Larry HampAt the end of summer 2015, there were 1.25 million Americans under arms. Many are fighting, or training others to do so, in most of the world’s worst pest-holes and rat warrens, with little hope of success, and no hope for victory (in the old-fashioned sense of the word).

There are just not enough of them to handle the big work at hand, and ahead. Their allies, basically, are worthless (in a soldierly sense). The total includes 491,117 Army, 226,612 Navy, 308,016 Air Force and 183,948 Marines.

The Coast Guard (Homeland Security Dept.) adds something under 50,000. The total is just over one million, two-hundred fifty thousand in our armed forces (it goes without saying many are not fighting armed forces).

Let me say a few words about the USCG — seldom a scandal (one) over 225 years, wonderful, stellar service to the nation in peace and war — at home and abroad. Their service in our second national war, the quasi-war with Napoleon’s France, was most incredibly impressive — they fought 23 single-ship actions, all against larger ships, and won all 23.

In World War II they crumpled many a Nazi U-boat in Atlantic, Mediterranean and Caribbean. They also landed many a tough U.S. Marine on islands and atolls across the wide Pacific, and many more GFs in Africa, Sicily, Italy, Normandy and France.

The World War II Coast Guard suffered a higher ratio of casualties-to-men-serving, than any other branch of our military service.

Between 1797-98 and World War II, they did their part in 1812-14, in 1846-7 (Mexico), 1860-65, Cuba in 1898, and the stormy North Atlantic, 1917-18. All in addition to lifesaving and law enforcement in our coastal and inland waterways.

As CBS News anchorman Scott Pelley said (on the evening news Friday, Oct. 9, “The Coast Guard goes out when other ships are sinking.” Semper Paratus! (Always Ready).

This great servant to the country began with the second Congressional Bill signed into Law by George Washington, in 1790. It created the Revenue Cutter (a class of small sailing ship) Service, under auspices of the U. S. Treasury Department. Their purpose was to stop smugglers. Later, provisions were made to place those ships and men under Navy command in time of war.

Later still, the U. S. Lighthouse Service, and the U. S. Lifeboat Service, were (seamlessly) added. During our recent lifetime, Coast Guard responsibilities have increased one-hundredfold (at least), and the likelihood of disaster should they fail in mission, much, much more.

Praise intelligent design, they’re pretty much unaccustomed to failing. (Witness New Orleans, where they rescued 33,000 citizens from wind and water a few years back.)

Dems were delightful in the debate

Moving on. Everyone is saying, “Hillary is back!” From the way she (and other Democrats) handled themselves (and the issues) in their first debate, the decency and respect with which they treated one another, I’d say the ‘Thunder on the right’ is nothing other than the faint rumble we sometimes hear along with heat-lightning on a warm summer evening.

A comparison with the dog and pony shows thus far offered up by the GOP, and their “leading lights,” Trump, Bush, Cruz, et al, demonstrates their lamps burn lower and dimmer, daily.

Hillary is back. She’s my choice, and the choice of a huge majority of Democrats — still, far, far, far and away, “the toughest, brightest guy we have!” The best debater, as well!

So long, Bernie, Jim, Marty, Joe. (Get on the bandwagon, where Democrats want you.)

Good luck to right-wingers who try to talk themselves into supporting the failed, foolish, and foolhardy policies of the criminals who opened Pandora’s box in the mid-east 13 (long, long) years ago. They’ve cost our country trillions, wasted thousands of U.S. military lives, and brought on mass migrations, throughout those lands, not seen before in modern times.

I can only add this comment: Democrats can and should take heart — be heartened — by the businesslike, respectful demeanor of those in the party seeking the Presidential nomination. They’re offing real choices, real solutions, and real food for thought on issues both foreign and domestic. A far cry from the raving, racist, ranters of the right. I’m very impressed!

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