by Barry Hastings

The state of our union … troubling (not to say shaky). Our President is a pathological liar. The Senate, sitting  on some 400 bills sent them by the Houses of Representatives has bent over backwards kowtowing to a criminal President whos getting away with the worst casof coercion in the nation ‘s history.

Offered an opportunity to hear that t0ruth about the President’s blatant attempt to force Ukraine’s new president to discredit former Vice President Joe Biden, straight from the horse’s mouth (former National Security advisor John Bolton), only two Republican senators had the cojones to vote for his testimony.

This bit of blackmail is another piece of evidence to our old friends and allies that under Trump, American promises are not worth a hoot!

As I’ve noted (often) beforour President seems to he helping the world ‘s s strongmen and dictators, cons consolidate strength and influence at the expense of the worlds, democracies in general, and our democratic republic in particular. If he should by some misfortune be re-elected, we‘ re likely to learn what. it‘s like to live in a world. without friends. I wonder, often , what happeneto make him hate his homeland so much?

I also noted with interest just days ago thnumber of soldiers injured in Iranian attacks on American bases in Iraq has climbed from zero (as claimed by Trump the nexday), to more than 50. He pooh-poohed the serious implications of closed-head wounds most of them suffered, though such injuries are, in the long run, among the most serious wounds a soldier can suffer.

Our President is, to quote my deceased father, “The east end of a horse, going west.” Not having had the courage to soldier himself  he belittles those who do, and their injuries. What a jerk he is!

Yet, despite his cowardly conduct related to the military draft, his disgusting comments about injuries suffered by our soldiers at every Trump rally I see on the tube too many veterans, sporting  service-oriented caps with “Make America Great Again” T-shirts.

It will take all of us to save our American republic.

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