by Robert M. Traxler

Judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Rev. Doctor Martin Luther King set this as a goal in the bad old days of segregation.

Having attended high school in the deep south in the 1960s, I can testify to the existence of rampant racial discrimination; segregated bathrooms, restaurants, movie theaters that had separate entrances and only balcony seating for African Americans. It was bad, awfully bad.

Fast forward to today. We have had a black president, we have a mixed-race vice president, and have made discrimination against most illegal. We think nothing of interracial relationships, or having African Americans in the highest and most important positions.

I had the honor to serve under two outstanding African American General Officers. We are a better nation because of the efforts of those who fought discrimination from the founding of our nation to today.

But now we are jumping off the proverbial cliff, with critical race theory telling us that a white child is a racist from birth; born blind and helpless, a human white child is a racist? The infant’s mind is a blank slate; no hate, no prejudice, just a desire for food, warmth and to be free of pain, and needing love and caring.

A problem is that there is no common sense test for racial issues. We must believe in every aspect of the most radical Black Lives Matter teaching, critical race theory, and whatever the “Woke” mob says, or be called not merely a racist (a vile ugly name) but a white supremacist, a closed-minded, violent, horrible person.

The media, terrified of the cancel culture and punishment for not being properly woke, also has no filters: no accuracy filter, no common sense filter, just parroting the socialist propaganda. History teaches us that socialist movements did not need to censor the media — it always censored itself, something we are seeing again today.

If you are not a member of a politically correct group, mainly straight white folks, you suffer from guilt and racism; you are born a racist and will die a racist. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. Make sense? Not one bit, but who cares? It is a stone-cold truth; deny it and you are anti-intellectual, delusional and a white supremacist.

Is the current politically correct, woke culture violating Dr. King’s teaching? Yes, yes, they are, but no one cares.

During the early days of the COVID-19 epidemic when President Donald Trump limited travel from China, the socialists went nuts calling him a, you guessed it, racist. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the general media mob all said COVID-19 was not a problem, it was Trump being a radical right-wing racist. Oops! President Trump called it the China virus only because he was a racist. It was not and could not have been man made, and according to most in the socialist movement not a problem, except in President Trump’s racist mind, until the bodies started to pile up, then it was all his fault.

Politically correct media tell us that innocent young children being abandoned in the desert, drowning in the Rio Grande, and being stacked like cord wood in detention facilities are not problems. It was a problem when Trump was President; 19 people dying in a truck locked in the Texas sun now is not a problem, it is definitely not a crisis, as it was when President Trump was in charge.

Go figure. I guess they are less than dead because we have socialists in charge? Ask those in charge and they will tell us they are taking action, so it is all good; children are still dying, but not to worry, they are taking action and it is no big deal.

Russian hackers are attacking schools, hospitals, pipelines, mass transit and the American government, paying terrorists using ransomware to hold us hostage; it is fine with the Biden administration. It is not a problem, as we have socialists in charge of the government, and the media love the socialists, so let’s pay for computer hostages to be released.

Inflation is on the verge of exploding, or not if you read the woke media. Been to a store lately and seen the prices for food and other necessary items? Gas prices well over $3 a gallon and rising? But who are you going to believe, your lying eyes or the woke media? Time for folks to say enough is enough.

My Opinion.


Don't Tread On Me
June 17, 2021
Your opinion is correct and spot on!
John Wilkens
June 17, 2021
AB, Excellent history lesson full of those pesky facts, well done. I do have a question. Your words: "We have had a black president" I assume your referring to Barack Hussein Obama. I understand his Father was Black and his Mother was White. Does his Mother get no credit for having this child? What is publically correct? Seems a bit racist for the Black Father to get all the credit. AB your a great teacher, help me better understand this. Cheers!!
Robert M Traxler
June 18, 2021
Mr. Wilkens, John, good question, I can find no universally accepted legal definition of Black/African American. President Obama referred to himself as black, I should of clarified it. Thanks for the comment.
Lynn Mandaville
June 18, 2021
Perhaps folks are unaware of the "one-drop rule," that has existed in this country for quite a while. According to Wikipedia, the one-drop rule is "a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th Century." This principle maintains that a person having even one ancestor of Black descent is considered Black, or Negro in historical terms. (Also according to Wikipedia, the one-drop rule has been codified in the laws of some states, though it does not say which.) It is the one-drop rule that would confer Black status on former President Barack Obama. Not to pick nits here, but why the implied discontent that Obama's mother gets no credit for Obama's racial status? Mothers get credit by virtue of the obviousness of a child's birth by her. Is there some implication that somehow the white mother has been deprived of a special status due her simply because her white womb was the vessel of baby Barack? Is this some sort of sour grapes that White Privilege has not trumped historical practice in establishing Obama's race as Black? Is it an attempt to say that despite Obama's mixed race all American presidents have been White? These are just a few of the questions raised by Mr. Wilkens' observations.

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