by Robert M. Traxler

Mark Levin said Thursday that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., had awakened the “sleeping giant” of the American people by leading impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

In an interview on “Hannity,” a nightly news comment program on FOX News, the “Life, Liberty & Levin” host compared Schiff’s actions to a famous quote from Japanese Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto. It was after he discovered Japan had bombed the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7,  1941, before the declaration of war had been delivered to the American government.

“After we attacked at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto said, ‘I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve’,” Levin said. The impeachment of President Clinton was a problem for Republicans in the election after President Clinton’s 1998, impeachment, and the Democrats will suffer the same fate in the 2020 elections, time will tell.

The holy grail of the liberal media is that the impeachment is not a legal proceeding, so the President does not get the protections the Constitution provides every other American. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. The impeachment has witnesses, who are sworn in and under oath. The majority and minority have attorneys, and even if this is only an investigative procedure, the accused has rights. As President Clinton’s supporters stated ad nauseum, “the President is not above the law but he is not below it either.” President Clinton had rights guaranteed by our Constitution but President Trump apparently doesn’t? Really?

Representative Mike Quigley (D-IL) is quoted as saying, “I think the American public needs to be reminded that countless people have been convicted on hearsay because the courts have routinely allowed and created needed exceptions to hearsay.”

Quigley said this to close his questioning of Kent and Taylor. “Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, as we have learned in painful instances and it’s certainly valid in this instance.” In what court? not in an American or British Commonwealth court, perhaps in a few third world nations.

In what court would folks who testified that they assumed that a person meant something when they got it second hand? In what court would a double “hearsay” be admissible? Do Americans have no Constitutional rights when testifying before Congress? Apparently, we do not, and the media agrees.

We must ask where the media is, the watchdogs of the government, the protectors of Americans’ rights? Apparently the media only protects the rights of folks they approve of. Folks, if this does not scare you it should. Freedom of speech has evolved on the left to be freedom from speech, politically incorrect speak is not allowed.


