by Robert M. Traxler

Americans need to ask why we are not drilling and pumping our own energy as opposed to importing it from halfway around the world.

Tankers are burning 2,623 gallons of diesel fuel an hour in every super tanker, and it takes hundreds of tanker voyages. Each vessel burns from 2,203,320 gallons to 3,777,120 gallons of diesel fuel depending on the time it takes to make the trip. So, where are the left wing, socialists, progressives marching and burning to protest this increase in pollution? The cost to the sacred planet in increased greenhouse gases? Why are they not demanding we stop the massive pollution and use more energy efficient American and Canadian oil and gas, moved by pipeline? One must think common sense is not so common.

If we had the Keystone pipeline from Canada, it would be delivering up to a million plus gallons of fuel every day. The average super tanker holds 12 million gallons, so the pipeline would save the planet millions of tons of greenhouse gases per year! Increasing domestic production of energy would add an enormous amount to the total worldwide greenhouse gases saved.

But who cares? American and Canadian oil and natural gas pollutes, imported energy does not. Could it be the real goal is to increase fuel prices to force us to drive fewer miles? As our Security of Transportation, Mr. Peter Buttigieg said, high gas prices are a good thing. 

Our President has reportedly asked the OPEC Plus nations to not reduce oil sales until after the midterms, to hold down the cost of American fuel at the pumps in order to help Democrats running for office, thus burning millions of gallons of fossil fuels to ship it by tanker from other continents. Are the Earth-First type folks up in arms over this? Of course not.

Army Bob Traxler

The same people who climbed into the marriage bed with Big Pharma and big corporations to move manufacturing to China, a nation that is the most polluted large nation on Mother Earth, is mute when it comes to third world massive pollution. Every self-proclaimed radical Earth-First type person should Google pollution in China and be ashamed of themselves for what they have done, in concert with progressive politicians and the corporate balances sheet.

The marriage of corporations that can pollute massively in China but not allowed to manufacture goods in our nation, are increasing profits. The folks in the environmental movement are ecstatic, as they can boast they cut American greenhouse gases, along with the American political progressive/socialist movement, who are receiving more corporate money than ever before, millions washed through environmental groups. The losers are 1.5 billion people in China, many dying from respiratory diseases, as we have outsourced our pollution to China, along with the rest of planet Earth. 

In a perfect world we would receive all our energy from solar and wind; that day may come, but it is still many decades away and we need fossil fuel to survive. It is an undeniable fact that alternative energy will not replace gas and oil anytime soon, so why are we importing it from thousands of miles away burning more than eight billion gallons of fossil fuel every decade to get it?

To save the planet, that’s why. Make sense? Not a bit, but who cares? The marriage bed is warm and comfortable. The corporate executives/environmentalists/progressives are all enjoying marital bliss and the marriage bed. 

But I thought global climate change is real and undeniable a fact that we all must believe it or be a damned science denier. The end of life is less than eight years away, so why are we speeding things along by dumping millions of tons of greenhouse gases from super tankers and cargo ships from China into the atmosphere? Why is our President asking for even more tankers full of energy, massively increasing pollution when we can produce it here more cleanly? A good question, ignorance must assuredly be bliss.

It appears that the American left has outspent the right this midterm election, and receiving more donations from the corporations that produce products in China than Republicans. Gee, no need to wonder why? Google, “environment top contributors to federal candidates’ parties and outside groups” and you will see on the Open Secrets site, the money from corporations ($58,500,366) washed through environmental groups goes nearly 95% to Democrats.

The marriage of corporations, environmental groups and Democrats is a happy one. The loser is our future, safety, security, the Earth’s environment, and poor dying people in China. My opinion.


John Wilkens
November 4, 2022
Robert, Please stop with the common sense, enough already! There is nothing here to refute. Well wrote. Cheers!!
Robert M Traxler
November 4, 2022
Mr. Wilkens, John, Thanks, the deaths and destruction in China are not covered by the media who love to outsource our pollution. Also the millions going to pay off the environmental/equity folks is ignored, the Democrats have become the party of the rich and powerful corporate billionaires. The cancel culture is hammer and sickle standing with the Progressives and the media approves, even loves the undisguised and rabid censorship, step one on the road socialism, self-censorship of a free press. Thanks again for the comment.

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