Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

We are told by the folks in the media it is because we support Israel, because of global warming or global climate change, because Donald Trump wishes to suspend the immigration of people from Islamic States, because President George W. Bush ever lived, because the price of oil is up or down, because the Guantanamo Bay confinement facility exists, because we are an unfairly affluent nation, or because after 911 we did whatever.

Research why Muslims hate and attack America (first attacks 1797), and you will find on the Internet a plethora of reasons, most of which appear fine until you realize they must have hated us before 911 because they attacked us on 911. The fact the 911 planning was started before President Bush was elected — shoots the President Bush argument squarely in the rear end.

The fact they attacked us before 1949 when Israel was born destroys the convenient excuse it is our support for Israel. The fact they attacked us before the internal combustion engine was invented or oil was discovered in the Middle East destroys the climate change theory. The fact they attacked us before we invaded Cuba in the Spanish American War (1898) eliminates the Guantanamo Bay argument. Mr. Trump did not call for a suspension of Islamic Immigration until after the San Bernardino attacks, so that is wrong.

The massive number of pundits quoted on line who blame us (the victims, you and me) for the attacks all forget one thing: radical Islam hates us not because of what we are but for what we are not, a properly Islamic State. Islamic radicals have attacked Russia, Turkey, Great Britain, Canada, France, India, Indonesia, China, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia. The list can go on for a while yet, but you get the drift; more than 16 nations, and President Bush was not the president of any of them.Bob Traxler_0

Let’s be frank: the majority of the media hates the United States and makes excuses for those who attacked us. Could it be possible that it is the terrorists’ fault? Terrorists take “credit” for murdering mass numbers of Americans, as our media excuses their actions as justified because the United States did whatever.

One must wonder why Islamic armies attacked France and Austria in the eighth century and the United States in 1797? Climate change? Was It American foreign policy, President Bush, Israel, your SUV spewing carbon?

The plain awful truth is that we are the leader of the world and attacking the most affluent and advanced nation in the world will give the terrorists street creds in the Islamic world. One step at a time; first an Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East, and then move on Europe and the Americas.

Comparisons of fighting terrorism to fighting crime are freely made, mostly in the liberal media, but it is a false comparison. A more appropriate comparison is to the Cold War (1947 to 1991), a battle of ideologies fought in a few large battles in Viet Nam, Korea and Afghanistan, but mostly small engagements to stop the spread of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. We fought the Cold War on every continent, in almost every nation in the world; it was a long hard bloody war that spanned six decades and cost trillions of dollars.

References to decades and trillions upset Americans; we have always been the home by Christmas, solve a major crime in an hour TV program, win a war in a 90-minute movie type people.

The war on terror will be long, very long. The Soviets had an ideology, but no religious fervor. We are now facing a war on terror that couples the Islamic political system (Islamic Republics) and a very strict and militant religious belief. A belief system is a powerful thing as proven by the large number of young Muslims standing in line to blow themselves up and turn themselves into a red mist murdering others in the martyrdom process.

A question must be asked whether a correlation exists between the Department of Justice recently diverting assets from the terror war to a “Domestic Terrorism Counsel” and a war on Conservatives, Tea Party Patriots, Libertarians, and Constitutionalists. The assets investigating those of us who defend and support the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic were taken from the Islamic terror war.

President Obama’s timing could not have been worse, announcing the diversion of assets in mid-October 2015 and having a brutal Islamic terrorist attack happening a few weeks later. Not to worry, our friends in the liberal media just ignored the change of policy and refused to make the nexus. Once again, the politically correct news media fails to report a story that will embarrass a liberal president, even one that made you more vulnerable to Islamic terror attacks.


Free Market Man
December 18, 2015
No matter what argument you put forth, the Average American will do nothing until it affects them directly. It will come soon enough. Guess 9/11 and all the events following are enough to show radical Muslims are enemies of the state. The traitors in the office of President, Vice President and most of Congress are killing this country, spending what we don't have, more debt, more misery, and aiding our enemies. Common sense isn't so common anymore. We will see another 9/11 soon enough. With our borders continuing to be open and porous, we will be inundated with those wishing destruction upon the United States. Don't doubt it for one second.
Robert M Traxler
December 20, 2015
"Common sense isn't so common any more" an insightful observation.

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