by Robert M. Traxler

When did being a white old man become a bad thing? You have no choice in how or who you are born. So why are folks who worship at the altar of openness and inclusion roundly condemning white men by the group?

To prejudge people is wrong, dead wrong; however, the same folks who make that statement in the next breath condemn white men. Heck even some liberal white men condemn themselves. Is self-loathing a good thing? Apparently, it is for certain groups.

Did you do anything to hurt or deny rights to others? It does not matter; you are condemned by the group you belong to because of who you were born as. The champions of inclusion and openness in the name of fairness will stereotype you and condemn you, by the group; folks, you cannot make this stuff up.

The problem with prejudging folks is that it is always wrong, right? Or is it? To condemn and prejudge a person by the group is wrong unless it is a group people do not like. Folks who condemn Christians and folks who feel condemning people based on race, sex, age or ancestry is wrong, see no problem with condemning white men for being born white, and horrors of horrors, being old. Go figure.

Denying free speech to those who you disagree with in the name of free speech is just old fashion dumb but newfangled politically correct. Safe zones where a counter opinion is not allowed are growing. We must ponder if safe zones not allowing politically correct speech would be allowed? Don’t hold your breath.

Point out that prejudice is wrong in all forms and folks will say they have no sympathy for an old white guy who is the root of evil complaining; how dare they object to the acceptable prejudice? Now a reasonable and prudent person not blinded by politically correct hate will think it is industrial strength stupid to prejudge anyone.

Take a moment and think of the old white men in your life; should they all be condemned? Think of a friend, relative, teacher, coach, minister, doctor, neighbor who are old, white men. Are they evil? If you want to be accepted in the religion of progressive socialism, you need to trumpet the party line that they are the very roots of evil.

Let me save the left the time; old white men have earned the title of being villainously evil. We deserve to be judged as a group as evil and hate-filled because we all are, or at least the vast majority of us are. So old white guys need to sit down and shut up.

Fairness, openness, acceptance and inclusion, judging a person as an individual are the goals of everyone; well, except for old white men and the people who do not condemn them, or dare I say it, even love them. Who you are, what good you did in life is not as important as what group you were born into? Does the Progressive Socialist movement want to go there? Apparently they do, and stay there, surrounded by disdain for millions of Americans based on sex and race.


dennis longstreet
August 9, 2019
I think it matters more what you think of yourself . Who gives A sh_t what other people think. If you have been a good person and feel good about yourself be happy.The more air time the bigots get the more they open their mouths. the only way to shut them up is to shut them out.
Robert M Traxler
August 10, 2019
Mr. Longstreet, Sir, Agree with your premise. The problem is "to shut them out" we must shut old white men up and in. Thanks again, well stated.
Lynn Mandaville
August 9, 2019
AB, I understand what you are getting at, with a vocal group condemning all old white men. Some of us, though, are not prejudging all, but are, actually, judging some old white men based on their actual conduct, performance in office, rhetoric, and voting records. If all old white men were unacceptable, then many of us old white women would need to reconsider our marriages to old white men. The truth is that not all old white men are to be considered terrible based on their sex, age and race. It is their moral make-up, their sense of responsibility, their discretion, and their basic humankindness, or lack thereof, that comprises the basis on which they are to be evaluated.
Robert M Traxler
August 10, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Thank you for the comment. "Masculinity, not ideology, drives extremist groups," the Washington Post. Google "are old white men evil" and see what you get, it may surprise you. Thanks again.
Lynn Mandaville
August 10, 2019
What I found, AB, was more of the same. White men claiming they are being discriminated against for being white men. Well, boohoo. White men do not, in general, have a very good track record of seeking peace vs. war, comfort vs. controversy, bluster vs. humility....I could go on. Unfortunately, the "good ones" seem to be either too few or too silent against the white men who cannot grasp their inherent privilege and work to end the injustices engendered by that institutionalized privilege. All people, men or women, white or shades of brown, earn their reputations by their words and actions, and it is up to those who dislike the negative attributions aimed at their ilk to do something to change the perception. Right now our government is overwhelmed by Republican, old white men who kowtow to another old white man of dubious allegiance. We are becoming victims of young white men who are engaging in domestic terrorism based on the false impression that they are the victims of rampant immigration and the desire of "others" to usurp their privileged way of life. You can google "are old white men evil" all you like. The truth lies in fact. Take each old white man according to his words and actions and make a decision as to his evilness. Then count them up to get your answer. Fact: a lot of old white men are evil, and a lot of them aren't. Fact: not too many old white men who are not evil are standing up to those who are. I happen to like most old white men, but I'm horribly dismayed by those who hold seats in Republican senate and house seats.
Robert M Traxler
August 11, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Some of your best friends are white men, you may want to think that one over. Substitute the word black for white men and see what you get, 1960s racism. Thank you for the comment.
Lynn Mandaville
August 11, 2019
AB : Never said some of my best friends are white men. I know that racist screed.
August 10, 2019
Is it true that a reduction in privilege feels like oppression?
Robert Traxler
August 10, 2019
MR. BASURA, Sir, As an old white man are you evil? Should you just sit down and shut up? Thanks for the comment.
August 12, 2019
I'm good bad, but not evil.
August 13, 2019
". . . good bad, but not evil" The Shangra Las. "Great Big Kiss" 1984
Lynn Mandaville
August 10, 2019
Wow, that's an interesting point of view. I hear a kernel of truth in it.
Don't Tread On Me
August 10, 2019
My, my, aren't we getting a little off track and getting personal. Old white women married to old white men are usually supportive of their spouses and somewhat mirror their outlook, past, future, and their prejudices. Not always, but usually it works that way for marital harmony. Maybe the present and future "hooking up" is the way to go so nobody has to deal with old folks and their so called racial hatred and terrible attitude. Keep that mirror handy! Everything bad in the world is about old white men - really? I think old white women should shoulder some of the burden, the men have carried the load for eons without thanks given, just expected to "take it".

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