by Robert M. Traxler

Just where the Army Bob Salutesheck are our friends in the media carping and harping on our invasion by land and air of Syria? When President Bush sent troops into a different country the media worked overtime finding fault; names like imperialist, Nazi, Fascist and bully were tossed around liberally by the media.

President Obama invades Syria and is now bombing Libya, ratcheting up the conflict to a great extent and our watch dogs in the media, our self-proclaimed arbiters of fact, are AWOL, or should I say AWOC (absent without comment).

President Obama will be seen in history as one of the great presidents; his presidency has been unremarkable, but no worries — the day he was inaugurated he received the Nobel Prize for Peace. President Obama did nothing to earn the Nobel Prize, but that was not important. Political correctness will see his bust carved into Mount Rushmore and a Lincoln/Jefferson type memorial built on the mall in Washington.

President Obama sent an Army Special Forces Group into Syria along with a few United States Marines. OK, the media did report that, but that is where it stopped, just where the White House wanted it to stop. Who is providing all nine classes of supply to the Special Forces troops? Who is providing air support and medical support or communications support? Who is providing direct or general support maintenance? Saint Nicholas? The Easter Bunny?

The number of combat support and combat service support troops it takes to keep that Special Forces Group (roughly 250) in the field, is between 1500 and 2250. A reasonable person would doubt the support troops are in Dorr/Wayland/Hopkins/Moline or Martin; a good number of them are in Syria along with a large number of contracted, Blackwater-type American mercenaries. The media hates Blackwater (renamed Academi) mercenaries unless a liberal hires them.

President Obama has said he ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he did in his mind. However, no oneBob Traxler_0 told the 60,000 ISIS/ISIL/Taliban regulars and twice that number of irregular troops that they lost the war, because President Obama needs it to happen for his legacy.

President Obama will cite the economy as his legacy. The economy did start the downhill slide on President Bush the younger’s watch, hit bottom during his presidency and had just started to recover. The fact history will forget is the economic turn downward again during President Obama’s time, and the recovery did not start again for years. President Obama, more concerned with his legacy than the welfare of the American people, could have postponed the Affordable Care Act until the economy recovered, but he pushed it through and extended the economic troubles for six more years, giving us the longest period of stagnant growth since 1949.

If Presidents are known in history for good or bad economies, ask yourself what other presidents (not in our lifetimes) are known in history for good or bad economies? History just does not remember presidents for the economy; scandal and war yes economies, rarely.

The media also just happened to forget to report on the fact that the Iraqi army regaining ground in Iraq was due to Iranian “militia,” in reality the Revolutionary Guards and Iranian leadership and equipment. Iranian influence has spread and made them the dominant force in the region. Short-term gain and long-term pain, we will pay a high price in blood for President Obama’s short-sighted legacy building.

President Bill Clinton will be known as the president who was serviced by multiple women in the oval office. President Obama will be known as the first African American president, but that will be enough for immortality and for the politically correct media to again rewrite history. I predict within six years he will be given credit for singlehandedly and with total disregard for his own personal safety saving all life on earth because of his selfless and heroic stand on global climate change. A threat (according to the politically correct) more direct and dangerous to the liberty and freedom we cherish than international Islamic terrorism.

Indeed, it is time for a change, a change to a non-politician, a change to Mr. Donald Trump.

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