Author: Editor

Unique bed races again featured in Hopkins 4th

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Hopkins through the years has had a rather unique event in its Fourth of July celebration with the bed races. These two teams were vying for the local title Thursday afternoon during the community's annual hometown celebration. The team of lads on the right captured the championship and bragging honors.
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Leveled trees precede sidewalks in street project

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Motorists who travel in the northeast section of the City of Waylandmay notice a huge number of trees that have been cut down, leaving logs on the side of Park, Church, Elm and Mill streets. The crews' work was in preparation of installing sidewalks along the streets before they are...
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Army Bob: Snopes admits source was false 7 years later

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by Robert M. Traxler Quite frankly, folks are surprised that Snopes, a “fact checking site,” called a presidential quote of President Donald Trump’s false. It took them seven years to realize that the quote concerning Charlottesville Virginia was false, seven years to realize that our current President has based his...
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Fire Chief Jim Stoddard welcomed back to Wayland

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Jim Stoddard Wayland Fire Chief Jim Stoddard has returned home after an extended stay in the hospital and in rehab at Mary Free Bed. Stoddard was hospitalized at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids after suffering a heart attack in April while he was driving to attend an event. His passengers...
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Bygone Days: A look at the past in NE Allegan County

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(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr) This fire in Wayland occurred before the turn of the 20th century. 25 Years Ago — July 5, 1999 A fierce wind visited Dorr and local residents asked questions why there were no warning sirens. The...
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Dorr Township’s ‘Mr. Hypocrisy’ strikes again

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" article. It is an editorial by the editor. Well, there you go again…” Ronald Reagan to Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential debate. John Tuinstra in action last Thursday evening at the Dorr Township Board meeting. Some readers have told me I...
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Hopkins will celebrate the Fourth on the Fourth

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The community of Hopkins will have its annual 4th of July celebration on one day, Thursday, July 4. A Freedom 5K run will get things under way at 7 a.m. and a free breakfast in the park downtown will be offered from 8 to 10 a.m. A non-denominational praise and...
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Technology Solutions settles in at famous local site

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Technology Solutions, Wayland’s only computer repair shop, has moved to a somewhat famous location on South Main Street from it’s original location in the 100 block of West Superior Street. The business moved to what used to be known for many years as Wayland TV & Radio, owned and operated...
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Why was Elm Street dropped from city street project?

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It appears that the long-awaited repairs and paving for Wayland streets on the northwest side of town will be getting under way soon, but there’s still an issue that has to be overcome. While signs are appearing to tell of road closures and work to be done on Park, Church,...
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Gun Lake beach closed by concerns about E.Coli

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The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) has shut down beaches at Gun Lake, Swan Lake and Pier Cove Beach  Because of concerns of a recent rise in El.Coli levels. Health advisories are now in place at the boat launch at Swan Lake, Gun Lake County Park Beach and Pier Cove...
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