Former Secretary of State, First Lady, United States Senator from New York and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton keeps reliving and rationalizing her loss to President Donald Trump.

In a speech in India last month she said: “We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women. And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.

“If you look at the map of the United States, there is all that red in the middle, places where Trump won. What that map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that own two-thirds of America’s Gross Domestic product. I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards. You don’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are, whatever that problem is, I am going to solve it.”

For the love of God, would she please get over it! Her loss is the fault of “white men” and dumb white woman. The minorities who voted for President Trump; 8% African Americans, 29% Hispanics, 29% Asian and 37% other, are they deplorables and unredeemables as well?

Mrs. Clinton went on in her speech to degrade those of us who do not reside on a coast, after all we all know the folks in mid-America are much less intelligent and to quote Mrs. Clinton less, “diverse, optimistic, dynamic, moving forward” than her supporters on the coasts.

It is not my place to give advice to the Democrats, but folks perhaps you should not degrade the majority of voters in the majority of states? If we are told we are less “optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward”

than others, most of us do not agree or approve of this stereotyping, degrading and prejudging half of the American population.

The good folks in the Democratic Party will do what they always do when they suffer a horrible loss at the national, state and local level — they will run to the right. In the special election in Pennsylvania, Mr. Lamb, a 33-year-old former prosecutor and United States Marine, presented himself as independent-minded and neighborly, vowing early that he would not support former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to lead House Democrats and playing down his connections to his national party. He echoed traditional Democratic themes about union rights and economic fairness, but took a very conservative position on the hot-button issue of guns and national defense.

Before the next national election, the Democrats will recruit candidates who are centrists as they did in the earlier elections and increase their power. As they always do, they will primary challenge their own candidates and replace them with a traditional liberal. As time passes they become too progressive, too liberal, too socialist and lose big, only to then move back to the right once again.

The next national slate of Democrats will not be the Hillary Clinton faction of the party but more of the second term of the President William Clinton faction.

If Republicans wish to hold to the majority at the national level, and in most states, they will embrace President Trump’s centrist message, that probably will not happen, the party in power rarely moves more to the center so the Democrats will pick up seats in the House, Senate and at the local level.


