President Donald Trump is being called a populist by a mostly single-minded media. Now a reasonable and prudent person would ask, what is wrong with being a populist?

A definition of populism:

“A supporter of populism, a political philosophy urging social and political system change that favors ‘the people’ over ‘the elites,’ or favors the common people over the rich and wealthy business owners.”

The American left is in a strange place; they are now condemning President Trump for practicing one of the bedrock principles of socialism. The good folks in the fourth estate are so blinded by hate — I do mean hate — that they can’t see the forest full of trees for hugging one tree, the tree of irrational disdain for President Trump.

The folks who desire a nation that follows a historically failed system, socialism, that spawned the world’s most vile despots, should be happy with a populist. The problem in the minds of pure socialists is that President Trump failed to denounce nationalism and religion.

The American left and the media applauded President Obama when he called for nationalism and when he asked for God’s help; strange how that works. The news scribblers believe in situational ethics: one person’s beauty is another’s beast; one person’s passion is another person’s poison. President Obama’s children were off limits to the media, but President Trump’s young son is being excoriated in the media; Google his name to see for yourself.

The American royalty in the Hollywood, media and political elite detest an outsider, even an outsider who is a social liberal, as they are. Just who do those folks in the middle of the country think they are, electing Trump? The media will parse every word, condemn every action, and destroy every supporter of President Trump. The media elite told us “President Trump can’t be allowed to become president”: the New York Times.

Let’s look at one of the areas our President is condemned for — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO was formed when Europe was in horrible economic and military shape after World War II. What would later become the Warsaw Pact (the Soviet Socialist’s Republic allies) was the largest and the most powerful military alliance in the world, and NATO was formed as a balancing force. The Soviet Socialist Republic fell apart, the Warsaw Pact fell apart, but we still hold on to a NATO in which only 20% of the countries who are members are shouldering their fair share of the cost. President Trump has simply stated they need to live up to the treaty commitments.

Politics makes strange bedfellows; the left hated NATO until President Trump came out against it, now they tell us we can’t live without it.

President Trump is a populist, Secretary Clinton was an elitist. The choice should have been an easy one; Hollywood, Wall Street, media and the self-proclaimed intellectuals were all in for Mrs. Clinton. The elite are outraged that the unwashed masses in the middle of the country had the audacity to disregard them, to think independently and not play follow the leader.

Stand by for a media broadside, carpet bombing, torpedoing and strafing the ship of state; the attacks will be personal. The elite, the cream of the crop are, for the most part seriously deranged.

The elite establishment Republicans (Senator John McCain), Democrats, media and chattering class are against a populist president; we will be bombarded with cluster munitions by every media outlet, even many of the Fox News folks hate President Trump. Oh, and they also hate those of us who voted for him.

Folks, never forget most of us in Hopkins, Dorr, Martin, Wayland and Moline are deplorable and unredeemable in the eyes of the elite.

Bring on a populist, a President Trump who has the audacity to believe in American exceptionalism.


Bob Moras
February 11, 2017
It is all about the educated liberal meritocracy in America. mer·i·toc·ra·cy........•a ruling or influential class of educated or skilled people. The liberal educated class in America are protesting the election of Donald Trump for one simple reason. They believe they have earned the right to dictate to all Americans the policies they feel is right for America. In essence, they are discriminatory, thinking they are smarter and know better than the rubes that have not achieved their level of education and class. In essence, what the election did, was deny them their self proclaimed right to do so. In addition, they were made to look like fools to all the world, after having assured all that Trump could never be elected. It troubles me that this meritocracy have been educated, but have no sense of the maturity necessary to accept that they are not a ruling class of our society. This is evidenced in their antics of dressing in vagina costumes and their propensity to riot under the guise of protest. Their antics are those of spoiled brats, rather then the enlightened intelligentsia they proclaim to be. What is more troubling is their pseudo liberalism and claims of wanting to eliminate all bigotry and discrimination, while they assume a social level that they would protect at any cost, They pander to the lesser and underprivileged of our class by offering government programs to keep them sated, as a means of protecting their own place in our society. Their discrimination is further evidenced by calling Trump supporters illiterate and fools, because of a difference in political philosophy and a demand for change, that threatens their own power structure. They own much of the bureaucratic power in our government and positions in our mainstream media. And they use their position to try and stymie any change to the status quo. Even to the point of destroying our way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What is truly a shame is that this is obvious to most that can recognize it, but not to their educated selves. It is all about self righteous ego. And my guess is, unless they recognize their own delusions, those independents (rather than liberals and conservatives) that make up the deciding factor of most our elections , will continue to vote for those they feel are more sensible, rather than those that have made themselves look like fools by their foolish antics and outrageous forms of protest. The more mature portion of our society have been bombarded with riots and destruction of property, women shouting of menstrual dirtied sheets, children holding profane placards, rants of blowing up the White House, the politicization of our highest courts and obstruction of implementation of the promises of the candidate they elected. So I say, "Beware those of you that own that meritocracy", you could give cause to a profound loss of many of the freedoms you now enjoy. Obama already tried and failed to institute his own desire for marshal law in this country (his executive orders found unconstitutional by our courts). But the pendulum could swing far to the right, given the excuse to restore order in our society. And Trump could become your desire, in the future, rather than your nightmare.
Robert M Traxler
February 12, 2017
Mr. Moras, Bob, You are very good at this, well stated, very well done. Sound argument logically made. Thank you once again for the comment.
Bob Moras
February 12, 2017
Thank You for the compliment. The subject I wrote about is of some special interest to me, as I quit High School in my Junior Year and at 16 Years of age. I don't want to paint with a broad brush here, but there is some inherent snobbery associated to one having a college degree. I mean what would one expect? You are supposedly smarter if you graduate college; at least smarter than someone who has not. How could it be otherwise? What would be the sense of going to college, if not? And after all, did I not get the better job, instead of Henry, because I went to college and he didn't? So, to make it short, when that mechanic that works on your car or the steel worker or coal miner that has no formal education, has the audacity to not only deny you your right to choose who should run the country or challenge your knowledge and in doing so, make you feel the fool (after getting a college degree for heavens sake) after proclaiming what should have been evident to even a fool, there are some anguished feelings. Almost as bad as those suffered by Henry, who had years of job experience, but lost a better job to a guy with a college degree and no practical experience. Henry acknowledges that is the way it is. Henry also knows that if he does not go along with the program, he may lose the job he has to another college man. All he can hope for and work for is a change in management. Management that will recognize his practical ability. Voila!! It has happened!! And College man is outraged and does not understand, that Henry was right all along. How could that be? Oh, the outrage!!! But Henry knew, it was just a matter of time before the change. Thanks again for your kind words. Glad you enjoy reading my comments, as much as I enjoy reading yours.
Robert M Traxler
February 14, 2017
Mr. Moras Bob, I will give you one more example. The folks who attended the ivy league colleges (many who are in Washington) will call anyone who went to a state school like Michigan or Michigan State a graduate of a pick and shovel tech, or moo U’s, not real colleges. They call the folks who went to the United States Military Academy at West Point the Naval Academy and Air Force Academy trade school boys. MIT is also a trade school in the eyes of the educational elite. The smartest man I ever knew was my First Sargeant, a man who walked down Pork Chop Hill in Korea, one of seven survivors who were all that was left of a full Rifle Company. He dropped out of high school and at 16 and joined the Army. Not well educated, but a brilliant man and outstanding soldier. My father had a high school education and went on to become an Army LTC. Dad later was hospital administrator for two hospitals. An education makes you educated, but not necessarily smart or competent. Thanks for the comment.

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