dennis longstreet
November 28, 2019
If you're pro-Trump, you watch Fox News. They tell you what you want to hear. If you are anti-Trump, you watch MSNBC. They tell you what you want to hear. If you watch the news with a closed mind, it's not the medias fault. Fake news is only fake if you don't believe it. Do your own fact checks, open your own mind. The media is only a tool. We are the hardware
Robert M Traxler
November 29, 2019
Mr. Longstreet, Thank you kindly for the comment. The media is anti President Trump almost ten to one. That sir is bias. Thanks again.
dennis longstreet
December 2, 2019
90% anti Trump and 10% pro Trump WOW. That 90% wrong and 10% right WOW. Wonder why that is.Must be closed minds or just bias as you stated.How do the 90% stay in business.
Don't Tread On Me
December 3, 2019
Mr. Longstreet, If you carefully examine media Trump bashers before Trump and after he was a candidate and president, you'll notice a steady decline in viewership ratings. Clinton News Network (CNN), MSNBC, and all the other alphabet soup networks are down in ratings as printed publications (newspapers, magazines, periodicals) are losing readership at an alarming rate. The "Time" magazine empire is teetering on bankruptcy. Yes, things - they are a changing!
dennis longstreet
December 3, 2019
Did you get your info from the 10% or the 90% Makes a difference.
dennis longstreet
December 3, 2019
Did not know what CNN stood for, then you gave me the 100% TRUTH. What does FOX really stand for?
Lynn Mandaville
November 29, 2019
Fox News (the ultimate oxymoron) and opinions like those of Hannity cannot be taken seriously. They are Trump minions who are as guilty, if not moreso, than the Republican representatives who have fallen into lock step with the president. Hearsay is no longer a valid argument against the Schiff proceedings. Claims that the whistleblower only knew things second and third hand have been made obsolete in light of testimony from Sondland, and caught on video statements by Mick Mulvaney and the President himself. Confessions, even when made by dumb men who can't seem to think before they shoot off their mouths, count for a lot in my book, when they confirm what was only speculation in the very recent past. The President and many, many of his lackeys have participated in unseemly, unethical, immoral, and unsafe behavior with regard to the Ukraine. They are guilty of impeachable offenses. They all must go. The sooner the better. If the elections are affected by the trial, so be it. A nation as wonderful as America was before Trump got his hands on it is worth defending under the bright light of truth.
Robert M Traxler
November 30, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Thank you for the comment. Next time please do not hold back post what you really feel. Your words,"The President and many, many of his lackeys have participated in unseemly, unethical, immoral, and unsafe behavior with regard to the Ukraine. They are guilty of impeachable offenses." I do hope you are also stating they deserve the protections of the American Constitution like you or I have, or do we hang them before we have the proof,real proof not inadmissible assumptions? Thanks again.
Lynn Mandaville
November 30, 2019
Mr. Traxler, It should, by logic and by statute, follow that due process take place once a (or many) confession has been made and the House moves the process over to the Senate for trial. The real question, next, should be WILL a Republican Senate follow the facts and evidence and do the right thing by convicting and removing the President? A trial in the Senate, vs. a fact-finding/indictment process in the House, should have full access to White House staff as witnesses, and White House documents as supporting evidence. What should follow would be Republican men and women who are willing to forego allegiance to party and be allegiant to the Republic for which they stand. Will Republicans have the conscience and the guts to remove the King of Chaos and Obfuscation for his no longer alleged crimes.
Robert M Traxler
November 30, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, It is safe to assume our President will not be on your Christmas card list? Your comment might as well be, bring the guilty man in and give him a trial without due process then hang him. Thanks for the comment.
Don't Tread On Me
November 30, 2019
Facts, facts! We don't need no stinking facts! All money and aid given by America to any country has a quid pro quo attached to it, otherwise the money/aid wouldn't be released. The only no strings attached aid is for humanitarian reasons. What don't Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Marxists understand? Both Democrat/Republican presidents and administrations have been doing this for 100+ years. Wake up and shut your pie hole.
Lynn Mandaville
December 1, 2019
DOTM, perhaps, as you claim, Democratic and Republican presidents and administrations have invoked a quasi-quid pro quo over the last 100+ years. How many of them, do you think, did so for personal gain or advantage? This is the crime which Trump himself has confessed to committing. Perhaps you think that my merely delivering the message of his guilt is a threat to your allegiance, thus engendering your rude closing remark? And to you, Mr. Traxler, need I remind you that even confessed criminals deserve and receive their day in court, complete with all the trappings of due process? Just because I call a spade a spade doesn't exclude the president's embarrassing day in court.
dennis longstreet
December 2, 2019
Lynn did you notice the pro Trump comments are filled with anger and hate.And the anti Trump comments are more civil and calm.We do not need facts Donnie is above LAW.Anyone accused of wrong doing has a right to defend their self but he wont.Wonder why
Don't Tread On Me
December 4, 2019
Trump's crime was beating the smartest woman in the world and the most unqualified person for the presidency. The media was stunned by Trump's victory and the scheming began with the Steele Dossier, paid for by Clinton and her cronies. The crimes run deep in the Clinton legacy, but their Democrat cover-up team keep supporting their criminal behavior. Joe Biden and his son are guilty of quid pro quo, and Trump has the authority and obligation to ask the Ukranians to investigate. Nothing else worked in ousting Trump, so Adam Schitt had to try something, no matter how far fetched. Get on with impeachment, because Trump will be elected again. The Senate will do their duty and not convict.
December 3, 2019
Contrary to what President Donald Trump and apparently the author want us to believe, the Articles of Impeachment are in The U.S. Constitution and impeachment isn't some new-fangled idea by the current Congress to embarrass a sitting president. However, President Trump also called the Emoluments Clause "phony," so I discount the whines about fairness and the unfair media. Impeachment doesn't have the rules and procedures of a federal criminal trial or a civil trial. Either President Trump doesn't grasp that or he doesn't like the fact that he can't deny, delay, quietly enter a no contest plea then get sealed settlements as has been his practice for decades when he or the Trump Organization has been sued. Its interesting that there are individuals who are quick to cite the Founding Fathers argument when it comes to the right to bear arms then want to discount or ignore the fact the current Congress is following the rules of impeachment. No one has to follow the media the author is condeming for not being "fair." Reporting on the impeachment has nothing to do with being "fair." Explaining who is testifying, why they were called to testify and the contest of their sworn testimony is the job of the media. You don't have to listen to or read any of the editorial comments from any media. And so it goes.

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