EDITOR’S NOTE: Townbroadcast columnist Barry Hasting has been on leave from contributing material for more than two years. However, his health has improved enough lately for him to get back to the typewriter and continue jousting with the likes of Ranger Rick and Army Bob.

by Barry Hastings

Here’s one Progressive who’s sorry to see Nancy Pelosi’ s House Democrats in such a big hurry to impeach Mr. Twitter.

Yes, the charges are serious; but they’re also difficult for many Americans to identify with and understand. Sadly, They are doing it while a big load of more serious crimes, and much more easily understood charges, are wending their way through half-a-dozen (or more) federal district courts from New York to Texas and California, and more in between.

I can understand their anxiety and fear for the nation, but in no way are these charges going to have a chance to sway many on the other side of the Senate aisle, a few perhaps, but nowhere near enough to convict the lout.

Nixon was easy . He lied to the country about the Watergate break-in, about ‘light at the end. off the Vietnam tunnel, but Trump lies to us about everything, every day – more than ten thousands just on Twitter alone, over three years.

His minions will never turn on him. They’re as ignorant about the Constitution as he is anxious to render it meaningless. If you happened to see the Kent County round table on Channel 8 over the weekend, you’ll know what I’m saying. Republicans in the Senate are anxious to avoid having another GOP President driven from office, no matter how rotten and guilty he is.

This President’s love affair with the Russian government should be an obvious sign they’ve got something on him. But Republicans stick to him like Elephant glue. It blows the minds of every intelligent person I know. And it worries the hell out of me.

Well, this is the first thing I’ve written in more than two years, but I’ll be back. You can count on it, depend on it.


Robert M Traxler
December 19, 2019
Mr. Hastings, Very happy to receive the news you are feeling better an doing better.
December 19, 2019
Welcome back. I'm glad you're feeling better.
Lynn Mandaville
December 19, 2019
I'm looking forward to your pieces and getting to know you through them. So happy your health has improved and your fingers are ready to write or type.

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