Yours truly and wife Coleen spent five days in Canada July 1-5 for an unusual reason — to get away from all of the noise of neighborhood fireworks launched by…
A special meeting of the Dorr Township Board has been called for 7 p.m. Thursday, July 13, to make an appointment to the Dorr Township Planning Commission. The meeting is…
In an attempt to help people struggling with addiction and reduce drug demand, the Michigan State Police, Wayland post, has joined almost 200 police departments nationwide in the Angel pre-arrest diversion…
by Austin Marsman People from around the area flocked to Hopkins for the Independence Day festivities, which began with a community breakfast at the Hopkins Fire Station. Live music, games,…
The United Church of Wayland is celebrating National Ice Cream Month by inviting all ice cream lovers to join in an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social and Hymn Sing at…
Three Wayland City Council seats will be expire in the November general election and all three incumbents are beating the bushes to seek another two-year term. Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel…
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church, Gun Lake, will celebrate its 100th birthday with a special service at 9:30 a.m. and activities following Sunday, July 9, in the new 5,200-square-foot…
Ronald B. Andres, age 75, died Monday, July 3. He was born Aug. 9, 1941 in North Dorr, the son of Bernard and Mildred (Peters) Andres. Ronald is survived by…
The media, both print and electronic (TV and radio) are in a frenzy following and responding to President Donald Trump’s tweets. I think his sheer audacity and direct link to…
by Austin Marsman JC Wheeler Library Teen Council members opened their time capsule Monday afternoon. The capsule was buried on June 22, 2013. Community member Jason Dykstra dug up the…