by Robert M. Traxler
“Liberal CNN commentator Angela Rye had a fiery exchange with a Republican strategist during a panel discussion Monday night a week ago, telling him that “white men who think like you” are the “greatest terrorist threat in this country.”
OK, you folks are getting tired of me harping about the disdain “Old White Men” (OWM) are held in by most on the left? Even old white men on the left condemn themselves for being born white and, horrors of horrors, born male.
Now OWM we are being condemned because we support the nation of Israel. We are racist, sexist, homophobic, bigots because we do not condemn a race and religious minority nation in the Mideast that is a staunch American ally. Folks you can’t make this stuff up.
So just when did the Democratic Party become anti-Semitic? When did The Squad become the face and voice of the Democratic Party?  It happened when they, “The Squad,” became the most anti-President Trump group in the socialist movement and the darlings of the media. The squad is the antithesis of OWM: younger minority women (can we use the term women?). It is hard to keep up with the politically correct definitions, gave them enormous creditability in the progressive/socialist movement.
To be loved by the majority of the media you need to simply condemn the President and the nearly 63 million Americans who voted for him. The basket full of deplorables is fairly full with 31.5 million good folks in it, the half of the Trump supporters Mrs. Clinton referred to in her two speeches. Never mind we are all either the damnable old white men, or white women who only voted the way their husbands told them to. Mrs. Clinton has never met most conservative women, as they are strong, smart and not subservient to anyone. Can we say prejudice, Mrs. Clinton? Yes, yes we can.
One would think that the practice of prejudging millions of Americans by the group is wrong; well not so fast, it depends on which group is being judged. White women per exit polls voted 53% for President Trump, making them not too bright and not able think for themselves. A prejudgment absolutely!
No doubt in anyone’s mind, but politically correct prejudgment, so it is fine. To say that white men are the greatest terrorist threat in this country is applauded, approved of and celebrated, but what if we substituted Muslim men, African American men, Asian men, non-white women? It would correctly be called a racist statement that judges a whole group by the actions of a very few.
Now we know we conservative men, advanced degree or not, are basically stupid, so the concept must be beyond us. To practice prejudice in the name of being non-prejudiced is like a prostitute practicing their profession to achieve virginity.
The beauty of the left is never having to explain truly dumb statements, nor explain any of their words. The media in the past spoke truth to power; now they only speak truth to politically incorrect power. The media in the past had balance as a goal; today they feel ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CNBC and more are the balance to Fox News. Go figure.
Our nation, dare I say that? Perhaps the nation would be more acceptable to many on the left? The number of “white” Americans is between 60 and 72% depending on how folks with Hispanic DNA are classified so do  “white” folks commit more crimes than African Americans who are 12%, Muslim Americans who are 1.1% or Hispanic Americans who are 19%?
Yes, but the true judge is the rate per thousand or one hundred thousand, as we find in the Federal Bureau of Investigation uniform crime report. Do that and the prejudgment of folks looks very different.
It is not “rocket science” to figure crime rates, but the truth is politically incorrect, so our friends in the media/socialist movement use true but very misleading numbers to condemn and vilify good Americans by the group. Prejudice yes, but the correct kind of prejudice, celebrated/rewarded by the progressive movement.

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