Have you ever askedArmy Bob Salutes yourself why strict Islamic countries, countries that have Sharia law or are Islamic States, require women to be covered almost completely concealed? Ever questioned the rationale of women not being allowed in public without an escort, preferably a male blood relative? Why women need three male witnesses to prove rape?

We are told we do not understand Islam because we are racist, bigoted, narrow-minded and we all suffer from a severe case of Islamophobia. One way for the politically correct crowd to extinguish debate is to condemn all who ask questions. Asking why folks do as they do just may expose a belief system that is counter to the concept of American left wing politically correct thought.

Islamic teaching is a bit vague on the requirement for women to be covered, but the underlying truth is the belief women will tempt poor innocent men with their feminine wiles and make good innocent men stray from the teachings of Allah. The bagging of women in head to toe covering is designed to prevent women from corrupting poor innocent Allah-loving men who may be tempted by the evil women’s feminine bodies. Common sense be dammed, it is the truth, women are inherently evil and men are Allah-loving and innocent, according to Islamic teachings.

Now we need to look at the bigger picture here; the majority of Muslims are not so pious as to follow the tenets of Islam to its most literal degree. Most Muslims will not demand that strict devotion to the Koran be the law of the land, most do not want a theocracy.

However, if we examine Islamic states, we find varying degrees of adherence to Islamic law, but the majority do not allow equality for women. A separation of the sexes in religious and social settings is the norm, not the exception.

Just how our friends on the left side of the aisle are able to justify the subjugation of women in the name of tolerance is beyond me. Couple a separate and unequal stand on women with a religious bias against gay and lesbian folks that in the most pious nations calls for the death penalty. The preferable manner of execution is being tossed off a cliff, or ISIS/ISIL has used a multi-story building when a cliff was not handy.Bob Traxler_0

So the American left does not approve of religion, wants a sexless society and complete government control of our lives, in short democratic socialism. A good question to ask a liberal is just how is a theocracy with a ruling council of religious clerics (appointed by themselves) holding the ultimate power over all elected bodies a good thing? Other than the fact that they are the sworn enemies of American representative democracy, why do you approve of Iran?

Why has our President and the liberal establishment embraced Iran? Why have we paid them more than a billion dollars above and beyond what we embargoed during the Iran Hostage Crisis? Why was it all in non-traceable foreign bills? Well over a billion dollars in cash is perfect for black-market weapons purchases, to include a nuclear weapon from North Korea or Pakistan or rogue elements in the former Soviet Union.

If Islam, even moderate Islam, segregates the sexes in religious activities and strongly disapproves of gay and lesbian folks, why do you blindly approve of Islam and reject Christianity? Why do you consider Christian American firearms-owning veterans a greater threat to our safety and way of life than radical Islamic terrorists? Why have you directed the FBI to change anti-terrorism priorities from Islamic terrorists to Christian, NRA member veterans?

Good questions for the media to ask the present administration; want to place a wager on that actually happening? The media supports the liberal President and pretends to even believe the asinine story that the cash payments in Francs and Euros to Iran were required by American Law.

Time for a non-politician, time for a President Trump.

1 Comment

December 29, 2020
Hello, Im basically a lefty, and I completely agree with you!

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