EDITOR’S NOTE: The editor apologizes for the error in that neither Dorr nor Wayland Township will have a recycling proposal on the ballot in the Aug. 4 primary election.

Besides a few contests for candidates on the primary election ballot Tuesday, Aug. 4, there will be plenty of millage requests for voters to consider.

The following is a rundown of the proposals:

Allegan Area Educational Service Agency

The AAESA will ask voters in Allegan County to restore funding levels that have been eroded due to the Headlee amendment. Three proposals will be on the August 4th ballot.

  • Proposal I: Operating Millage. This proposal will restore 0.0262 mill to return to the voter approved amount of 0.14 mill. This millage supports local districts in Allegan County with AAESA consultants in math, science, and literacy.
  • Proposal II: Special Education. This proposal will restore 0.0448 mill to return to the voter approved amount of 3.05 mills. These funds flow to local school districts to assist in offsetting the district’s state mandated, unreimbursed special education costs.
  • Proposal III: Career and Technical Education. This proposal will restore 0.0262 mill to return to the voter approved amount of 1.78 mills. These funds support the programs AAESA offers to at no charge to local districts (i.e. the Allegan Tech Center).

If all three proposals pass, the owner of a $100,000 home (taxable value $50,000) would see an annual tax increase of $4.86 a year, or 41 cents per month. That will generate $301,000 to support students in Allegan County.

Recycling plan for several area municipalities

Voters in the City of Wayland and Leighton, Hopkins and Martin townships will decide on a proposal for the funding of waste reduction programs and for the collection of materials for recycling to continue and expand solid waste reduction programs under the Allegan County Solid Waste Management Plan. The request is to increase the annual curbside recycling fee from $36 to $50 per household per year for 10 years.

Also included are services for household hazardous wastes, tires, batteries and electronics.

Dorr Township fire and roads

Dorr Township Fire Chief Gary Fordham has indicated there is a proposal for a renewal of a half mill, rolled back to 0.4863 because of the Headlee Amendment, for four years. The money, if approved, will be used to purchase and upgrade equipment.

Citizens’ Road Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Sandel has explained the other local proposal, a request of a renewal of slightly less than three mills for eight years to fund road improvements and construction.

Hopkins Township road millage renewal

Hopkins Township voters will consider a proposal to renew two mills for road improvements
for four years. thereby raising in the first year an estimated $180,000.

Martin Township fire millage renewal

Martin Township Fire and Rescue is asking for a renewal of one mill for eight years, which includes a new additional millage of 0.0034, 2021 through 2028, inclusive, for township fire protection. The money would raise in the first year an estimated $100,722.

Watson Township roads, dust control

Watson Township is seeking three-quarters of a mill (0.75) to pay for dust control and road maintenance. The four-year levy would raise an estimated $51,440 in the first year, if approved.




Jim Martin
July 8, 2020
Dorr Township does not have a recycle proposal on the ballot. Dorr is currently in the third year of $36 for five years.
July 8, 2020
Wayland Township does NOT have the Recycling proposal on our August ballot. Our residents who opt- in are charged $25.00 on their winter taxes. We are not asking for additional Recycling money. Thanks.

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