targeting President Biden can use the documents found in President Biden’s Delaware home to open the door to investigate Robert Hunter Biden’s connection to the documents, but will they? Hope springs eternal, but probably not, again unless they need to, to coerce President Biden not to run.
The sale of Robert Hunter Biden’s paintings for many millions of dollars is also an area the Special Prosecutor now has a legal open door to walk through; who spent millions of dollars on the paintings? A secret the White House can somehow keep secret; is there a link to the Chinese, Russians, or corrupt Ukrainians? Was the sale a legitimate auction or a money laundering operation?
The door is now open. Will Mr. Lausch, the Special Prosecutor, walk through it? Again, not unless they need Mr. Lausch to derail President Biden’s reelection plans.
My opinion.
Well, there is a lot here that does not make sense. But, Tony Bobulinsky revealed that many of the crazy activities were to provide “Deniability”. Funny how an insider to the workings of the Biden Cartel got little attention, other than credibility questions, much like the fella that turned over Rembrandt Biden’s laptop to the FBI. Kind of strange how lack of credibility comes before an investigation.
How about the $5 million interest free, “Forgivable” loan from the Chinese Government? And Hunter’s paintings going for more than some Picasso”s is just another ruse to allow deniability for bribes and influence money.
James Biden has a real list of accomplishments, when it comes to government contracts. That is a real interesting tale in itself.
“Deniability” is the key here. You know the saying (unless you are a Republican), “there is no incontrovertible evidence” that would warrant charges or further investigation. Funny how Trump was not only working for the Russians, but elected as President, in great part by Putin. We spent millions of taxpayer dollars doing investigations and holding trials, with no “incontrovertible” evidence.. And yet, James Comey laid out all the transgressions of Hillary and stated ” that the agency found that “no charges are appropriate” in the probe into the former secretary of state’s emails. Our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts.” Even without “Deniability” Democrats do what they please, without 6 AM FBI raids and handcuffs.
Remember that word “Deniability”. It will play a huge part in dismissing the Biden Cartel business dealings. Where is Robert Mueller when you need him?? LOL!!
Mr. Moras,
Thank you for the comment. Agree totally with you, code words in the correspondence on Robert Hunter Biden laptop like “the big guy” in lieu of Dad, Father, Joe or Mr. President gos to “deniability”.