Free Market Man
April 13, 2018
Rational reasoning for the next election cycle. The Democrats, when backed into a corner - lie, cheat and steal ideas - to make them more palatable (at least to get elected) to the voters. If that means running to the center, they will do it for their political lives. After elected, they will return to tax and spend, spend, spend and more regulation and tax the rich. They create the problems and then blame the Republicans for the aftermath. And their voter base, usually ignorant as they are, will eat it up.
April 13, 2018
Donald said, "I love the poorly educated." He said this after the Nevada republican primary (pronounced nev a da, not nev od a).
Robert M Traxler
April 13, 2018
Sir, The point is? I know you are not calling the middle of America poorly educated. Thank you for the comment.
April 13, 2018
My quote of Trump was in response to FMM's assertion/suggestion of ignorance being the province of the dems, in his response to your piece.
April 13, 2018
"President Trump's centrist message" says it all. Pro-business, pro-federal government control when states oppose administration agendas, state's rights if a state governor agrees with the administration, attacking critical media by perpetuating the "Fake News," promoting one cable news network that's friendly to the administration, promoting massive increases in military spending, support for rolling back environmental rules, wanting to drill for oil off the coasts of all states and returning federal lands to private industry for mining. Candidate Donald Trump was leading chants on the campaign trail of "lock her up" when referring to his opponent for President. Once in office, President Trump continues to urge the Department of Justice to continue to investigate the losing Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. That certainly doesn't sound "centrist." I agree with demographers and political scientists who think the US will follow California's trends over the last 15 years. That is based on historical evidence and that by 2045 minority voters will outnumber white voters. In 2003, California recalled Democrat Gray Davis blaming him for the rolling blackouts. We later learned the rolling blackouts were part of market manipulation by Enron to profit trades on the spot market for electrical power. GOP candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger won the governorship in the election following the recall and took office in Nov '03. Gov. Schwarzenegger ran on an agenda of low taxes and fiscal responsibility. In 2003, Schwarzenegger's campaign message was “More taxes will destroy what we’re trying to save,” he said, “which is jobs and revenue. Jobs bring revenue to the state, and revenue brings and allows us to do the right things for education, for the environment, for the disabled, the elderly, and all those in need. A tax increase would be the final nail in California’s financial coffin.” He told voters what they wanted to hear and they thought they could have it all. Schwarzenegger used a line item veto to cut billions of dollars allocated for AIDS prevention, battered women’s services, health care for poor kids, drug treatment for pregnant women, and rental subsidies for struggling seniors. Before signing his last state budget Schwarzenegger eliminated $256 million in child care for low-paid workers recently off welfare, $80 million for investigations into child abuse and neglect, and $133 million in mental health services for special ed students. Schwarzenegger also reduced support to higher ed causing more than a 300% jump in tuition. He also referred to the Democratic leadership in the California legislature as "girly men." By the time Schwarzenegger left office his approval rating was at 22%, the same low water mark as his recalled predecessor Gray Davis. He had misread California's voters wanting an adequate social safety net, quality public education and transportation infrastructure. President Trump is no centrist. He is a polarizing catalyst, mobilizing opposition at a faster rate than anyone could have imagined without Schwarzenegger's panache and personality. It's possible it will take less than the 27 years when in 2045 the US voter demographic will have a different majority. And so it goes.
dennis longstreet
April 13, 2018
right on coachman lets get the tsar out of the white house
Robert M Traxler
April 14, 2018
Mr. Couchman Thank you for the comment. President Trump is a protectionist on trade, a right-wing politician wants free unfettered trade. President Trump is not for big government and expanding government, you stated he is. He is not anti-union, he has stated he wishes to pull out of Syria, it would be nice of Assad would not commit war crimes, so we could pullout. Thank you for the history on the former Governor of California, what it has to do with the subject of President Trump being a centrist I do not know; however, it was very well done. Patrick J. Buchanan wrote a book on the changing demographic of our nation many years ago, you may wish to read it. Thank you again for the comment.
April 14, 2018
Mr. Traxler, There are a lot of Americans, even those you call "leftists" and those on the "left" whom you appear to think are somehow less than Americans think the idea of President Trump as a "centrist" is laughable, dangerous or both. But maybe you and others here think it was Presidential for a candidate for the US Presidency to lead chants of "Lock her up" during the campaign. Maybe you think real leadership is pressing the GOP legislative majority to continue investigations that could end up in jailing a political opponent after an election is something a "centrist" would do. Maybe you think a President who makes rash decisions like pulling out of the Trans Pacific Trade agreement ignoring warnings of what it could do to US exports other than those going to China might do to US farmers and manufacturers is the way "Centrists" govern. Perhaps you believe a "Centrist" calls other world leaders and domestic political opponents demeaning names on a social media platform. Does a "centrist" candidate, then President demean and insult a veteran who served his country and spent 5 years 4 months in a POW camp saying he wasn't a military hero because he got shot down. Later insulting him because as a GOP US Senator he refused to repeal the ACA? When President Trump says admires Russia's Putin, China's Xi, Turkey's Erdogan and Philippines’ Duterte strong leadership styles it doesn't sound like someone who is a "centrist" Does a "centrist" continually call multiple media outlets purveyors of "Fake News" because they bring up statements that aren't truthful? Does a “centrist” call for changes in Federal law to allow public officials sue reporters, their editors and publication ownership for liable that could allow journalists to be censored through lawsuits? Maybe you admire authoritarian style leadership where a leader calls everyone who dares disagree with their recollection of events "lying scumbags" in social media. President Trump is “centrist” who’s an America First protectionist? Not by anything he’s said or done. PS The political history of California in the last 15 years was to illustrate how another politician posing as a "centrist" sold voters in a state that low taxes cured everything in an economy that was one of the Top 10 in the world if it stood alone. Also to point out that Trump's "centrist" immigration policies won't fly long term given the direction of US voter demographics.
Robert M Traxler
April 15, 2018
Mr. Couchman, Sir, Thank you for the comment. If we did not know better one may think you do not like President Trump? If President Trump walked on water you would say it just proves he wants people to not learn to swim and die. What's next? Blaming him for global climate change, the Hindenburg, Pearl Harbor, HIV-AIDS, the common cold, the war in Syria? Sir, TDS is real, pace yourself you may have 7 more years of President Trump. You stated "President Trump is “centrist” who’s an America First protectionist? Not by anything he’s said or done." Tariffs on Chinese steel? Sir just what is so bad about placing our nation first? I do not think I ever stated the President was a "America First protectionist." Thanks again for the comment.
April 15, 2018
Mr. Traxler, Are the people you refer to a "the left" of "leftists" threats to you and your version of America? Is that why you want to sell President Trump as "A centrist"? You seem to have a very conditional view of what makes one an American. Thankfully we don't live under The Uniform Military Code of Justice where people's opinions can be squelched. I never mentioned Pearl Harbor, the Hindenburg, HIV-AIDS, the common cold or the war in Syria. Your response never addressed any point I brought up. The lack of response to specific points might lead one to believe you approve of President Trump's admiration of authoritarian leaders. Your silence indicates tacit approved of President Trump’s disrespect for Senator McCain. Your support of President Trump's long term campaign to tell people the only US news that's accurate, factual and trustworthy is Fox News while every outlet that reports things he doesn't like is “fake news” is a tactic you seem to see as acceptable. You also find it acceptable for a candidate for POTUS to lead calls to “Lock her up” aimed at his opponent at campaign rallies. I understand you are a big supporter of President Trump. That was evident when you opinion piece of the Ivy League elite being against President Trump while failing to mention that 6 of his current cabinet, advisor / son-in-law, advisor / daughter and President Trump are all Ivy League grads. His son Donald Jr. is also a grad of University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School like his sister and father. Never let facts get in the way of using the Ivy League bogeyman. I have no clue if President Trump will be re-elected. I have no clue if he'll secure the GOP nomination for 2020. I do know that your response followed the 5 D's of Dodgeball "Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge". Donald Trump is the President of The United States. But that doesn't mean he is above criticism, above US Law nor should we should blindly support his outdated protectionist ideas on trade in the 21st century under the guise of being a “centrist”.

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