President Trump was in Singapore along with Chairman Kim, the Dear Leader of North Korea, to discuss the elimination of North Korean nukes, some 2 to 40 depending on the source and political view of that source.

We need to ask just why would Chairman Kim, AKA “Little Rocket Man,” give up his weapons program? North Korea has had a bomb since 2003 or 2006, depending on which source you believe; all sources agree the North has the bomb. So, just why would the Socialist State of North Korea give up its nukes?

The Korean Peninsula, a land fought over since recorded time, is situated between Japan and China. It is a buffer coveted by both Japan and China, and it has historically been dominated by both powers.

We need to understand that the most important goal to leaders in most nations, but especially in third world nations, is staying in power. We do not give much thought to changing regimes every four or eight years, but in the third world loss of power may be loss of your life, your family’s lives and loss of wealth and security.

The number one goal of the powerful is to remain in power, to remain among the living. Not only Chairman Kim but his entire extended power base must hold onto power or face the hangman’s noose; again it is difficult for us to understand that mind set, but we should.

Chairman Kim’s power base is the military. Go back and review the photos of Chairman Kim, and you always see the old guard of North Korean officers next to him or close to him. As we find in many nations, control the guns and you control the people; any wonder our Constitution has the Second Amendment?

The military is still controlled by the old guard of Korean War veterans and the people still remember the Japanese occupation from 1910 to 1945 with all its horrors. Even today’s low living standards and limited freedom in the North are an improvement over Japanese control.

The Japanese had labor/concentration camps and cremation facilities in Korea decades before the German National Socialists even came to power. It should not surprise anyone that Chairman Kim fired nuclear capable missiles over Japan, an act that was popular with the Korean people on both sides of the 38th Parallel.

For three generations the Kim family has ruled with brutality and ruthless control, but Kim is loved by the people, media and solidly in control of the nation.  His nuke program protects him from outside forces who do not wish to see Seoul South Korea (a city with a million more people than New York, New York) nuked along with Japan. That threat keeps Kim in power, and those in his power base loyal to him.

The small number of American military (mostly Army and Air Force personnel) currently in South Korea are a token force, like Task Force Smith, the battalion-sized American Army force that faced the massive North Korean invasion in 1950, and who were rolled over outnumbered 600 to one by the Northern forces. The American forces in the South are outnumbered by 130 to 1; even with the South Korean military the North holds a four to one advantage in troops and a massive advantage in tanks, tube and rocket artillery.

So just why would Chairman Kim give up his nukes? Why would his power base in the North allow him to trade away power and control? Why would those who are doing very well being in power give up that power? Damned if I know; the good of the many do not outweigh the good of the few in power in North Korea.

The Korean people are descended from a few very large families (50% North and South are from three families, Kim, Lee and Pak) and all are genetically similar; but those who live in the South live longer, are healthier, and two to three inches taller than those in the North due to diet and medical care. This proves Chairman Kim cares for little for the health and welfare of the people.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, a one-party Fascist state, has no reason to divest itself of its nukes,; it will not happen.


Lynn Mandaville
June 12, 2018
Mr. T, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the North Korean leader and the fact that he will never divest himself of his nuclear weapons. Regardless of any perceived bond the president believes he has formed with Kim, there will be no disarming of the Korean peninsula as long as a megalomaniac is in power there. To believe otherwise is a huge delusion.
Robert M Traxler
June 15, 2018
Mrs. Mandaville Thank you for the comment. We can hope we are wrong and the two Korean nations unite into one with no nukes. Living in S. Korea for three years I developed a deep respect for the Korean people, truly exceptional folks in South Korea. Thanks again.
June 12, 2018
I concur. Why would the PRNK want to give up their nukes? We're not going to conduct "provacative" "war games", and they say they will de-nuclearize. Hmm. But remember, Dear Leader Kim is honorable and trustworthy, according to DJT. Who would have guessed we could trust North Korea, and not trust the dishonest leader of our longstanding ally Canada?
Robert M Traxler
June 13, 2018
Thank you for the comment. Team Spirit and Ulchi Freedom Garden, the two largest exercises are designed to show the North we can deploy large numbers of forces to Korea and support them. The American Military’s ability to export power is well known proving it may not be cost effective. Please remember President Obama and Clinton said good things about the Kim's in the past and Clinton gave them two billion dollars with almost no return on the investment. President Clinton was positive we could trust the North. President Obama took Canada to court nearly ten times for unfair trade. Thanks again for the comment.
Walt Tarrow
June 13, 2018
Excellent article, AB. Very thoughtful and thorough. But please help me to understand our President’s tweet “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.”
Robert M Traxler
June 14, 2018
Mr. Tarrow, Sir, Thanks for the comment. My take on it is as we do not feel an imminent threat from China, Pakistan, India or Israel among other nations with nukes, North Korea is now not dumb enough to use nukes against the U.S. or our allies. I Could be wrong. Thanks again.

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