By Barry Hastings

A few weeks ago, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence began floundering over some misconduct by the chairman, Devin Nunes, a Republican sneak (and snake) from the great state of California, trying to suck up to the President. They were looking into the (apparently many) connections of our new President with Vladimir Putin and the Russian state.

Now, the Senate Intel Committee is bogging-down in a similar way (different reason) in a way that seems to indicate collusion by GOP members of both committees to avoid facing the matter squarely, and in the best interest of the American people. Nunes took some classified material to Trump in the middle of the night (feeling it was the safest way to deliver the bad news), but the dishonest main stream media was watching (probably suspecting the little punk of some hi-jinks, or another), and very shortly, the crap hit the fan. Within a week, Nunes was forced by committee pressure to recuse himself from the investigation, and is now being investigated by the House Ethics Committee.

Over in the Senate, progress was halted by accusations President Obama’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, had seen references to some Americans in a Secret report, inquired about their identities, then spread what she learned around the city. Rice denied she ever did such a thing, and there’s not a scintilla of evidence she did. The charge against her has no merit, and no cause, other than to confuse the issue of the rat, and the Russians. No proof, at all. Republican senators have halted everything until they can, “get to the bottom of the matter,” which will probably mean the President’s whole term of office.

The reason both committees have allowed themselves to be sidetracked is almost certainly that GOP members of each smell the same rat Democrats smell. The rat’s initials are D.J.T., and the rat’s official mailing address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C, 20500. Please do write the rat a letter, soon, before he let’s the matter slip his mind while he searches for the bread of his life – lucre.

But somewhere in the Stinking City on the Hill, and among the (mostly) sleazy cast of characters D.J.T.’s appointed, there is a man, or a woman, who’ll soon find it impossible to make what he (or she) knows correlate comfortably with what he (or she) also knows to be the truth. Then, overnight, what I predicted months ago will occur — a scandal making Watergate, in retrospect, look like child’s play. The rat is already fighting quietly, but tooth and nail, to stop release of what White House files hold.

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