Army Bob: You may be in trouble if you own a firearm

by Robert M. Traxler

One of the questions on the Federal Form 4473 that you need to fill out to purchase a firearm is: “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

“Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”

Own a firearm? Wish to purchase a firearm? And you are a customer of the marijuana stores popping up like McDonald’s in our area? Better not cross the government with lawfare in place like the ones used against President Trump. The government could visit you if the government considers you a threat to the rise of the progressive/socialist movement. Stray from the diversity equity, and inclusion line or holy road, or not vote properly, and you could be in deep sh*t. 

Have you told anyone you use cannabis? Are you on a camera going into or departing a cannabis store? Nothing to worry yourself about until you cross the lawfare folks. Have you posted an online photo of yourself using cannabis and own a firearm? Made a comment on social media? Lawfare has its talons in you and can draw your blood anytime they wish. 

Big Brother government not only knows better than you what is good for you, but can punish you for not following the politically correct course of action, as you are an enemy of the state. Freedom of thought and speech has been cancelled in favor of approved speech; incorrect, improper, hateful or hurtful speech can be cancelled or punished. Bullying speech not being allowed is a step towards canceling the Bill of Rights. Our government has worked with and pressured the Silicon Valley billionaires to cancel speech. References to Robert Hunter Biden’s laptop and banning political opponents’ speech as bullying and incorrect is not only unconstitutional, but dangerous.

Oh, for the liberals of old who were champions of free speech. 

Progressives are using the power of government to their advantage, rewarding the Silicon Valley billionaires with no meaningful controls on China and India. No rules, regulations, tariffs or fees, and the tech companies are in turn funding the socialist/progressive movement and censoring free speech at the request of our current government. 

Our esteemed editor is fond of quoting Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (very politically incorrect for him to say men) to do nothing.” Edmund Burke may or may not have ever stated those words, but the gist of the statement is correct. Our Constitution serves us well, especially the Bill of Rights, and the first one of the amendments calls for free speech to be a God (can we say even say God?) given right. We are treading on dangerous ground when we rationalize or even cancel free speech.

Army Bob Traxler

“When people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic.” Ben Franklin. Our national debt is well in excess of 35 trillion dollars; your share is $94,000, every American’s share is $94,000, and growing. Both political parties are to blame, but we must also blame ourselves for allowing it. 

The media cabal (with 90% being in the progressive camp) is now going into overdrive in support of our current president. The polls put President Trump in the lead, but we have not yet seen the full-court press from the media in support for the progressive/socialist cause.

History teaches us that every socialist revolution was voluntarily supported by the media. History teaches us socialist governments always fail, and end in a government controlling all aspects of life from before birth to after death, with the philosophy being that the government is not only a force for good, it is the only force for good, and never wrong. 

On a different subject, what do you good folks think of the new format for the Town Broadcast, like it not? I kind of like it, but what do you think?

1 thought on “Army Bob: You may be in trouble if you own a firearm”

  1. Good post. Unfortunately, there are mostly liberals viewing this rag. You know…. morons.

    The new format sucks.

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