Why do I waArmy Bob Salutesnt Mr. Donald Trump to be our next president? We are told the American people are fed up with the establishment candidates and that we are tired of candidates who are in the pocket of big donors. For well over a year now we have been told that polls tell us we want an “outsider.”

President Obama campaigned on “hope and change;” the only change was that he is an African American. The rest was eight years of the same old big business, big money, big government. President Obama has spent an enormous amount of time cashing in (as all politician-presidents have) raising money for his foundation, one very similar to the Clinton foundation. Reports vary between twenty and forty million being raised for the Obama foundation to date. President Obama is courting big donors with sleep-overs in the Lincoln bedroom, private dinners and flights on Air Force One, all more of the same.

Secretary Clinton is infamous for her greed and disdain for the law, law enforcement and the military. She “spins” a politically correct word for an old fashion lie, so much it is becoming hard for her to remember what the truth is.

Secretary Clinton openly campaigns with billionaires on the stage with her publicly embracing them and cashing generous checks. She then condemns the rich. Secretary Clinton has a history of pay to play nationally and internationally, an operation so common and corrupt we have come to accept it as the norm for the political class.Bob Traxler_0

Mr. Trump is condemned in the media and by the political class for not raising enough money; that is bad why? To be beholden to the donor class, the political class, the bureaucratic class, the elite academic class and not the everyday Joe and Jane American is a bad thing? Not in my eyes.

Mr. Trump is condemned for speaking off the cuff, actually answering questions from reporters, how dare he! Mr. Trump is condemned for answering questions, while Secretary Clinton is praised by the media for not answering their questions; folks, you cannot make this crap up.

Mr. Clinton had her first “news conference” in many months at the Black and Hispanic Journalist Association, a group of what we are told are nonpartisan journalists who gave her a standing ovation at a media event closed to most in the media. Mr. Trump talks to the media daily, Mr. Trump does exactly what our friends in the media ask for answers questions but they condemn him for it.

If we can believe what our friends in the media tell us and we are ready for an outsider, for a non-politician, for a real change, then Mr. Trump is the answer to our prayers. Never in our history have we had a president who was not a professional politician, general officer (with many years in Washington) or confirmed government bureaucrat, none, never.

Even the Libertarian candidate for President of the United States who refers to himself as an outsider is a career politician, the former two-term governor of New Mexico.

If Mr. Trump were elected he would be a first in American history, the first non-bureaucrat or non-general officer ever elected to the office of the presidency. If we want a change, a true change, a real change, a genuine change, then Mr. Trump is the answer.

Secretary/Senator/First-Lady/bureaucrat Mrs. Clinton would be the same old tired Washington insider, but one that just happens to be a female of the species known as the corrupt bureaucrat. No one who ever ran for the presidency of the United States is more of an insider than she is. No one who ever held the office of the President of the United States is more of an outsider than Mr. Trump, no one, it’s not even close.

Mrs. Clinton is supported by the folks at the corner of Wall and Broad streets, but she excoriates them? She made more than $3,500 per minute speaking to Goldman Sachs; that is more in 15 minutes than the average family in Dorr, Wayland, Hopkins, Martin or Moline makes in a year, a bribe pure and simple.

It is time for an actual change, time for a real outsider, time for President Trump.


Bob Moras
August 12, 2016
For a few years now, I've heard many cry out "Clean them out! We need real people, not politicians, in Washington (and state legislatures)." And all I hear now is, "He has no experience. " or "Hillary is more qualified". Look, we all know about Hillary, whether we want to admit it or not. And we all have chanted, at one time or another, about throwing the bums out. So, if you (out there) said it and mean it, here is your chance. Your chance to try something other than the despised career politician. Your chance to perhaps start the political trend you have clamored for. Your only other option is........Crooked Hillary (LOL!!). For those that have cried out for change, I end this by saying what Einstein said.......... "To do the same thing over & over, and to expect a different result, is the definition of insanity".
Robert M Traxler
August 12, 2016
Mr. Moras, Thank you for the commit. I agree with your assessment, the establishment folks are scared of what Mr.Trump may mean to the system that has made all of them rich, very rich.

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