Army Bob: Why must we punish minorities’ success?

Army Bob: Why must we punish minorities’ success?

by Robert M. Traxler

Jews for Trump had a parade/rally in New York City Oct. 25. The vehicles in the parade stretched for miles, no person-to-person contact like in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, all kept within the anti-COVID-19 laws in New York City.

The people participating in the rally were attacked with rocks, eggs, pepper spray and bags of urine; most involved in attacking them were from left-wing groups. Now if a rally of Jews for Biden was attacked in a like manner, would you have heard of it? Of course you would, it would have been wall to wall coverage — a minority group being attacked for exercising their constitutional rights.

I have always questioned the segregating of minority groups into politically correct minorities and non-politically correct groups. Asians are discriminated against because of race and color in higher education on a routine basis by the uber liberal college admission process; they are denied admission to the most prestigious colleges because they have too many Asians. Scholarships are denied to Asians, because as a group they are too smart, work too hard and score too high on tests. Folks you can’t make this stuff up.

Having lived in Korea for three years, I and my comrades became admirers of the culture, but greater admirers of the people. Let me tell you a story. Assigned to the unit I had the honor to command were a few KATUSA soldiers (Korean Augmentation to the United States Army), Korean soldiers who filled slots in American units.

During the Korean War, American units were unable to rapidly replace losses; replacements were sent by boat halfway around the world, so Korean soldiers were assigned to fill the void. The practice worked so well it is still in force some 70 years later.

One of the KATUSA soldiers was a young man who was drafted out of the most prestigious universities in Korea (all are required to do military service). The young soldier spoke better English than I did, and during the time he served in my unit he taught himself German. One day in speaking with him, he told me his mother was ill; I expressed concern and after that I always asked him how his mom was doing.

He invited me to meet his mom so she could thank me for my concern, so we went to where she and the family lived. It was a hallway in an apartment building — not an apartment, but the hallway. I later learned the extended family lived that way because every extra penny they earned was spent on Haun’s education.  The Haun family was so proud to have a child admitted to the “Harvard” of Korea they all sacrificed to pay the tuition.

So exactly why we punish minority folks for being successful or working too hard is puzzling. How, as former Vice President Biden stated, if you vote for President Trump you are not black is puzzling. How minority and women police officers are called blue, not black or brown, is puzzling. It is prejudging folks by the group, but it is acceptable/correct prejudice. The race industry depends on toeing the preset line and deviation is not allowed.

President Donald Trump has made two historic peace treaties between Israel and Arab nations; the coverage has been limited in the media for two reasons: the media hate President Trump, and they hate Israel. If President Obama had worked out the treaties it would have been banner headlines, accompanied by Nobel Prizes.

Just as the attacks on the Jews for Trump parade are ignored, President Trump working with Israel to hammer out not one but two peace treaties is ignored; they are not politically correct after all. “All the news that’s fit to print” has become only the politically correct news fit to print; freedom of the press has become freedom of the politically correct press.

My friends on the left, beware of what you wish for, as you may get it; what goes around comes around. Today the right is censored, tomorrow the left.



  1. John Jones

    Asians have never been a minority or not treated poorly in this racist nation, they do not deserve special treatment. That is why they do not get good treatment. Jews have all the money and give it to Israel to attack Muslims, they support Trumpy and should be always condemned.

    • Don't Tread On Me

      John, what a great, concise, and completely racist statement. You are a piece of work! A bad example for others to follow or contemplate.

    • An Asian Advocate

      John Jones,

      You seem to have all your thoughts together, despite being as obviously distorted as they are. Perhaps you should solicit Town Broadcast for the opportunity to write a column or two. I am sure many of us would enjoy and get a chuckle from your efforts. Cheerio.

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