by Robert M. Traxler

Structural/Institutional Racism/White Privilege? Where is it, what is it? Identify it and we can work to end it, but the term is so open as to encompass everything.

Structural racism is like “white privilege;” identify it and we can work on ending it, but if it encompasses everything how can we address it? What law? What regulation? What ordinance?  

The first action in problem solving is to identify the problem; once clearly stated, it can be addressed, but only if one wants it to be addressed. An example is abortion; it is better to have it as an issue than to change the Constitution and make it a part of our law, similar to the woman’s vote, the 19th amendment. However, it is a divisive issue that both sides want, as abortion equals money and votes, on both sides of the argument.

Interesting how President Joe Biden’s son, Robert Hunter Biden, got a pass for a serious felony gun violation and tax violations, but no one asked if he received “white privilege.” Mr. Robert Hunter Biden lied on an application for a dreaded semiautomatic weapon, with two evil high-capacity magazines. He produced a false official document, or lying on a federal document, however, he should get a pass because he was a drug addict. Well, prisons are full of folks who used drugs when committing a crime.  

Robert Hunter Biden is not a recipient of the dreaded White Privilege, even though thousands of African Americans are in prison for firearms violations less serious than his. Has anyone in the media pointed to the double standard for Robert Hunter? Silly question, of course not.

White Privilege and Intuitional/Structural racism have nothing to do with Robert Hunter Biden getting a free pass, in a way his plea deal will be expunged from his record, perhaps before his father departs the White House. Just like President Obama’s buddy and confessed Marxist terrorist bomber William Ayers, who said “guilty as hell, but free as a bird.”

“Control the language and control the nation” is a teaching found in Rules for Radicals, a book penned by Saul Alinsky, a progressive hero and best-selling author. Another teaching is “power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.” Mr. Robert Biden is painted in our media as a hero for drying out from drug abuse, not as a felon who committed a dastardly gun crime? Poor minority folks are doing prison time for like crimes, but they are painted as criminals, not victims.

Robert Hunter’s laptop was a Russian false flag operation; we must believe it or be horrible people, who are contemptible, vile MAGA terrorists and tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists. The New York Times admitted the laptop is real, after knowing it was real and denying for more than two years, printing the truth on page 14 after years of denial on the front page above the fold. The social media sites still censor posts that say the laptop computer was Mr. Biden’s and real; truth be damned, the truth is not politically correct, and it is what the media/social media influencers want it to be.

Army Bob Traxler

Cocaine found in the White House is an easy investigation to run. Having signed my name to hundreds of felony investigations during years in the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, I can tell you that my experience tells me that it is a few days’ case, not more than a week, especially with the assets available to the White House Secret Service detail. Check for fingerprints, look at the security footage, and conduct interviews of folks with access to the controlled and limited access location. So why is it taking so long for the Secret Service to investigate? Could it be the dreaded “White Privilege” or structural/institutional racism?  It could be, however, that it is politically correct White Privilege/racism, so it does not count. 

A federal judge has limited the government from influencing/pressuring some social media outlets into banning or removing stories not favorable to our government. The ban is based on the first amendment grounds. The truth about Covid-19, the Robert Hunter Biden laptop, and President Trump not being a paid Russian agent are among them.

My opinion, you may not agree. 


July 13, 2023
Chalk another one up for the good guys. My guess there will much silence on this one too. My opinon, my choice.
Robert M Traxler
July 14, 2023
David, thanks for the comment. With the elections on the way the media will tell us crime is down, not true, reporting crime is down, actual crime is out of control. Never forget the end of all life is 2030 some 2664 days, agree or you are a dammed science denier.
Lynn Mandaville
July 23, 2023
Bob, please let this go. The end of all life is not going to be in 2030. Yet you hang on to this like a dog with a meaty bone. At the very least, the quality of life around the globe may be more seriously degrading by 2030 as it is beginning to be in some parts of the world. In my opinion, it has become irrelevant to point fingers at by whom and where the damage is being done. What is relevant is trying to undo the damage wherever we can, even if those efforts are miniscule and won't amount to a hill of beans unless the efforts become global. Efforts in alternative energy sources will be costly. And, as you point out, there will be folks who take advantage of it and gouge the public. But isn't that capitalism working its thing?

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