Words have meaning, titles and labels have meaning. American English as opposed to the king’s English or the British version of English, has words that are as vile as it gets.

A more vile and offensive term than referring to someone as a Nazi does not exist in both forms of the English language. In World War Two we rationalized firebombing the German City of Dresden and killing 50,000 plus civilians as war and killing people who were or supported the Nazis. Most Americans were fine with it; it was killing the most evil, vile men, women and children in the world after all.

The fear is that the left is rationalizing to the point of disdain, hatred for President Trump and the millions of Americans who support him. We have seen violence and suppression of free speech on college campuses, we have seen calls for violence using the vilest language available to refer to the “enemy.” The enemy is anyone who disagrees with them on any matter. Tolerance and inclusion are their mantra as they practice intolerance and exclusion.

Precisely how anti-abortion advocates are called Nazis and Fascists escapes me. Only the most closed mind will call a person who advocates for life a mass murderer, it just doesn’t pass the common-sense test.

The folks in the media are mostly liberal, I get that, but allowing folks like the 61% of voters we find in Hopkins, Dorr, Martin, Wayland and Moline to be prejudged as Nazis and Fascists unchallenged is very troubling. Normally rational people who scribble on the pages of this esteemed publication and most media outlets are normally a force for calm rational thought. We have seen titles like Nazi, Fascist, homophobe, sexist, flying monkeys, used with no editorial disagreement; quite the opposite, indeed editorial support in most media outlets.

The Army Bob column has beaten this drum before, but it is scary to see normally rational people becoming unhinged and hate filled. It is more terrifying to see the mass media in the amen corner of those preaching irrational hate.

A reasonable and prudent person not blinded by deep disdain to the point of hate should ask why just saying “all lives matter” is a warrant to assault a person while calling them a Nazi? An open mind should question calling immigration control on people from a predominately Muslim country that harbors, funds and exports, terrorists a ban on all Muslims? In excess of 1.3 billion Muslims are not banned, but you rarely hear that figure used by a media blinded by group think and irrational hate.

Whatever happened to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that defended the National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, the Klan’s right to march in a Jewish community and defended the Constitution in the Bakke Case of reverse discrimination? The ACLU quickly found out that their open-minded dues-paying members were not so open minded; they lost millions in membership dues. The ACLU, a self-proclaimed defender of the Constitution, currently only defends liberal causes, the United States Constitution be damned.

The term “Snowflake” is used to refer to sheltered, closed-minded college students who need safe zones, aroma therapy and puppies to cope with life. Perhaps we need to require a course in reality to be a part of the curriculum at our institutions of higher education. Ask yourself who is being better educated for the hardships of life: a 22-year-old Snowflake in the fetal position in a safe zone, sniffing scented candles while petting a puppy, or a 19-year paratrooper deployed overseas? My money is on the paratrooper


Free Market Man
March 17, 2017
I'm all for the draft again - both male and female. We must be equal. No college deferments, no weaseling out, everybody in the draft lottery. Now that would be a "snowflake's" worst nightmare! The military would have a never ending supply of recruits and some would even find out their purpose in life while in the military.
March 17, 2017
Breitbart News has described itself as Alt Right. This phrase was used by Steve Bannon, formerly editor of Breitbart. Bannon is now an advisor to Pres. Trump, who says he regularly reads Breitbart. What do you think Alt Right means? My guess: somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun.
Robert M Traxler
March 17, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, OK, Breitbart News describes itself as Alt Right; that has what to do with this column? Here we go again calling any and all conservatives mass murders like Attila the Hun. Well, at least you did not use Hitler or Nazi this time, it shows some tolerance. Could it be the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is getting better?
Bob Moras
March 17, 2017
After watching the turmoil and reaction to the last election, I can only conclude, the real fascists are the liberals that want only one political party. They would be calm and content if the Republican Party was destroyed and our country had no political alternative to the Democratic Party. In essence, they desire a one party country, like N.Korea, Cuba, China and the rest of the fascist totalitarian countries that allow citizens to vote, but for only one party. Kind of hypocritical to promote all freedoms, except that of having a President other than a Democrat. fas·cism (făsh′ĭz′əm) n. 1. often Fascism a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition Who are the real fascists here??
Robert M Traxler
March 17, 2017
Mr. Moras, Bob, Thanks for the comment. The good folks on the left want a government that acts as our parents. A quote I like is "the government is the ultimate force for good" many folks, probably you and I, will disagree.
March 19, 2017
It's a false dichotomy. There can be educated "snowflake," just as there can be an ignorant paratrooper. I wasn't a paratrooper, but in my military service, I met personnel both educated and not. I guess I wasn't a "snowflake," a term with which I am unfamiliar, but I was a college student once upon a time, and encountered fellow students both educated and ignorant.
Robert M Traxler
March 19, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, Thank you for the comment. The point is not one of intelligence but being able to deal with confrontations. We will see and hear things offensive to us and must deal with them, not go to a safe place.

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