by Robert M. Traxler

The term white nationalist is joining the terms in the “basketful of deplorables” as defined by the American left. If you are a mostly Caucasian person and love our country, are you a White Nationalist?

In the ongoing and continuous process to condemn the nation and our Constitution, we are now condemned because of race and love of our country by those who call themselves inclusive; go figure. In the years before the radical left set the terms, a white nationalist was a hateful person who wanted an America with only a few those of European descent allowed.

The horrible terms racist and white nationalist are used to bludgeon a group of people who stand in the way of the movement to socialism. We are told to sit down and shut up when we point out that socialism always fails, and given sufficient time has many times ended in a violent dictatorship. We are told that socialism in small bites is great, and it is not necessary for our form of government to be gobbled up in one bite; our Constitution can die the death of a thousand cuts and that’s fine.

Those who advocate the small steps towards socialism tell us that incrementalism is the path to follow. If you object to what they are doing you are a racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, Islamophobic, white nationalist; however, please understand they do not use labels or names, they are above all that.

Are folks who stand for the national anthem and display the flag nationalists who want their nation to be successful, even more successful than other nations? You bet we are and proud of it; just how did nationalism become a derogatory term? The folks who buy metaphorical ink by the barrel, the media, have given voice mostly to those to those who disapprove of our way of life and work overtime at degrading those of us who love our nation, of course all in the name of unity. Belief in American exceptionalism is vilified.

Is President Trump a Caucasian who loves our nation? You bet he is, so in a strict definition of the term he is a white nationalist. Once again, the left have used a term that in the past described a few thousand horrible Americans and given it to the hundreds of millions of folks who disagree with them and who are proud of our nation and believe in Constitutional Democracy. The media, who should be the filter of such overheated language, are in the amen corner of the few who censure different opinions by liberally slinging labels and insults.

The Betsy Ross flag, a flag that flew behind President Obama during his first inauguration and was made by an anti-slavery Quaker lady, is vilified in popular liberal culture as racist? Go figure.

Many years ago, in the late 1960s, I was speaking to a young lady who was belittling our nation. I asked her why she lives here if she hates it so strongly. Her answer was that she loves our nation, and that is why she criticizes it every chance she gets. I responded that I bet Christmas is fun at her house, if you display your love by constantly tearing apart things you love. Quite frankly having lived in Europe, Asia and spent a lot of time in South and Central America, it is beyond me why folks who hate our nation continue to live here. Life is too short to be miserable all the time and to spend your short time on earth in anger and hate.

Add “communist” to the list of terms that might be a racist term, according to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who said Wednesday July 17, “that term had a “long” and “rich history” tied to white supremacy in the United States.” Do these folks ever tire of labeling those who disagree?

If you have believed that the United States is the worst nation in the world for your entire existence, perhaps it is time to move to a place you will be happy — try Venezuela.

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